Indy's Prague Apartment

Post date: Jul 30, 2014 6:1:58 PM

This is a follow up to an earlier blog post about my "discovery" of the "Chauvin Atelier" - Indy's apartment that has a big role at the end of Prague 1917 (Espionage Escapades). As previously described, this was where in the final act, Indy must crawl out his window with the aid of a ladder to reconnect the phone line in order to receive an important call. Even though I'd fairly certainly pinpointed the location using Google Maps, there was no way to verify the find without someone on the street with a camera.

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This is where my friend fommes came to the rescue, with these great shots from his recent visit to Prague.

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As you can see, a certain amount of trickery was involved with the scene - including the manipulation of the street to a sidewalk, the buildings in the background and the addition of the non-existent telephone pole. However, there is no doubt that this is the correct location.

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This shows the view from the left side of the street, which illustrates the enhancements made to the above shots.

Thanks again fommes for your help!