
Here are some other links related to Young Indiana Jones & film locations. 

The Young Indy Chroniclers podcast is a must-listen if you are a Young Indy fan. 

Jean-Christophe Quenot's excellent On the Trail of Indy site (French)

The Raven is a fan-made discussion forum on all things Indy & Young Indy.'s Young Indy page is probably the most comprehensive out there.

The Inner Mind Young Indy Fan Page was where I first went to feed my YIJ obsession.

The message board is no longer active, but the site still has some good photos & information.

Tash's YoungIndianaJonesMusic is the place to go to find out about the show's musical score.

The Indiana Jones Wiki gives a complete history of the man's adventures.

Wickey has created a page on Internet Movie Car Database to identify the vehicles seen in the show.