Venice Hospital

Post date: Apr 17, 2014 1:29:27 AM

I just returned from my first-ever trip to Italy and among many other adventures also managed to slip in a few film locations to the mix. It was very cool to see many of the famous landmarks seen onscreen in person and make a few discoveries as well. While walking through Venice I stumbled across one location completely by accident that I recognized immediately - the hospital in Venice during the "Tales of Innocence" bridging sequence.

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This is where Indy is shown leaving the hospital (after some special care by one of the nurses) to much fanfare and hops in a boat toward the harbor. The building used clearly wasn't a real hospital and is rather nondescript compared to the many others in Venice. It was really only by the distinct S-curve of the canal here that I was able to identify the spot.

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The canal seen in the shot is Rio del Malconton, and this particular pathway is called Fondamenta Malconton.

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The nurse waves to Indy in front of Sotoportego Surian, which leads into Corte Surian.

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Looking back up at the balcony of the building, where the nurses were waving from.

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Indy heads out under the bridge that crosses over to Fondamenta Minotto. If one were to actually follow the canal out this way, it would rejoin the Grand Canal very near the Venezia Santa Lucia train station.

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