Paris 1908 (Passion for Life)

First Aired: 6/19/93

Directed by: Rene Manzor

Like most episodes set in Europe, this one featured a few shots of landmarks in Paris but the majority was filmed in and around Prague, Czech Republic.

An excerpt from George Lucas: The Creative Impulse:

“After using Prague for some scenes, production moved to Paris with fifty extras with a small 6 person crew, & shot footage around Louvre for authenticity.”

During bridging scenes, we see a highly digitally altered stock footage shot of the oldest-surviving Greek cable laying ship Thalis o Milisios, docked at the Aegian Maritime Museum at Flisvos Marina near Athens

GPS Coordinates: 

37°56'01.9"N 23°41'06.0"E

During transitional scenes, there is a passing shot of Waddesdon Manor in Aylesbury, UK. 

We see the Joneses arrive to Paris at Luton Hoo Hotel, a popular filming site in the UK


The Mansion House, Luton LU1 3TQ, United Kingdom

Indy & Miss Seymour cross the Alexander III Bridge in Paris, with the Grand Palais in the background.

GPS Coordinates:

48.863611, 2.313611 

Indy plays on the fountain at the Place de la Concorde in Paris.

GPS Coordinates:


The shot of Indy & Miss Seymour in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral was shot from a walkway on the opposite (south) side of the Seine.

GPS Coordinates:


Indy & Miss Seymour take a carriage ride near the Eiffel Tower, a shot nearly repeated in Paris 1916.

GPS Coordinates:


(photo by InexorableTash)

The stairway that Indy & Norman are seen on is at the top of Jansky vrsek street in Prague, near Prague Castle.

GPS Coordinates:


Indy, Norman and Miss Seymour go to a puppet show at the National Marionette Theater in Prague.


Zatecka 1

Prague 1

At the end of the episode we get another matte-painting-extended view of the Luton Hoo Hotel

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