Indy's Apartment in Prague

Post date: Jul 01, 2010 5:29:20 PM

Today's hunt - the "Chauvin Atelier" (the name no doubt influenced by the show's matte painter Eric Chauvin), the apartment building where Indy stays while in Prague (Espionage Escapades). This is where the wacky hi-jinks ensue as he attempts to hook up his telephone so he can receive a very important phone call. He eventually resorts to climbing out the window and trying to do it himself in a Buster Keaton-esque moment.

I've scoured Google Earth for this one for a while now, because by looking at the shots in the show it appears in a very distinct location - but that is very often misleading with this show because of the extreme use of matte paintings. That often explains why things don't quite line up with real-life photos.

As I've searched the satellite images time & again, I kept coming back to the same street - called "Uvoz." The only thing that didn't fit was that in real life this is an actual street wide enough to drive cars on, but in the show it just appears to be a sidewalk. Without the aid of Street View on this one, there was no easy way to verify it.

I took another look today, concentrating my eagle eyes on the surrounding buildings trying to find a match. And I finally did - the building circled in yellow below. This brought me to the smaller one below it, where Indy's apartment was on the 2nd story corner (circled in red):

Until we can get someone there with a camera there's no way to positively identify it, but I'm fairly sure this is the spot. The only photo I could find online that shows it is this one, (the building circled in blue):

The address, according to Google Maps is:

118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

