children's idioms

Certainly! Here's a list of 100 children's idioms:

1. A piece of cake

2. Out of the blue

3. All ears

4. Cat got your tongue?

5. Barking up the wrong tree

6. Butterflies in my stomach

7. Curiosity killed the cat

8. Cry over spilled milk

9. Actions speak louder than words

10. Fit as a fiddle

11. A penny for your thoughts

12. Birds of a feather flock together

13. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

14. The early bird catches the worm

15. A watched pot never boils

16. Let the cat out of the bag

17. When pigs fly

18. Raining cats and dogs

19. When the cat's away, the mice will play

20. A leopard can't change its spots

21. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

22. Kill two birds with one stone

23. Like two peas in a pod

24. Monkey see, monkey do

25. As quiet as a mouse

26. The bigger, the better

27. A rolling stone gathers no moss

28. Don't judge a book by its cover

29. It's raining cats and dogs

30. A chip off the old block

31. All that glitters is not gold

32. The grass is always greener on the other side

33. Put all your eggs in one basket

34. A stitch in time saves nine

35. A hard nut to crack

36. Two heads are better than one

37. The apple of my eye

38. The bee's knees

39. A fish out of water

40. A wolf in sheep's clothing

41. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

42. The pot calling the kettle black

43. A bull in a china shop

44. A penny saved is a penny earned

45. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

46. All that jazz

47. Better late than never

48. A rolling stone gathers no moss

49. Beggars can't be choosers

50. A picture is worth a thousand words

51. Cool as a cucumber

52. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

53. Every cloud has a silver lining

54. Fish or cut bait

55. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

56. Go against the grain

57. Hit the nail on the head

58. In the same boat

59. Jump on the bandwagon

60. Keep your fingers crossed

61. Let sleeping dogs lie

62. Like shooting fish in a barrel

63. Make a mountain out of a molehill

64. Nip it in the bud

65. On cloud nine

66. Over the moon

67. Play it by ear

68. Pull someone's leg

69. Saved by the bell

70. Shoot for the moon

71. The best of both worlds

72. The elephant in the room

73. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

74. Throw caution to the wind

75. Turn over a new leaf

76. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

77. You can't judge a book by its cover

78. You're the apple of my eye

79. A friend in need is a friend indeed

80. A watched kettle never boils

81. Actions speak louder than words

82. All's fair in love and war

83. Better safe than sorry

84. Cross that bridge when you come to it

85. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

86. Don't cry over spilled milk

87. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

88. Every dog has its day

89. Fortune favors the bold

90. Haste makes waste

91. It takes two to tango

92. Let the cat out of the bag

93. Rome wasn't built in a day

94. The early bird catches the worm

95. The grass is always greener on the other side

96. The pen is mightier than the sword

97. There's no place like home

98. Two wrongs don't make a right

99. When in doubt, do without

100. You can't have your cake and eat it too

1. A little bird told me

2. All in the same boat

3. Back to the drawing board

4. Beat around the bush

5. Between a rock and a hard place

6. Bite the bullet

7. Break the ice

8. By the skin of your teeth

9. Catch someone red-handed

10. Change your tune

11. Close, but no cigar

12. Cost an arm and a leg

13. Cross your fingers

14. Cut to the chase

15. Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree

16. Don't put the cart before the horse

17. Drop the ball

18. Face the music

19. Get a taste of your own medicine

20. Give someone the cold shoulder

21. Go the extra mile

22. Have a heart of gold

23. Hit the jackpot

24. Hold your horses

25. In hot water

26. It's a piece of pie

27. Keep your chin up

28. Kick the bucket

29. Live and learn

30. Make a long story short

31. March to the beat of your own drum

32. Miss the boat

33. No pain, no gain

34. Off the top of my head

35. On thin ice

36. Out of sight, out of mind

37. Over the hill

38. Pull someone's chain

39. Put all your cards on the table

40. Rain or shine

41. Save it for a rainy day

42. Shake a leg

43. Show your true colors

44. Sing a different tune

45. Smell a rat

46. Smooth sailing

47. Spin your wheels

48. Take a hike

49. Take it with a grain of salt

50. The ball is in your court

51. The best thing since sliced bread

52. The icing on the cake

53. The whole nine yards

54. Time flies when you're having fun

55. Turn a blind eye

56. Up in the air

57. Use your noodle

58. Walk on eggshells

59. Wear your heart on your sleeve

60. Wet behind the ears

61. When the going gets tough, the tough get going

62. Wrap it up

63. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs

64. Your guess is as good as mine

65. A picture paints a thousand words

66. All roads lead to Rome

67. Backseat driver

68. Beat a dead horse

69. Birds of a feather flock together

70. Break a leg

71. By hook or by crook

72. Catch a cold

73. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

74. Drive someone up the wall

75. Elephant in the room

76. Everything but the kitchen sink

77. Fish for compliments

78. Fit like a glove

79. Get your act together

80. Give someone the benefit of the doubt

81. Go down the rabbit hole

82. Have a whale of a time

83. Hit the ground running

84. In the nick of time

85. It's a no-brainer

86. Keep your eyes peeled

87. Let the chips fall where they may

88. Make waves

89. Monkey business

90. Not a cloud in the sky

91. On cloud nine

92. Penny for your thoughts

93. Play devil's advocate

94. Put your foot in your mouth

95. Rise and shine

96. See eye to eye

97. Stick to your guns

98. Take the bull by the horns

99. The straw that broke the camel's back

100. You snooze, you lose

1. A blessing in disguise

2. A dime a dozen

3. All bark and no bite

4. Beat the clock

5. Better late than never

6. Break the ice

7. Bury the hatchet

8. Castles in the air

9. Chew the fat

10. Cross your fingers

11. Cry over spilt milk

12. Drive someone up the wall

13. Fall head over heels

14. Get a kick out of something

15. Give it a whirl

16. Have a ball

17. Hit the nail on the head

18. In a nutshell

19. It's a small world

20. Keep your cool

21. Let the cat out of the bag

22. Live and let live

23. Make ends meet

24. Monkey around

25. On cloud nine

26. Part of the furniture

27. Pinch pennies

28. Put your foot down

29. Rain on someone's parade

30. Rub someone the wrong way

31. Shoot for the stars

32. Sing a different tune

33. Smell a rat

34. Stand your ground

35. Take a rain check

36. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

37. The early bird gets the worm

38. The grass is always greener on the other side

39. Time flies when you're having fun

40. Turn a blind eye

41. Up the creek without a paddle

42. Water under the bridge

43. Wear your heart on your sleeve

44. Whistle while you work

45. You can't have your cake and eat it too

46. A drop in the bucket

47. A fish out of water

48. A penny for your thoughts

49. All hands on deck

50. Back to square one

51. Bite off more than you can chew

52. Break a sweat

53. By the book

54. Cold feet

55. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

56. Every cloud has a silver lining

57. Fool's gold

58. Get your ducks in a row

59. Hit the jackpot

60. In the driver's seat

61. It's a no-brainer

62. Keep your fingers crossed

63. Let sleeping dogs lie

64. Make hay while the sun shines

65. No guts, no glory

66. Off the beaten path

67. On the same page

68. Play it cool

69. Put all your eggs in one basket

70. Rain or shine

71. Rise and shine

72. Scratch the surface

73. Shoot from the hip

74. Sit tight

75. Spill the beans

76. Take the plunge

77. The bigger, the better

78. The pot calling the kettle black

79. The squeaky wheel gets the grease

80. Turn the tables

81. Up in arms

82. When pigs fly

83. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

84. A leopard can't change its spots

85. All that glitters is not gold

86. Barking up the wrong tree

87. Beat around the bush

88. Cry wolf

89. Diamond in the rough

90. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

91. Easy as pie

92. Fit like a glove

93. Go with the flow

94. Hold your horses

95. In the blink of an eye

96. Jack of all trades

97. Keep your eyes peeled

98. Let bygones be bygones

99. Nip it in the bud

100. Out of this world

1. A penny saved is a penny earned

2. Actions speak louder than words

3. All ears

4. Apple of my eye

5. Back to the salt mines

6. Beat a hasty retreat

7. Better safe than sorry

8. Break the spell

9. Butterflies in your stomach

10. Catch some Z's

11. Close but no cigar

12. Cross that bridge when you come to it

13. Cut to the chase

14. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

15. Don't cry over spilled milk

16. Every dog has its day

17. Find your feet

18. Get a move on

19. Give someone the benefit of the doubt

20. Hang in there

21. Have a blast

22. Hit the road

23. In the doghouse

24. It's a piece of cake

25. Jump on the bandwagon

26. Keep your fingers crossed

27. Let the good times roll

28. Make a mountain out of a molehill

29. Monkey see, monkey do

30. On the same wavelength

31. Penny wise, pound foolish

32. Put all your eggs in one basket

33. Rain cats and dogs

34. Save the day

35. Sink or swim

36. Speak of the devil

37. Take a breather

38. The early bird catches the worm

39. The more, the merrier

40. Time is of the essence

41. Turn over a new leaf

42. Use your imagination

43. When it rains, it pours

44. You can't judge a book by its cover

45. A picture is worth a thousand words

46. All that jazz

47. Back to square one

48. Beat the heat

49. Better late than never

50. Break the mold

51. Bury the hatchet

52. Cast your vote

53. Chew the cud

54. Cry over spilt milk

55. Diamond in the rough

56. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

57. Every cloud has a silver lining

58. Fall on deaf ears

59. Get the ball rolling

60. Give someone the cold shoulder

61. Have a heart-to-heart

62. Hit the ground running

63. In the nick of time

64. It's raining cats and dogs

65. Keep your eyes on the prize

66. Let the cat out of the bag

67. Make waves

68. On cloud nine

69. Paint the town red

70. Put your thinking cap on

71. Ring a bell

72. Shoot for the moon

73. Sing your heart out

74. Take it or leave it

75. The early worm gets caught

76. The grass is always greener on the other side

77. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

78. Think outside the box

79. Under the weather

80. Work like a beaver

81. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

82. A watched pot never boils

83. All that glitters is not gold

84. Bark up the wrong tree

85. Beat the odds

86. Bubble wrap

87. Catch your breath

88. Don't bite off more than you can chew

89. Eat your heart out

90. Finders keepers, losers weepers

91. Go with the flow

92. Hit the jackpot

93. Keep your nose clean

94. Let off steam

95. Make a splash

96. On top of the world

97. Play your cards right

98. Ring in the new

99. Take the bull by the horns

100. Use elbow grease

1. A rolling stone gathers no moss

2. Actions speak louder than words

3. All for one, and one for all

4. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree

5. Backseat driver

6. Beat around the bush

7. Better late than never

8. Break a leg

9. Butterflies in the stomach

10. Catch a cold

11. Close the book

12. Cut the mustard

13. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

14. Duck out

15. Elephant in the room

16. Every cloud has a silver lining

17. Face the music

18. Get a grip

19. Give it your best shot

20. Hang out

21. Have a change of heart

22. Hit the books

23. In hot water

24. It's raining cats and dogs

25. Jump to conclusions

26. Keep your chin up

27. Let your hair down

28. Make a long story short

29. Monkey business

30. On thin ice

31. Penny for your thoughts

32. Put two and two together

33. Rain or shine

34. Save the day

35. Sit on the fence

36. Speak your mind

37. Take a hike

38. The early bird catches the worm

39. The more, the merrier

40. Time flies

41. Turn a blind eye

42. Use your noodle

43. When pigs fly

44. You're pulling my leg

45. A penny for your thoughts

46. All thumbs

47. Backseat driver

48. Beat the clock

49. Better safe than sorry

50. Break the ice

51. Butter someone up

52. Catch your breath

53. Cut corners

54. Don't rock the boat

55. Every rose has its thorn

56. Face the music

57. Get a taste of your own medicine

58. Give someone the cold shoulder

59. Hang in there

60. Have a green thumb

61. Hit the nail on the head

62. In the doghouse

63. It's a small world

64. Keep your eyes peeled

65. Let the cat out of the bag

66. Make a mountain out of a molehill

67. On cloud nine

68. Paint the town red

69. Put your best foot forward

70. Rain on someone's parade

71. Scratch the surface

72. Shoot for the moon

73. Sing your heart out

74. Take the bull by the horns

75. The early bird catches the worm

76. The grass is always greener on the other side

77. The pot calling the kettle black

78. Think outside the box

79. Under the weather

80. Walk on eggshells

81. A bird's-eye view

82. A watched pot never boils

83. All dressed up with nowhere to go

84. Bark is worse than your bite

85. Beat a dead horse

86. Cat got your tongue?

87. Cry over spilled milk

88. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

89. Eat your words

90. Find your voice

91. Go the extra mile

92. Hit the ground running

93. Keep your cool

94. Let off steam

95. Make waves

96. On top of the world

97. Play by ear

98. Ring a bell

99. Take it easy

100. Use your words

1. A watched kettle never boils

2. Actions speak louder than words

3. All in the same boat

4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

5. Back to square one

6. Beat the drum

7. Better safe than sorry

8. Break the ice

9. Butter someone up

10. Catch some rays

11. Close the door behind you

12. Cut the cake

13. Don't put all your apples in one basket

14. Elephant in the room

15. Every dog has its day

16. Face the music

17. Get a taste of your own medicine

18. Give it a whirl

19. Hang up your hat

20. Have a sweet tooth

21. Hit the nail on the head

22. In the limelight

23. It's like finding a needle in a haystack

24. Jump for joy

25. Keep your feet on the ground

26. Let your hair down

27. Make a mess

28. Monkeying around

29. On cloud nine

30. Penny for your thoughts

31. Put your foot down

32. Raining buckets

33. Save for a rainy day

34. Sit tight

35. Speak your mind

36. Take a leap of faith

37. The early bird catches the worm

38. The more, the merrier

39. Time flies when you're having fun

40. Turn a deaf ear

41. Use your inside voice

42. When pigs fly

43. You're a chip off the old block

44. A penny for your thoughts

45. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

46. Bark up the wrong tree

47. Beat the odds

48. Better late than never

49. Break the mold

50. By the skin of your teeth

51. Catch your breath

52. Cut to the chase

53. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

54. Every cloud has a silver lining

55. Face the facts

56. Get a grip on yourself

57. Give it your all

58. Hang onto your hat

59. Have your cake and eat it too

60. Hit the spot

61. In the nick of time

62. It's raining buckets

63. Keep your eyes peeled

64. Let the chips fall where they may

65. Make a name for yourself

66. On top of the world

67. Paint yourself into a corner

68. Put your thinking cap on

69. Rain or shine

70. Scratch the surface

71. Shoot for the stars

72. Sing a different tune

73. Take the plunge

74. The early worm gets the bird

75. The grass is always greener on the other side

76. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

77. Think on your feet

78. Under the same umbrella

79. Walk on air

80. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

81. A watched clock never moves

82. All dressed up and nowhere to go

83. Bark worse than your bite

84. Beat around the bush

85. Cat got your tongue?

86. Cry wolf

87. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

88. Eat your heart out

89. Find your way

90. Go with the flow

91. Hit the jackpot

92. Keep your cool

93. Let the cat out of the bag

94. Make hay while the sun shines

95. On the same page

96. Play it by ear

97. Ring a bell

98. Take it easy

99. Use your imagination

100. Zip your lip

1. A watched pot never boils

2. Actions speak louder than words

3. All bark and no bite

4. An apple of my eye

5. Back to the drawing board

6. Beat the odds

7. Better late than never

8. Bigger fish to fry

9. Break the news

10. Butterflies in the stomach

11. Catch some Z's

12. Close but no cigar

13. Cut a rug

14. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

15. Elephant in the room

16. Every cloud has a silver lining

17. Face the music

18. Get a kick out of

19. Give someone the cold shoulder

20. Hang by a thread

21. Have a whale of a time

22. Hit the road

23. In the driver's seat

24. It's like finding a needle in a haystack

25. Jump on the bandwagon

26. Keep your fingers crossed

27. Let the cat out of the bag

28. Make a mountain out of a molehill

29. Monkey see, monkey do

30. On cloud nine

31. Penny for your thoughts

32. Put your foot in your mouth

33. Rain or shine

34. Save your breath

35. Sit on the fence

36. Speak of the devil

37. Take a rain check

38. The early bird catches the worm

39. The more, the merrier

40. Time flies when you're having fun

41. Turn over a new leaf

42. Use your inside voice

43. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

44. You're a fish out of water

45. A penny saved is a penny earned

46. All thumbs

47. Back to square one

48. Beat around the bush

49. Better safe than sorry

50. Break the spell

51. By the book

52. Catch your fancy

53. Cut the cord

54. Don't cry over spilled milk

55. Every dog has its day

56. Face the facts

57. Get a taste of adventure

58. Give it a shot

59. Hang in there

60. Have your hands full

61. Hit the jackpot

62. In the nick of time

63. It's raining cats and dogs

64. Keep your eyes peeled

65. Let the good times roll

66. Make a difference

67. On top of the world

68. Paint the town red

69. Put your thinking cap on

70. Rainbows and unicorns

71. Scratch your head

72. Shoot for the moon

73. Sing like a bird

74. Take the bull by the horns

75. The early bird gets the worm

76. The grass is always greener on the other side

77. The pot calling the kettle black

78. Think outside the box

79. Under the same umbrella

80. Walk on sunshine

81. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

82. All dressed up with nowhere to go

83. Bark up the wrong tree

84. Beat the clock

85. Cat got your tongue?

86. Cry over spilled milk

87. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

88. Eat your words

89. Find your way

90. Go the extra mile

91. Hit the ground running

92. Keep your cool

93. Let off steam

94. Make waves

95. On top of the world

96. Play your cards right

97. Ring a bell

98. Take it easy

99. Use your imagination

100. Zip your lips

1. A bird's-eye view

2. Actions speak louder than words

3. All hands on deck

4. Apple of my eye

5. Backseat driver

6. Beat around the bush

7. Better safe than sorry

8. Bite off more than you can chew

9. Break the ice

10. Butterflies in the stomach

11. Catch some rays

12. Close, but no cigar

13. Cut the mustard

14. Don't judge a book by its cover

15. Elephant in the room

16. Every dog has its day

17. Face the music

18. Get a taste of your own medicine

19. Give it your best shot

20. Hang in there

21. Have a green thumb

22. Hit the nail on the head

23. In the blink of an eye

24. It's like taking candy from a baby

25. Jump through hoops

26. Keep your chin up

27. Let the chips fall where they may

28. Make a long story short

29. Monkey business

30. On cloud nine

31. Penny for your thoughts

32. Put all your eggs in one basket

33. Rain or shine

34. Save for a rainy day

35. Sit on pins and needles

36. Speak of the devil

37. Take a hike

38. The early bird catches the worm

39. The more, the merrier

40. Time flies when you're having fun

41. Turn a blind eye

42. Use your manners

43. When pigs fly

44. You're as cool as a cucumber

45. A penny for your thoughts

46. All roads lead to Rome

47. Bark up the wrong tree

48. Beat the clock

49. Better late than never

50. Break the mold

51. By the skin of your teeth

52. Catch your breath

53. Cut to the chase

54. Don't bite off more than you can chew

55. Every cloud has a silver lining

56. Face the facts

57. Get a hold of yourself

58. Give it your all

59. Hang up your hat

60. Have your cake and eat it too

61. Hit the spot

62. In the nick of time

63. It's raining cats and dogs

64. Keep your eyes on the prize

65. Let the cat out of the bag

66. Make a mountain out of a molehill

67. On top of the world

68. Paint the town red

69. Put your thinking cap on

70. Rainbows and butterflies

71. Scratch the surface

72. Shoot for the stars

73. Sing a different tune

74. Take the plunge

75. The early worm gets the bird

76. The grass is always greener on the other side

77. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

78. Think on your feet

79. Under the same umbrella

80. Walk on air

81. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

82. All dressed up and nowhere to go

83. Bark worse than your bite

84. Beat the odds

85. Cat got your tongue?

86. Cry over spilled milk

87. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

88. Eat your heart out

89. Find your way

90. Go with the flow

91. Hit the jackpot

92. Keep your cool

93. Let the cat out of the bag

94. Make hay while the sun shines

95. On the same wavelength

96. Play it by ear

97. Ring a bell

98. Take it easy

99. Use your imagination

100. Zip your lip

1. A blessing in disguise

2. A dime a dozen

3. A fish out of water

4. A piece of cake

5. Actions speak louder than words

6. All ears

7. All in the same boat

8. All thumbs

9. An arm and a leg

10. Back to square one

11. Barking up the wrong tree

12. Beat a dead horse

13. Better late than never

14. Bite the bullet

15. Break a leg

16. By the book

17. Call it a day

18. Chew the fat

19. Cold feet

20. Cross your fingers

21. Cry over spilled milk

22. Curiosity killed the cat

23. Dance to your own tune

24. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

25. Don't cry over spilled milk

26. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

27. Down the hatch

28. Down to the wire

29. Draw a blank

30. Drop the ball

31. Every cloud has a silver lining

32. Face the music

33. Fish or cut bait

34. Get a grip

35. Get cold feet

36. Get your feet wet

37. Give someone the cold shoulder

38. Go with the flow

39. Good as gold

40. Hang by a thread

41. Have a blast

42. Hit the nail on the head

43. Hold your horses

44. In the blink of an eye

45. In the doghouse

46. It takes two to tango

47. Jump the gun

48. Keep your chin up

49. Keep your fingers crossed

50. Kick the bucket

51. Let the cat out of the bag

52. Make a mountain out of a molehill

53. No pain, no gain

54. Off the hook

55. On thin ice

56. Out of the blue

57. Paint the town red

58. Pull someone's leg

59. Put all your eggs in one basket

60. Put your foot down

61. Rain cats and dogs

62. Ring a bell

63. Rule of thumb

64. Safe and sound

65. See eye to eye

66. Shake a leg

67. Shoot for the moon

68. Sit on the fence

69. Smell a rat

70. Spill the beans

71. Take a rain check

72. Take the bull by the horns

73. The ball is in your court

74. The best of both worlds

75. The early bird gets the worm

76. The icing on the cake

77. The last straw

78. The whole nine yards

79. Through thick and thin

80. Time flies

81. To each his own

82. Turn a blind eye

83. Under the weather

84. Up in the air

85. Use your head

86. Walk on eggshells

87. Wet behind the ears

88. When pigs fly

89. Whole new ballgame

90. Zip your lip

91. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

92. A chip off the old block

93. A penny for your thoughts

94. A picture is worth a thousand words

95. All bark and no bite

96. All dressed up with nowhere to go

97. All in a day's work

98. All that glitters is not gold

99. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

100. Backseat driver

101. Batten down the hatches

102. Beat around the bush

103. Better safe than sorry

104. Bite off more than you can chew

105. Break the ice

106. Butterflies in your stomach

107. By the skin of your teeth

108. Castles in the air

109. Catch some Z's

110. Change your tune

111. Close but no cigar

112. Come rain or shine

113. Cry wolf

114. Cut corners

115. Dog eat dog

116. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

117. Don't judge a book by its cover

118. Drop a bombshell

119. Every dog has its day

120. Face the facts

121. Get a kick out of

122. Give it a whirl

123. Go the extra mile

124. Have a cow

125. Hit the road

126. In the driver's seat

127. In the heat of the moment

128. It's a piece of pie

129. It's raining cats and dogs

130. Keep your eyes peeled

131. Know the ropes

132. Let the good times roll

133. Make a difference

134. Monkey see, monkey do

135. Nip it in the bud

136. Off the top of my head137. On cloud nine

138. On the ball

139. Out of the frying pan and into the fire

140. Over the moon

141. Play it by ear

142. Pull someone's leg

143. Put your money where your mouth is

144. Rain or shine

145. Rise and shine

146. Rome wasn't built in a day

147. Run out of steam

148. See the light at the end of the tunnel

149. Shoot the breeze

150. Sing a different tune

151. So far, so good

152. Spill your guts

153. Steal the show

154. Take a hike

155. The bigger they are, the harder they fall

156. The early bird catches the worm

157. The grass is always greener on the other side

158. The pot calling the kettle black

159. Think outside the box

160. Time flies when you're having fun

161. To each his own

162. Turn over a new leaf

163. Two heads are better than one

164. Use your noodle

165. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

166. You can't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree

167. A watched pot never boils

168. Actions speak louder than words

169. All's fair in love and war

170. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

171. Back to the drawing board

172. Barking up the wrong tree

173. Beat the clock

174. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't

175. Break the mold

176. Call a spade a spade

177. Catch your breath

178. Cut to the chase

179. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

180. Don't cry over spilled milk

181. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

182. Every man for himself

183. Fish out of water

184. Get your act together

185. Give someone a taste of their own medicine

186. Hang in there

187. Have your head in the clouds

188. Hit the jackpot

189. In the same boat

190. It's a no-brainer

191. Jump for joy

192. Keep your eye on the ball

193. Let the chips fall where they may

194. Make waves

195. Monkey around

196. On top of the world

197. Paint yourself into a corner

198. Put your thinking cap on

199. Rain on someone's parade

200. Save for a rainy day