Extra! Extra! University of Chicago campus finally found!!

Post date: Apr 14, 2010 8:51:1 PM

This was one of the first locations I started looking for when I started this project, so this is a very exciting find! After a search of every large university campus in the Wilmington, NC area (comparing Google photos to screenshots), I was clueless as to where this might be. University of Chicago? Nope. Princeton? Nope. Oxford (London scenes were shot there)? Nope.

Today it dawned on me - maybe it's another college elsewhere in the south. University of SC? Now I knew I was getting close - the architecture of the buildings was a VERY close match. University of NC? Still close, but no cigar. Then I noticed a photo in Google Maps of nearby Duke University - and recognized instantly the Chapel building from one of the shots in Blues:

Indy is sitting on a bench on the SE side of the Perkins Library at 411 Chapel Drive (36.001475, -78.938303).

Then I recognized another building in the same person's photo collection - the one behind Indy as he walks across a quad in Princeton 1919:

Sure enough, there is was - the Davison Building at 201 Trent Drive (36.002705, -78.937352):

From the first spot above (outside the Perkins Library), walk NE on the walkway to the next connecting building. Indy's dorm is the Languages Building at 413 Chapel Drive. This view is from the east side (36.002062, -78.937894).

Now from this spot, walk NE across the grass to the Sociology/Psychology Building at 417 Chapel Drive. The southwest corner (36.002291, -78.937465) is where this shot is from (also seen in Princeton 1919):

Done and done. Another major find to check off the list!