The Adventure Begins...

This project is an attempt to locate as many of the filming locations as possible from the 1992-94 TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. This show was unique because it utilized many real-world locations, and filming took place across the globe. The show's locations are a mix of many famous landmarks from international cities & obscure hard-to-find spots. If you're planning a 'round-the-glove adventure, these would be some excellent suggestions! Another aspect that will make this project more challenging are the show's prevalent usage of stock footage & digital matte paintings. A lot of sets were also used, but my main focus is the physical locations that still exist, that one might be able to actually visit. With literally hundreds of locations to find, this project will be no easy task...

*This site is in no way, shape, or form connected to Lucasfilm Ltd. or the Indiana Jones franchise. 

This is a non-profit, fan-made site & project and all images & descriptions relating to the show are for reference purposes only.

If you like this show as much as I do, I strongly encourage you to buy the DVDs!