Battlefield in the Dolomites (Northern Italy)

Post date: Jan 10, 2014 10:51:28 PM

As this episode opens, Indy is seen working undercover as a German officer high in the Italian Dolomites. During WWI, many tunnels were bored through the mountains to serve as underground bunkers. Today these passageways remain and can be explored by adventurous mountaineers.

For the filming of this episode, the film crew actually shot battle scenes high up on the side of Tre Cime di Lavaredo, one of the most popular destinations in the Dolomites. There are many actual tunnels from WWI in this area.

The battle scenes were filmed on the south slopes of the mountain. This shot looks directly south.

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This is the reverse angle, looking back toward Tre Cime di Lavaredo.

The entrance to the underground tunnel is located on the ridge of the east side of the easternmost peak of the three, Cima Piccola.

Click on photo to enlarge!

This photo illustrates where the tunnel is located on Cima Piccola.

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Indy is seen exiting the tunnel and crossing to the north side of the peak to talk to Captain Morel (Karl Glen Stimpson).

In the background, you can clearly make out the 2, 617m tower Toblin, located to the north...

...which can also be clearly seen in this establishing shot. Rifigio Antonio Locatelli is seen at the base.

GPS Coordinates:


I'm so glad to finally have pinned this one down, it's been one of my most wanted locations since I started this project!