Old Indy bookends

Post date: Jul 10, 2010 5:44:22 PM

With the knowledge that most of the bookends featuring Old Indy (George Hall) in the original TV versions of the episodes were shot in Wilmington, I began my search for the filming locations. With the help of Stoo's Youtube page (thanks for all the hard work, Stoo), I took a series of screen shots to help identify the spots. I'm still on the hunt, but here's what I've found so far:

The bookend where Indy goes to the hospital for a stubbed toe (in the original Oganga episode) was filmed at New Hanover Regional Medical Center at 2131 South 17th Street in Wilmington. This was confirmed by Stoo from an extra who was in the scene.

The shopping mall parking lot where Indy steals a parking spot from 2 men as they argue about it (in the original Northern Italy episode) was outside the Sears store of the Independence Mall, at 3500 Oleander Drive, Wilmington.

In the Austria 1917 bookend, we find Indy with his hand stuck in a mailbox. A postal worker accuses him of trying to steal mail and he begins the narration of the episode. The mailbox was on Princess St. at the corner of 2nd St. in downtown Wilmington. The old courthouse is visible in the background.

In the bookend for the original Benares episode, Indy stops by "Mike's Roadhouse" and has a chat at the bar. This was filmed at the Big Dog Cafe at 1632 Castle Hayne Rd, Wilmington, NC. The interior was used as well.

In the bookend for Paris 1916, Indy begins his tale after discussing tabloids with a woman in a grocery store checkout line. If you look closely in one shot you can see the logo of "Hill's Food Stores," of which there are two branches near Wilmington. My money is on this closer one, at 5001 Main St. in Shallotte, NC. Still pending confirmation until I can get a look inside...