C60 Miracle Molecule

C60 - Part 1 Understanding the Rat Study https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9dT2Sd5zbI

SES C60 Review. Is it Anti-Aging? Review Of Research


The Internet's Most trusted source for C60 Oil Reviews 2019

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EFFECTIVENESS OF C60 MULTIPLIED !! Inventor of this Proprietary Buckyol C60 gives a Presentation Explaining It’s Mechanisms of this Designed Miracle Molecule. He compares the difference between His designed Molecule vs the traditional forms of Carbon 60. He provides evidences to support that Buckyol C60 works almost Instantly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0VZMRdCE8E&t=812s https://archive.org/details/c60buckyolpresentation



1. The C60 molecule neutralize toxins and in doing so frees up cellular metabolic healing energy. C60-EVOO(C60 in Extra Virgin Olive Oil) is a complex molecular soup called Lipofullerene C60, where the C60 molecules are chemically bound to the lipid chains that occur in extra virgin olive oil.

The lipids attached to the C60 molecules are crucial in their antioxidative effect since it's the lipid chains that hold them inside the cellular lipid bilayers and mitochondrial membranes.

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL lipid chains to the C60 molecule and bringing them into the cell walls.

2. Toxins lack an electron and when they make contact and receive one from an antioxident electron donor C60 they are neutralized.

Also C60 neutralizes reactive Oxygen species (ROS) by accepting an electron from them. All C60 does is completely stop free radical damage.

3. C60 is a truly universal antioxidant, being able to accept as well as donate multiple electrons indefinitely without degrading itself. So it nearly completely protects against free radicals of all types by electrically neutralizing the free radical molecules - forever. PREVENTING DNA damage caused by free radicals.

Lipofullerene C60 semi-permanently embeds in the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria, where it acts as a reusable, recyclable antioxidant. The C60 molecule is not damaged when it accepts or donates electrons from/to free radicals. When a cell or mitochondrion dies, the lipofullerene C60 can be reused by other cells.

4. The more cellular energy is available the more the body is healed. There is absolutely NO "detox".

In fact, one will notice no "detox effects" whatsoever, since all C60 does is completely stop free radical damage, and that can not be "felt".

The biological half-time of C60-EVOO is extremely long (months) so as with the rats, it's not necessary to take it all the time.

5. C60 is the closest to the "fountain of youth" that has been found. It IS a good idea to start taking the product when you're young, because young people are just as exposed to free radicals as older people.

6. C60-EVOO has been proven to do only the following: Protect the liver against certain hepatotoxic chemicals;. Prevent tumor formation in mammals; Slow down aging in mammals and Being a reusable universal anti-oxidant.

It does NOT improve or cure any kind of ailment.

Improvements in this or that ailment after taking the product may be the Placebo Effect.

7. The product is completely safe to use under any and all conditions, except for people who can not eat olive oil for some reason. It will most certainly NOT cure any illness or affliction or condition.

The only PROVEN-IN-MAMMALS (prescription-free!) anti-aging supplement.

8. In rats this product has been PROVEN to: GREATLY slow down the effects of aging; be VERY effective protection against certain hepatotoxic chemicals that damage the liver; COMPLETELY protect against the formation of tumors and thus against getting cancer.

9. C60 has powerful tumor prevention effects, brain-rejuvenating effects and cardiovascular health effects as well as extremely dramatic longevity effects.

10. C60 repetitiously neutralizes cell oxidative stress debris by turning it into water which is excreted by the kidney. C60 does not burn out its chemical potential and it leaves the body within two weeks




Buckminsterfullerene, buckyballs, or C60 is a powerful antioxidant that has effects on unsaturated fats [R].

C60 removes superoxide, which is a toxic by-product of cellular metabolism that contributes to tissue injury in many human diseases [R].

A review of scientific research has shown that C60 has longevity and antioxidant effects given its scavenging capacity for reactive oxygen species [R].

Some think that by absorbing nearby acid, C60 is then attracted to the mitochondria and carries the protons superoxide acceptors to prevent the very source of damage from the electron transport chain

The proposed mechanism indicates that C60 has the ability to acquire positive charge by absorbing protons (positively charged hydrogen atoms) and this complex could enter the mitochondria, leading to a decrease in reactive oxygen species production [R].

Computer simulations have shown that C60 has the ability to pass through lipid membranes, enter the cell, and alter its functions [R].

Some C60 derivatives that are produced in the body are water soluble and apparently non-toxic below concentrations of 1 mg/mL [R].

9 Health Benefits Of C60

1) C60 Promotes Longevity

Carboxyl C60 prevents nerve cells from dying by either dehydration or amyloid-beta (causes Alzheimer’s) and allowed mice to live 8 days longer in a 120 day lifetime [R, R].

Another study found that average lifespan can increase 5-14% even when starting halfway through the lives of mice [R, R].

The above studies use a derivative of C60 while using actual C60 in olive oil can get 90% increase in lifespan for rats (using a dose of 1.7 mg/kg of body weight twice a month) [R].

2) C60 Protects Against Free Radicals

Free radicals can react with almost any molecule in your body and potentially damage it before leaving the molecule and going to the next one. An antioxidant like C60 (carboxyl) prevents age-related decline in mice [R, R].

Carboxy C60 is significantly better than ubiquinone, preventing fat peroxidation and iron-induced oxidation in cells [R].

Also, malonyl-C60 inhibits nitric oxide synthase, a creator of nitric oxide which is a free radical in test-tubes [R].

3) C60 Prevents Inflammation

By inhibiting IL-1, matrix metalloproteinases, and TNF-alpha, hydroxyl-C60 prevents inflammation in mice [R].

4) C60 Kills Viruses

When the right kind of photons work with hydroxy C60 it can deactivate mosquito viruses [R].

5) C60 Protects Nerves

Nerves can die from being fired too often and worked too hard. Hydroxyl C60 protects nerves from dying due to overwork in cell cultures [R].

6) C60 Prevents Osteoarthritis

Further, water-soluble C60 prevents stress-induced damage and the breakdown of bones. It also prevents loss of bone cells and prevents bone inflammation in rabbits [R].

7) C60 Improves Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

The C60 in squalene (shark oil) is a powerful antioxidant and can prevent fat cells from growing in size. It also prevents cells from increasing in number and prevent insulin resistance in cells [R].

8) C60 Kills Bacteria

Also, malonyl C60 killed and helped white blood cells to kill Group A Streptococcus (strep throat, skin infections, toxic shock syndrome) [R].

9) C60 Prevents UV Damage

Perfect for incorporating into a skin lotion, C60 Oil stops sunburn in models of human skin [R].

C60 is also able to decrease Th2 and Th17 Dominance, a major contributing factor to many chronic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. Check out SelfHacked Secrets to learn more about your immune dominance and find the proven advice you need to live a better, healthier life.

C60 Risks

When scientists gave rats much more than we would ever recommend, there were no changes in body fat, protein, sugar, and many other normal molecules [R].


40 mg Buckminsterfullerene in 50 ml Cretan extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). In unopened state, a bottle's shelf life is unrefrigerated three years, refrigerated four years and in the freezer ten years.

The seller of the oil is cretanoliveoilfarm.com, Elounda, 72100, Lassithi, East Crete, Greece and they have tours to show the origin of their oil. Olive oil in grocery stores is nearly always fake and is mainly other oil than olive oil, as well as cut with chemically masked rancid oils. Please note that any other oil, such as Avocado oil, sunflower oil or Coconut oil are highly inferior lipids than the EVOO lipid complex used in the rat study and hence, these cheap oils likely will not be able to hold the C60 in the lipid bilayer of the cells and mitochondria as effectively as the hundreds or thousands of different lipid chains found in EVOO. Vendors of these non-olive oil products spread false hype about C60 and sell clinically unproven products. They are in it to jump on a money-making bandwagon and have no idea what they're selling, no understanding of the original study and contempt for their customers, while claiming that their product is the only safe one or super-magical-special.


Based on equivalency allometric dosing calculations extrapolating from rats to average-weight humans, our recommended dose is 1.5 mg/day.


There is 40 mg C60 in a 50 ml bottle of oil. So if you take 1.5 mg C60/day, one bottle should last 40 / 1.5 = 26.66 days, rounded down due to oil residue to 26 days.


50 ml / 26.66 = 1.88 ml per dose.


If you squeeze the dropper fully and release it to suck up the oil, it is filled to approx. 1 ml. This means that when you do this twice and empty them both in your food, your mouth or a teaspoon, you've dosed a total of roughly 1.88 ml, since some of the oil remains stuck to the inside walls of the dropper. The exact dosage depends on many factors and it is irrelevant, especially since we don't know the optimal dose for humans anyway. The dosage recommendation is an educated guess, but a wild one.


When you suck up a full dropper dose twice to obtain the recommended dose, a bottle should last 26 days. So when you suck up the oil twice, you've sucked up approx. 2 ml of oil and achieved our recommended dosage of 1.5 mg C60 that day. After 26 days, you'll have sucked up all the oil. If it lasts significantly longer, you're not aspiring enough oil and the oil may be too cold to flow nicely. You'll have to let it sink down in the dropper a bit longer and repeatedly push it out. Do not store the opened bottle you're using in the fridge for that reason.

Note that this product is non-toxic, meaning if you drink an entire bottle, or ten bottles, the same would happen if you'd do that with plain olive oil. Perhaps better not to go into details :-) It is only possible to fill the dropper pipette halfway, so you need to suck the oil up twice. The bottles contain approx 53 ml but we guarantee 50. The bottle should then last 1 approx. month and due to the extremely long tissue half time of the product you can go without for many months, as the famous rat trial showed. It is unknown what the optimal dose is, so exact dosing is not important. We advise to take it with a little food, best with some fat content, to have the bile aid in the emulsification of the compound but you can also take it directly into the mouth. There are no other considerations of full/empty stomach, drinking before/afterwards, no restrictions on other food or medications etc. There are absolutely no interactions with any other substances so this product can be taken in combination with with medicines and any other supplement or food. Do not use the oil to fry with because frying temperatures may alter the lipo-part of this lipofullerene. With a human dose of 4 mg/day every day and taking allometric dosing into account, a person of average weight (70 kg/154 lbs.) will ingest the same qty. C60 as the rats did, adjusted for weight, on average, per day. However, the original LD50 study tried to poison the rats with C60, so it is likely that the longevity effect will be attained at lower dosages as well. Since people will take this every day for years, we advise a 1.5 mg daily dose. The rats were given 24 doses over a period of 7 months and the rats were already in early middle age when they started their first dose. Read more about C60 dosing.

Our C60 comes from Solaris Chem in Canada and not from cheap Russian vendors of impure C60, neither from the Chinese-owned-and-operated SES. Be advised that C60 is approximately as expensive as gold, gram-for-gram and the C60 market is rife with fraud.


CANADIAN CUSTOMERS: Please don't order more than 4 bottles or your customs may send them back.

This product is prepared exactly the same as the product used in the famous rat longevity study where "Bucky" rats lived nearly twice as long as the control group. Also the rats fed plain EVOO lived two years shorter than the C60-EVOO rats. C60 is clinically proven to have many beneficial health effects in a variety of organisms. It has powerful tumor prevention effects, brain-rejuvenating effects and cardiovascular health effects as well as extremely dramatic longevity effects in a variety of organisms, including doubling the lifespan of Wistar rats. No other compound has ever been demonstrated to have such a dramatic effect on mammals. Replicating the research on rats would take six years at minimum, with an extra year to get the study written, reviewed and published. For more information on lab-proven, peer-reviewed, published biological effects, see c60antiaging.com.

A note on the characteristic ruby-red color of C60 in oil: This color is hard to discern when looking at oil in the the pipette. In the pipette, the oil looks more brownish. The characteristic ruby red color is only visible when you look at a larger quantity. Pour the content of the bottle into a shot glass and hold it against the light to see the deep red color.

When kept at low temperatures, clouds and lumps will form. This is normal for olive oil - the lipids with a relatively high melting point solidify - and not a sign of decay. Room temperature is recommended for storage after opening, to avoid repeated condensation of moisture into the bottle, which can lead to fungus formation. Long-term storage is best done in the fridge (adding 1 year to the expiry date) or even freezer (adding 5 years to the expiry date).

A note about peppery after-taste confused for rancidity: Chances are that you have never tasted real olive oil, since nearly all EVOO sold is fake. Real olive oil is very spicy and tastes "hot" and has a strong aroma as well. Totally different from nearly all "Extra virgin" oil available, since that oil is nearly always fake. Also see the book "Extra Virginity" by Mueller, where an expert exposes the massive worldwide fraud with fake EVOO. Unless you've personally visited an EVOO producing region and consumed right from the source (usually in unmarked, re-used bottles!), you have never tasted EVOO before. Rest assured that all our bottles are produced on-demand and we can hardly keep up. We do not sell rancid oil, no matter how unfamiliarly strong the taste may be to you! If you still think your oil is rancid, which is categorically impossible, then we will pay you one thousand USD upon showing us a simple, cheap lab test result that your bottle was rancid, preferably using a still sealed bottle.

There have been some rumors, spread by potential competitors that light may adversely affect the product. This claim, without evidence, came from a company who seeks to market their own, of course "better because made totally in the dark" C60 product. However, the glass of our bottles is very thick and DEEP BLACK and filters over 99.9% of light. You will see no light at all shine through, when holding it directly against a bright light. We also mix under complete darkness. Unlike our small competitors who mix in glassware on a magnetic stirrer in a room that often is lighted or has windows, we bound the C60 to the oil in a $30,000 mixer made by US company Mixer Direct:

We are the only professional manufacturer of this product and likely the only manufacturer with the funds and expertise to properly purify, test, mix, centrifuge, filter this product. The total weight of this mixer is 750 lbs. The recirculation vessel is made of stainless steel and the actual mixing vessel (in the black sound-proofed cabinet) is stainless steel as well. Our mixer used infrasound (ordinary slow vibrations of a stainless steel metal plate, basically - ultrasound heats up the oil so we did not want to use that technology) and it's brand new tech called "Audiri" and made by the US company Vibra-Chem. This machine is so effective that mixing takes only two days instead of two weeks - greatly reducing the time that oxygen gets dissolved into the product. We do not fill off the bottles manually but use a foot-pedal operated electric doser. We do not close the bottles manually but use a Kinex Cappers capping machine. Our 5000g centrifuge is shown on our c60antiaging site and processes 4 liters of product at a time - that machine weighs around 300 lbs.

It is not known how C60 greatly extends the life of mammals. Hypotheses vary from extremely effective antioxidant action to DNA-demethylation (which would permanently rejuvenate an individual on the genetic-molecular level). The latter hypothesis fits the observed test results of various Buckminsterfullerene animal trials better than the former, with old mice aquiring the problem-solving power and memory of young mice, and rats nearly doubling their expected lifespan with just two dozen administrations of C60. It has been postulated that Buckminsterfullerene becomes a semi-permanent constituent of the mitochondrial lipid bilayer, where it functions as an extremely effective antioxidant, since it is not used up and keeps getting re-absorbed in the mitochondrial lifecycle. The C60 molecule acts as an "electron reservoir" and can accept or donate multiple electrons and thus neutralize all types of free radicals indefinitely - until it leaves the body. There are indications that it takes weeks for all C60 to leave the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria.

Stay up-to-date on this exciting anti-aging product and read the many articles with supporting scientific studies available at c60antiaging.com and our main C60 antiaging article.


About short-term effects: Except for true athletes who reported increased strength and stamina as well as reduced recovery times and hence were able to achieve sustained gains, we do not think there will be any short-term beneficial effects for ordinary people. A lot of what is mentioned online about short-term benefits is the Placebo effect, in our opinion. It is completely impossible to note that one ages say 15% slower, neither can one feel that tumors do not appear in the body



What is C60?

Carbon is the key component for all life on earth. Carbon 60 is a recently discovered molecule that potentially has far reaching ramifications for just about every aspect of health.

C60 grabbed the attention of the natural health world when the now famous “Baati Rat Study” was published in 2012. This research was undertaken to ascertain the toxicity of C60. Since 1993, numerous studies on the newly discovered C60 molecule were showing all sorts of exciting things. From the introduction to the study:

“Since 1993 countless studies showed that fullerene (C60) and derivatives exhibit paramount potentialities in several fields of biology and medicine, mainly including specific DNA cleavage, imaging, UV and radioprotection, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-amyloid activities, allergic response and angiogenesis inhibitions, immune stimulating and antitumour effects, enhancing effect on neurite outgrowth, gene delivery, and even hair-growing activity. However, although several independent research groups confirmed the innocuousness of pristine C60, the toxicity of this fullerene is still a matter of debate”.

They used male Wister rats to conduct the study and were looking for, “Chronic Toxicity and Effects of C60 on Survival of Rats” and “Effects of C60 Olive Oil Solutions on Oxidative Stress”.

Their findings were nothing short of remarkable:

Conclusions of the C60 Study

Through this study, the researchers discovered the C60 has an extremely positive effect on the lifespan of rats. In fact, the discovery was pretty extraordinary:

“Our results show that while olive oil treatment can lead to an increase of 18% of lifespan of treated rats, C60-olive oil can increase it up to 90%, as compared to controls. The effects of olive-oil on health and ageing are well known, and its effect as a function of dose has been thoroughly discussed. But, what is noteworthy is that at M38 all C60-treated rats were still alive. Thus, based on previous investigations, C60 should be the most efficient ever material for extending lifespan.”

Lead investigator Fathi Moussa and his team were stunned by the roughly double than expected lifespan of rats receiving the molecule. “We are not specialists of aging,” said Professor Moussa, “Our goal was just to study chronic toxicity.”

C60, as the researchers found out, is also a very powerful antioxidant. It is very well armed to fight against the negative effects of free radicals. Even more interesting is the fact that during this study, the C60 dosing protected the liver.

C60 Benefits


A diet rich in antioxidants is believed to be one of the keys to a healthy long life. We are all continuously (more than ever in recorded history), exposed to many environmental stressors which produce “free radicals” in the body. Unhealthy diets high in processed foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, pollution, Wi-Fi, microwaves, electricity and pesticides – to name but a few – all generate free radicals.

Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are highly reactive with other cellular structures because they contain unpaired electrons. Free radicals can cause damage to parts of cells such as proteins, DNA, and cell membranes by stealing their electrons through a process called oxidation. Antioxidants (also known as “free radical scavengers”), are compounds that either reduce the formation of free radicals or react with and neutralise them.

Antioxidants work by donating to or accepting an electron from the free radical before it can oxidise other cell components. Once the electrons of the free radical are paired, the free radical is stabilised and becomes non-toxic to cells. When antioxidants neutralise free radicals by receiving or donating an electron they do not become free radicals themselves because they are stable in both forms. However, when the antioxidant neutralises a free radical it becomes inactive.

What makes C60 stand out head and shoulders above traditional antioxidants is its ability to both accept and donate electrons. Furthermore, it does not get degraded and rendered inactive by accepting or donating electrons. The oil used in which to suspend the C60 fullerenes allows the C60 to sit in the lipid bilayers of cell walls, constantly neutralising free radicals that reach the cells or mitochondria.


Longevity isn’t just necessarily about prolonging life at all costs – it is about the quality of life as we age and our ability to resist the diseases most commonly associated with aging.

An interesting aspect of the rat study is that Wistar rats normally die of tumours or pneumonia – the rats treated with C60 did not develop tumours or lung disease, they died of general organ failure at a significantly older age than the control group (who did develop pneumonia and/or tumours). What is also interesting to note is that the researchers put the last rat to sleep at the ripe old age of 5½ years, in their eagerness to wrap up the study and publish the results. The average life span of a Wistar rat is 2 – 3 years and it is not known how long the last rat would have lived.

There is also reason to suspect that longevity due to C60 is related to maintaining telomere length. Telomeres have been compared with the plastic tips on shoelaces, because they keep chromosome ends from fraying and sticking together. Each time a cell divides the telomeres get shorter. When they get too short and the cell can no longer divide, it becomes inactive or "senescent" or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, leading to much research being undertaken to prevent or slow down this process.

After testing subjects who had been taking C60 for 2 years or more and finding that their telomeres were unusually long for their age, Scientist Ken Swartz theorises, “C60 awakens the mitochondria and triggers apoptosis in senescent cells and then signals the stem cell to begin replacing lost cells. Stem cells are greatly stimulated by C60 and because C60 increases signal clarity by getting rid of the oxidative burden, molecules can communicate clearly without being degraded by oxidative radicals. Ken explained that with this process, telomeres probably become longer.”

Evidence to support the C60 benefits to longevity seems to be mounting, with yet another study finding that it prevents neurodegeneration - the gradual loss of cognitive abilities so commonly associated with old age. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's occur as a result of this process. Experts agree that around 95% of neurodegeneration is caused by a build up of toxic proteins around the brain and a loss of mitochondrial function that leads to the creation of neurotoxic molecules. The study concluded that C60 "prevented disturbances in protein synthesis, neurodegeneration and formation amyloid-β 25–35 deposits in hippocampal pyramidal neurons".


A painful condition that is characterised by stiff and inflamed joints, the risk of osteoarthritis increases with age. Much of the pain felt is caused by the lack of protective fluid between the joints, which prevents them from rubbing against each other when moving. The immune system garners its inflammatory response to deal with the cells damaged in this process, which in turn leads to free radical formation and oxidative stress. Ironically it is the body’s attempts to heal itself that can make this condition worse.

It is thought that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of C60 are responsible for the potential relief it can give in cases of osteoarthritis. A 2013 study of C60 benefits suggests that it may suppress the body’s natural inflammatory responses. It appears that the ability of C60 to deal with free radicals gives the body the time to heal itself before the inflammatory response sets in.

Another 2017 study entitled, “Therapeutic Potential of Nanocarbon C60 Fullerene in Osteoarthritis” concluded that: “C60 may have a therapeutic potential, as a nanomedicine, to protect against the oxidative stress-induced diseases, through the mechanism involving the acceleration of expression of DNA repair enzyme Ogg1 (8-Oxoguanine DNA glycosylase).”

Enhances Athletic Performance

Many athletes have reported enhanced performance, better stamina, more energy, shorter recovery times and more wins in their races since using C60. Whilst research is scant, there is a recent 2017 study published in the “Journal of Nanobiotechnology” showing a relationship between C60 and muscle endurance. They concluded that C60 leads to a reduction in recovery time and an increase in the time of “active muscle functioning before the appearance of steady fatigue effects”.

Whilst C60 has yet to be scientifically proven to enhance athletic performance, there are many personal testimonies to this effect online.

Skin Health

C60 can be applied topically and has many anecdotal accounts of benefits to the skin. There are a few studies, such as one that found C60 can prevent UV damage and protect the skin from sunburn (Shinya Kato et al, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology).

A popular company in Japan uses 1% C60 fullerenes in their best selling anti-wrinkle cream. Results of a clinical test performed by the “Japanese Vitamin C60 BioResearch Corporation,” showed that after 8 weeks of treatment to one side of the face, the wrinkle-area ratio was significantly reduced.

With regards to skin conditions such as acne, in a 2014 study, C60 was applied to the skin of subjects with acne twice a day for 8 weeks. The results showed that the number of acne boils suffered by the subjects had fallen by 87.6%.

Hair Growth

The aforementioned Japanese company also ran a clinical test to see if C60 fullerenes could stimulate hair growth. They found that after 6 months of using a 2% fullerene containing tonic that hair growth rate became 16% faster. They believed this is caused by protecting the cells around hair follicles from oxidative stress.

In another 2010 study, published in “Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine”, fullerenes were shown to increase hair growth in human skin sections maintained in culture. They concluded: “These studies have wide-ranging implications for those conditions leading to hair loss, including alopecia, chemotherapy, and reactions to various chemicals.”

Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil

C60 has been found to be most effective when suspended in oil as a carrier. The rat study was conducted using olive oil; however ensuing experimentation with other plant oils has thrown up some interesting results – most notably with coconut oil.

The coconut oil used for Indigo Herbs C60 is pure MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides), made up of a 60%/40% split of pure C8 MCT and pure C10 MCT. These MCT’s can easily cross the blood/brain barrier, directly feeding the brain its favourite food – fat. In the case of C60 suspended in coconut oil, the C8 goes directly to the brain via the blood, whilst the C10 makes a pit-stop at the liver before being transported around the body via the bloodstream. This provides detoxification for both the liver and the brain and is helpful for mental performance and cognitive issues.

The olive oil is made up of LCT’s (long chain triglycerides) which goes directly to the liver, before being transported around the body to where it needs to go via the bloodstream. Some will still get to the brain eventually but not as much as that in the coconut oil. C60 Olive Oil is better suited to health and detoxification issues.

It is recommended that C60 in either oils is not taken with food or water as it will go directly to the gut where the correct stomach bile is required to digest and breakdown the oil to allow the C60 to absorb. The C60 will then be used by the gut instead of detoxifying the liver.

In Conclusion

These are exciting times in the world of natural health, with discoveries such as C60 showing the potential to not only extend life but to alleviate the suffering of many diseases that are associated with the aging process. The C60 benefits seem to be associated with its function as a super-antioxidant that knows no bounds in its ability to neutralise the free radical damage that causes oxidative stress.

Whilst we have outlined some of its many benefits in this article, it is highly recommended that you do your own research with regards to how the exciting discovery of C60 could benefit you.








Typical Use Health and Wellbeing – First Time Users

A 5ml daily dose is recommended for around a week or two for first time users. This should be taken without food or drink and spread over two doses of around 2-3ml last thing at night and again first thing in the morning. Please leave at least a 20 minute gap before any food or drink is consumed after taking C60.

Topical Application

C60 Oil can be applied topically to the skin anywhere on the body. Apply a few drops to the skin, a couple of times a day. Please note that the C60 will absorb into the skin within a few minutes but the oil will take longer. After a few minutes, the excess oil can be wiped away or left on the skin to fully absorb.

Please note that C60 is a research grade product and your own research and experimentation with this product is always advised


ABSTRACTS FROM: The Prolongation of the Lifespan of Rats by Repeated Oral Administration of [60]Fullerene

Link to article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224004891_The_prolongation_of_the_lifespan_of_rats_by_repeated_oral_administration_of_60fullerene

the metabolic fate and the in vivo chronic effects of C60itself still remain unknown. fullerene is active only in soluble form. the extremely slow dissolution of C60in biological media prevent controlling accurately the active fraction .

the chronic toxicity of C60has never been investigated to our knowledge.C60is soluble in lipid droplets inside living cells as well as in fats in general [2. Moreover, C60can freely cross membrane barriers. C60interactions with living systems as well as its toxicity should be determined using solubleforms.

While C60solubility in vegetable oils solutions should be quite appropriate for studying its chronic toxicity at reiterated doses. the in vivo behaviour of soluble forms of C60 was unknown, we determined the in vivo fate of C60dissolved in olive oil before studying its chronic effects at reiterated doses.

Virgin olive oil is obtained from a Chemlali Boughrara cultivar from Tunisia planted in the Sahel area. C60(purity 99.98%) was obtained from SES ResearchCorporation (USA) and used without further purification. Fifty mg of C60were dissolved in 10 ml of olive oil by stirring for 2 weeks at ambient temperature in the dark. The resulting mixture was centrifuged at 5.000 g for1 h and the supernatant was filtered through a Millipore filter with 0.25mm porosity.

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on survival of rats

The rats were housed three per cage and acclimated for 14 days, before dosing.Three groups of 6 rats (10 months old, weighing 465  31 g) were administered daily for one week, then weekly until the end of the second month and then every two weeks until the end of the 7th month, by gavages with 1 ml of water or olive oil orC60dissolved in olive oil (0.8 mg/ml), respectively.

The rats were weighed before each dosing. Routine observations following official recommendations [27] were made on all animals inside and outside the cageonce a day throughout the study for signs of departure from normal activity,morbidity and mortality.

Sixty rats randomly divided into 10 groups of 6 rats were pre-treated daily for 7days by oral gavages (og groups) or by i.p. injection (ip groups). Groups A (GAog andGAip), received 1 ml of water. Groups B and C (GBog, GCog and GBip, GCip) were pre-treated with 1 ml of olive oil while groups D and E (GDog, GEog and GDip, GEip)were pre-treated with 1 ml of C60-olive oil.

The resulting C60-olive oil solution is purple and contains0.80  0.02 mg/ml (n ¼ 6) The stability of both oily and control solutions stored at ambient temperature and in the dark was checked monthly during 48months. No change was recorded under our chromatographic conditions C60is well distributed in tissues.

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on lifespan of rats

Fig. 3 shows the animal survival and growth. After five months of treatment (M15) one rat treated with water only exhibited some palpable tumours in the abdomen region. Due to the rapid development of tumours (about 4 cm of diameter) this rat died at M17. As rats are known to be sensitive to gavages, we decided to stop the treatment for all rats and to observe their behaviour and overall survival.

All remaining animals survived with no apparent sign of behavioural trouble until M25(Fig. 3a). At the end of M25 the animals of the control groups showed signs of ulcerative dermatitis with ageing while C60-treated animals remained normal. As the growths of all surviving animals showed no significant difference until M30(Fig. 3b) indicating that the treatment did not alter their food intake, we continued observing their survival.

At M38 all water-treated control rats were dead (Fig. 3a). This agrees with the expected lifespan of this animal species that is thirty to thirty six months. At this time 67% of olive-oil-treated rats and 100% of C60-treated rats were still alive.

The estimated median lifespan (EML) for the C60-treated rats was 42months while the EMLs for control rats and olive oil-treated ratswere 22 and 26 months, respectively. These are increases of 18 and 90% for the olive-oil and C60-treated rats, respectively, as compared to controls.

olive oil extends the lifespan of rats with respect to water with a probability of 0.99 while C60-olive oil extends the lifespan of C60 treated rats with a probability of 0.999 and 0.995 with respect to water and olive oil treatments, respectively.

. C60-olive oil solution preparation

The C60-olive oil solution used in this study can be considered as free of C60aggregates because its colour is purple that is characteristic of C60solutions AND it is freely and instantaneously soluble in toluene.

The stability of C60-olive oil solution determined under our experimental conditions agrees with recently published results showing that the addition of [60]fullerene significantly hampers the peroxide formation thus increasing the stability of the tested oils . The results of this pharmacokinetic study show for the first timethat C60is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract

The elimination process follows a non-urinary route because unmodified C60was not detected in urine samples C60is mainly eliminated through the bile ducts C60reacts inside the liver cells with vitamin A. As C60and some of its derivatives mainly accumulate in the livers and spleens we also studied the accumulation of C60in these organs after 7 successive days of administration.

C60molecules are eliminated from the organs in a few hours after both oral and i.p. administrations. the presence of significant amounts in the brain 24 hours after both oral and i.p. administrations under our experimental conditions confirms that solubilized C60can cross the bloodebrain barrier

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on survival of treated rats

C60has no acute or sub-acute toxicity inrodents it can act as an antioxidant, we investigated its chronic toxicity concomitantly with its effects on the survival of rats. Ten-month old male rats (M10) were chosen instead of young ratsas officially recommended, in order to avoid possible compensatory effects that can occur during early development. we treated the rats daily only during 7 days and weekly during the first two months, then every two weeks until one control rat died.

Our results show that while olive oil treatment can lead to anincrease of 18% of lifespan of treated rats, C60-olive oil can increaseit up to 90%, as compared to controls. at M38 all C60-treated rats were still alive. C60should be the most efficient ever material for extending lifespan. C60itself is a powerful antioxidant

This is the first investigation of the in vivo chronic effects ofa soluble form of C60. C60is a powerful antioxidant .C60can scavenge large numbersof free radicals. C60isa powerful liver-protective agent. C60is ableto scavenge in vitro a large number of radicals per molecule and be this property can be involved in the mechanism of protection against toxicity,The results obtained for antioxidant enzyme activities also confirm the antioxidant effect of C60against toxicity.

the protective effect involves a free-radical scavenging mechanism. dissolved C60appears hundred times more active than when it is in suspension. In fact the action of soluble C60is immediate while that of suspended C60is delayed because it has to be dissolved to act. In all cases, based on C60-livercontent (Table 2), these results prove that this fullerene is active atthe nano molar level. However, the involved mechanism remains to be established.

For the time being the hypothesis of free-radical scavenging remains possible. C60could act as a free-radicalscavenger as it has been widely demonstrated in vitro, but up to now no resulting C60adduct has been observed in vivo.

Conclusion The effect of pristine C60on lifespan emphasizes the absence of chronic toxicity. In the present case, the treatment was stopped when a control rat died at M17, which proves that the effects of the C60treatment are long-lasting as the estimated median lifespan for C60-treated rats is 42 months. It can be thought that a longer treatment could have generated even longer lifespans. Anyway, this work should open the road towards the developmentof the considerable potential of C60in the biomedical field,including cancer therapy, neurodegenerative disorders and ageing.Furthermore, in the field of ageing, as C60can be administered orally and as it is now produced in tons,


Buckminsterfullerene C60 99.95%. 40 mg in 50 ml olive oil


It is not known how C60 greatly extends the life of mammals. Hypotheses vary from extremely effective antioxidant action to DNA-demethylation (which would permanently rejuvenate an individual on the genetic-molecular level).

The latter hypothesis fits the observed test results of various Buckminsterfullerene animal trials better than the former, with old mice aquiring the problem-solving power and memory of young mice, and rats nearly doubling their expected lifespan with just two dozen administrations of C60.

It has been postulated that Buckminsterfullerene becomes a semi-permanent constituent of the mitochondrial lipid bilayer, where it functions as an extremely effective antioxidant, since it is not used up and keeps getting re-absorbed in the mitochondrial lifecycle.

The C60 molecule acts as an "electron reservoir" and can accept or donate multiple electrons and thus neutralize all types of free radicals indefinitely - until it leaves the body. There are indications that it takes weeks for all C60 to leave the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria.

About short-term effects: Except for true athletes who reported increased strength and stamina as well as reduced recovery times and hence were able to achieve sustained gains, we do not think there will be any short-term beneficial effects for ordinary people.

A lot of what is mentioned online about short-term benefits is the Placebo effect, in our opinion. It is completely impossible to note that one ages say 15% slower, neither can one feel that tumors do not appear in the body.

"When the last rat in the control group had died,

all rats in the C60-olive oil group were still alive and they went on to live for an average of two more years."

Lipofullerene C60 semi-permanently embedded in the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria, where it acts as a reusable, recyclable antioxidant:

The C60 molecule is not damaged when it accepts or donates electrons from/to free radicals. When a cell or mitochondrion dies, the lipofullerene C60 can be reused by other cells.


1000 mg/kg/day of C60 has been proven to be non-toxic in this clinical study. The famous French C60 rat toxicity study that showed a 90% lifespan increase in rats used a few times times higher dose than our recommendation, 0.02 mg/kg/day.


The Baati study rats took only 24 doses during their entire lifetime, over a period of just 7 months and 24 doses only, starting when they were 10 months old. The increase in lifespan is officially 90% (nearly twice as old!) but in reality it would be even higher, because Dr. Fathi Moussa admitted recently that they killed the last surviving rat when it was 5.5 years old because they wanted to wrap up the study.

There even circulates a rumor that one more surviving rat was killed in order to be able to publish this groundbreaking study sooner, in fear other researchers may be first. There is no substance that prolongs the life of mammals longer than C60 in olive oil.

Not even the most expensive supplements such as Resveratrol come remotely close, and neither are those supplements supported by such solid evidence as the Baati study. Of course, humans can NOT expect a doubling of lifespan like rats but we estimate at most a 20% average increase - possibly cancer-free, like the rats.

Aerobic- & strength gains, longevity, brain rejuvenation and tumor prevention with C60 olive oil


Aerobic- & strength gains, longevity, brain rejuvenation and tumor prevention with C60 olive oil

We found animal studies that documented brain rejuvenation in mice and the near-doubling of lifespan (PDF) and the prevention of cancer and the diseases of old age in rats.

We also found toxicological studies that show that C60 (Buckminsterfullerene) in olive oil is safe. C60 in olive oil also has an extremely effective liver-protective effect, as documented in the same publication, where rats were poisoned to death with liver-destroying chemicals but the rats that took C60 barely were affected at all.

Prof. Moussa mentions this in the interview: "The rats that took C60 did not develop any tumors, unlike the rats in the control group."


Professor Moussa, leader of the study team says in the interview that C60 (Buckminsterfullerene) is totally non-toxic. He has been researching Fullerene C60 for 18 years.

Buckminsterfullerene: Natural anti-aging


And the rat study is not a fluke - a similar C60 study on mice reported not just an increased lifespan - also very greatly improved learning and memory. Very old mice (near end of life) performed as young mice (6 months old).

it is not even known whether the health benefits come purely from the C60, or whether the C60 merely acts as a vehicle to bring long chain fatty acids into the cells. Or whether there is a synergy at play

There must be something else hitherto undiscovered about this unique sphere-shaped molecule. C60, when dissolved in olive oil and ingested orally, gets absorbed and the C60 mulecules become distributed - albeit in small concentrations - throughout the body and intracellularly, even beyond the blood-brain barrier in minute amounts.

Big Pharma is working to patent a water-soluble designer-fullerene and sell it extremely expensively as a life-extension drug. They will have little trouble persuading the FDA, their enforcer, to ban all other natural fullerenes for being "toxic"

The cell walls are lipids and lipofullerene (C60 with adducts of the long-chain fatty acids of olive oil) therefore is readily absorbed by the cells and ends up where it is most needed - provenly in the mitochondrial bilayer membranes, where it will neutralize ROS (reactive oxygen species) like no other molecule, because C60 can function as an antioxidant in all perpetuity, it is not "used up" by performing its antioxidant action because it can capture high-energy electrons all the way up to Beta-radiation level, reduce their energy in the C60 matrix and drain them by electrical instead of chemical means.

Better absorption happens when smaller dosages are taken more frequently.


how i take c60 half a tablespoon measure (1 1/2 teaspoons is half of a tablespoon)

one of these each day for eight weeks then nothing for a week then repeat


Buckminsterfullerene: The Magic Carbon Molecule That Precedes

Life On Earth!

This carbon molecule is theorized to have a practical use in everything, including rocket fuel,

electronics and in creating super strong materials! Yet, arguably the most profound applications

have been in the field of health.

Carbon-60 is a very complicated subject and there is a lot of public confusion about it. In an

attempt to clarify what is currently known about this magic molecule, we have compiled this

article which highlights its health benefits, side effects, sources and all you need to know about

using it to optimize your well-being and performance!

What Is Carbon 60?

Carbon-60 is a member of the carbon family, alongside diamond and graphite, that was only

discovered recently in 1985.

Its official name, Buckminsterfullerene, was an ode to Buckminster Fuller, a mathematician who

designed geodesic dome structures similar to this compound.

Essentially a carbon-60 molecule is comprised of 60 carbon atoms which are arranged in a unique

shape that can be thought of as a ‘carbon cage’. This shape resembles that of a soccer ball,

comprising of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. At the vertex of each shape is one carbon atom,

with a double bond forming the edges. Another name for this unique structure is a truncated icosahedron.

This shape is what gives C60 all of it’s amazing properties, including being resistant to radiation, chemical corrosion and breakage under high pressure. Metals and other substances can be placed inside the vacuum interiors of buckyballs, turning them into novel nano-transport vehicles or superconductors. They are small enough to move through cell membranes and sit between woven strands of DNA.2

Carbon-60 is also readily reacts with other substances and is able to easily combine with just about any compound to enhance its action.

Furthermore, C60 was found in deep space and star dust, as well as ancient mineral deposits and meteorites found on Earth, suggesting that it predates life on the planet.

All these aspects of fullerene 60 have made it the center of much research worldwide; however even after more than 30 years, scientists are only just beginning to scratch the tip of this iceberg!

12 Health Benefits of Carbon 60

Most of the research carried out on C60 is based on rat models. However, there is an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence that supports these findings in humans too, given that the source of carbon-60 is pure or not combined with another dangerous compound.

#1 Increases Longevity

The Paris or Baati study is likely the most famous experiment performed using carbon-60. The findings reveal that this molecule is not only non-toxic but increases the lifespan of rats by 90%!3

Part of this is possibly due to the fact that Carbon-60 has a high affinity for both cellular and mitochondrial membranes.4 It helps protect both of these structures, which are integral to the lifespan of our cells and ultimately us.

There are several studies proving that water-soluble C60 prevents mitochondrial dysfunction5, which promotes longevity, as well as optimal health and increased energy levels. One in particular showed that rats exposed to fatal levels of radiation managed to survive for 30 days after the event, thanks to good old buckyballs!

#2 Scavenges Free Radicals

Ever since the first experiments were conducted on buckyballs, it was concluded that this molecule acts as a free radical sponge, mopping up any that it encounters. It has been reported that this molecule has an antioxidant capacity several hundred times higher than other antioxidants!6

What makes fullerene 60 even more amazing is its strong cage-like structure. The free radicals it takes out the body don’t affect its shape or function, allowing for it to continuously deal with free radicals until it leaves the system (which has been shown in the Baati study to be 97 hours from the bloodstream of rats).

Unlike other antioxidants, which can bind to free radicals molecule-for-molecule, carbon-60 can accumulate dozens of them before it can no longer do so. For example, it has been reported that C60 can hold up to 34 methyl radicals at one time!

This combined with it’s ability to by-pass cellular membranes, including the blood-brain-barrier7, as well as its affinity for DNA, mitochondria and cellular membranes, place C60 within a league of its own. Moreover, once the free radicals have bound to it, they are 100% neutralized and do not interact with C60 or anything else along the way.

Another research paper showed that a specific malonic acid form of C60 mimicked the action of SOD, removing superoxide, which is a harmful by-product produced by cells. This shows that scavenging free radicals is not Carbon-60’s only means of acting as an antioxidant, but that it is capable of neutralizing pollutants via chemical reduction reactions too.8

#3 Reduces Inflammation & Symptoms of Arthritis

Seeing as Carbon-60 is such potent free radical scavenger, it makes sense that it helps reduce inflammation, especially as seen in arthritis. In both human cell cultures and rats which had arthritis, water-soluble C60 suppressed inflammation in the joints and bones.9

From a mitochondrial perspective, buckminsterfullerene helps to bring the mitochondria back into balance, which corrects the immune system and results in less bodily inflammation as a whole.

#4 Improves Immune Function

Aside from protecting mitochondria and cells from free radical damage, water-soluble C60 has been shown to stimulate the immune system in other ways.

These include stimulating the production of immune cells such as lymphocytes (white blood cells) and useful cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, both of which play a key role in fighting off infections and even tumor cellsю.10

Thanks to the potent antioxidant ability of this miracle molecule, it can stop you from having allergies and severe allergic reactions11(anaphylaxis). Levels of histamine, IgE’s and other inflammatory compounds associated with allergy were greatly reduced with the intervention of carbon-60.

This makes fullerene 60 a perfect treatment for asthma, respiratory problems, heart attacks, and cardiovascular disease.12

#5 Prevents Apoptosis in Neurons & Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

Apoptosis is a fancy term for the death of cells, which is what buckyballs have been shown to protect against in nerve cells.13

It is a fact that neurons die and get created everyday in a healthy individual. However, in the case of Alzheimer’s Disease and many other neurodegenerative disorders, too many neurons die which results in memory loss, cognitive decline and many other problems.

In one study, human neurons were cultured in vitro and then exposed to neuron-deadly excitotoxins. These cells were protected from apoptosis by buckminsterfullerene between 50-80%, with the 80% end of the range being for aspartame (NMDA).

This study also concluded that water-soluble C60 is not an excitotoxin and does not exhibit any toxicity to the brain or nervous system. It also makes carbon-60 look very promising as a treatment option for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

There is more evidence to support this, revealing that C60 actively promotes the growth of new neurons. Several fullerene 60 derivatives were tested in vitro and proven to support neuronal growth.14 Not only will this help prevent neurodegeneration, but it will also help to make you smarter!

Furthermore, in the case of Alzheimer’s Disease, it was shown that a specific C60 derivative destroys amyloid-beta plaques15, which means that it helps reverse the condition entirely.

#6 Protects Cartilage & Improves Bone Health

In one of the studies quoted above, buckyballs prevented bone damage and bone resorption when injected into the ankles of arthritic rats.

Further data indicates that carbon-60 does not just help to improve bone mineral density, but that it also protects cartilage. In rabbits that had been induced with osteoarthritis in their knees, water-soluble C60 prevented cartilage cells from aging prematurely or dying off, as well as increasing cartilage production and reducing enzymes that would destroy it.16

Fullerene 60 also proved to be superior to hyaluronic acid, which is the stuff that surrounds the cartilage in joints and is used as a common osteoarthritis treatment. Thus, Carbon-60 in it’s water-soluble form could potentially be one of the best treatments for both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

#7 Helps Eradicate Bacteria & Viruses, Including HIV

That’s right – it was even shown that carbon-60 has the ability to inhibit HIV and prevent the onset of AIDS!17

Research also highlights that this wonder molecule has the ability to prevent the spread of human cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C, Semliki Forest Virus and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus.18

Specific types of fullerene 60 known as fullerenols were shown to inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Candida albicans, and Malassezia furfur, which are all commonly found to infect the skin.19

Dangerous water suspensions of C60 – not the same as water-soluble C60 – have been documented to act as strong anti-bacterials20, but these compounds release free radicals and ought to be avoided. Other alkylated derivatives with short chains were also shown to destroy both bacteria and cancer cell lines21, but these are equally as toxic (see more below on side effects and types of synthetic Carbon-60).

#8 Prevents You From Getting Fatter

Don’t get too excited yet – there is no research as of yet that even hints towards buckyballs as a weight loss supplement. However, there have been several exciting studies revealing that these prehistoric compounds will prevent you from gaining more weight than you currently have right now.

With both human and mouse cell cultures, it was shown that both fat-soluble22 and water-soluble23 versions of carbon-60 prevented the cells from turning into fat cells.

#9 Inhibits Tumor Growth

This is a truly remarkable discovery. It was revealed that water-soluble fullerene-60 prevents certain bone marrow stem cells and breast cancer cells from communicating. This communication tends to result in the cancer spreading rapidly (metastasis)24.

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#11 May Reverse Skin Disorders

Fullerene-60 has been extensively tested for use in skincare applications, especially when the results were in about it’s impressive anti-radiation benefits.

In rat models of dermatitis, it was shown that C60 reduced inflammation and promoted better skin barrier function, especially when administered topically (as opposed to being injected into the skin).28

Impaired barrier function, as well as increased inflammation, are two of the main problems in dermatitis. When the barrier does not function properly, it allows pollutants and other toxins from the environment to infiltrate the skin, which causes a continuous cycle of inflammation. Carbon-60 helps put an end to this cycle.

For use in treating severe acne, it was shown that carbon-60 applied topically to skin decreased the number of skin lesions, pimples and oils found on the skin29. It also helped significantly increase the moisture content of the skin after 8 weeks, suggesting it could be used beneficially in anti-dermatitis moisturizers.

Interestingly, it was proven that lower concentrations of C60 permeated more deeply into the skin, while larger concentrations tended to hang out on the surface.30

Larger concentrations were also more effective at promoting better skin barrier function, but just on the surface of the skin. This suggests that lower concentrations are better for reducing inflammation in deeper levels of the skin, such as those with basal carcinomas.

In the case of certain types of skin disorders which result in hair loss or alopecia, carbon-60 can once again come to the rescue! It was proven that carbon-60 promoted rapid hair growth in bald mice.31


#12 Helps Prevent Male Infertility

Diabetes is a common cause for erectile dysfunction and male infertility. In diabetic male rats, fullerene C60 helped improve their fertility and genital function.32

Increased levels of the antioxidant glutathione, testosterone, vitamin E, sperm and sperm motility were noted in these C60 treated rats (more than in the other diabetic rats or even healthy rats!).

Furthermore, they had recovered completely from diabetes-induced testicular complications, such as swelling, free radical damage and cell death in the testis.

C60 Side Effects or Contraindications

Most of the tests carried out on carbon-60 indicate that its safety largely depends on the form you get it in and how you use it..

Possible Minor Eye Irritation of 100% C60 Solution

In one study, pure carbon-60 induced very slight eye irritation, which caused the eyes of rabbits to turn red one hour after administration. Within 24 hours, the redness was gone. It did not damage the eyes of the rabbits or cause any other problems. C60 also did not burn or irritate the skin around the eyes.33

The researchers explain that this is only the pure form of carbon-60 and that no other research has been carried out on C60 derivatives to assess eye or skin safety. Current data suggests that if you combined this molecule with something that is harmful, such as ammonia, one would likely receive all the negative effects of the ammonia – the same can be said in reverse of substance combinations that are beneficial!

A Colloidal C60 Suspension is Toxic

If pure carbon-60 is taken and mixed into the water without proper diffusion, it forms a suspension, which creates a variety of new molecules such as Nano-C60. This is not the same as the C60 molecules which are proven to have the miraculous health benefits above. Those forms of fullerene have been properly dissolved in a solution using specific scientific techniques – these are known as soluble forms of C60.

Instead, Nano-C60 was proven to be toxic34, acting as a potent free radical itself and attacking cellular membranes. However, the same research shows that it does not penetrate to the DNA of the cells and if an antioxidant is added, such as Vitamin C, the damage is completely reversed.

Cationic vs Anionic C60

It was found that all cationic or positively charged derivatives of carbon-60 are toxic, acting as free radicals, while anionic or negatively charged derivatives of C60 act as antioxidants.35 This largely depends once again on how the carbon-60 was extracted and what it is combined with.

Never Expose C60 To Light

When carbon-60 in solution is exposed to either light or high temperatures, it starts to oxidize, becoming highly unstable and toxic. This is especially true of buckyballs found in oil solutions or other mediums that start to degrade with light or heat. Hydrated water-soluble C60 does not share these properties however, being stable whether exposed to light or heat.

Sources of C60: Where or How Can I Get More Carbon 60?

Carbon-60 is found prolifically throughout nature in minute quantities. Every time you set fire to something, such as matches or a candle, you are releasing many carbon molecules into the atmosphere, including buckyballs.

Aside from combustion, let’s take a look at other sources of C60:

Synthetically Derived Laboratory-Grade C60

So far there are commercially available preparations of buckminsterfullerene available as supplements or for chemists to use in multiple other applications.

To extract the actual C60, the most common method used is a modified version of the first time C60 was made in large amounts by Kratschmer and Huffman in 1989.

This involves two graphite rods suspended in a gas, such as helium, at a high pressure. When a high voltage is run through the rods and they are made to touch, the carbon in the rods vaporize, turning into clouds of soot – which is essentially a bunch of carbon clusters.

Once Carbon-60 has been extracted from this mixture, it is then either tested in its pure form or mixed into some kind of solution. Scientists have discovered that they can mix this fullerene into almost any medium.

Due to the complexity of this compound, one ought to be careful when selecting a synthetically-derived source of C60. There is a big difference between the properties of dissolved C60 and suspended C60 – one should always opt for dissolved C60 or soluble C60.

There are two main synthetic sources:

Oil C60

Since the Baati study, most manufacturers of oil-soluble Carbon-60 use the method he used to make it. The process involves stirring a 99.98% pure Carbon-60 in olive oil for two weeks in the dark, without exposure to light, heat or oxygen. Following this, the mixture is centrifuged before being filtered through an incredibly fine sieve to remove any suspended particles.

Carbon-60 in this context binds to the fat particles in the oil, becoming a lipofullerene. The quality will depend on what oil was used as well as the conditions maintained to make it.

It was found that exposure to light is a huge problem in commercially available oil-soluble C6036, resulting in a plethora of toxic by-products.The oil used can also be a problem, as if the oil is not a good quality it could already be degraded due to overheating during manufacture or exposure to light. While many people already consume this type of oil, it would react with C60 and become far worse.

To ensure the best quality, it is best to source your carbon-60 directly from a lab or opt for a more natural source.

Hydrated C60

Until relatively recently, it was noted that carbon-60 cannot be dissolved in water without oxidizing and forming unstable by-products.

However, a bunch of geniuses at the Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds managed to find a way, calling their water-soluble C60: Hydrated C60 or C60 HyFn.37 They found a very clever method for placing carbon-60 molecules inside multiple “shells” of structured or ordered water particles, which do not appear to react with C60 and are quite similar in shape.

This water-soluble version of C60 is by far more stable than any other version and its structure is not easily destroyed – not even by boiling the water!

As you may have noticed, the bulk of health research in this article has been carried out on this stable water-soluble version of buckminsterfullerene. This is the best form of commercially available C60 as of yet; but beware of imposters who are using highly reactive and dangerous solutions where C60 is merely suspended in water.

Soot or Charcoal

Soot and charcoal contain little to no Carbon-60, as well as a multitude of other carbon molecules, some of which are not the safest to consume.

When comparing carbon-60 vs activated charcoal, it is clear that pure C60 wins hands down. Medicinal activated charcoal can be good for detoxing your system, but it passes through without being absorbed and one stands the risk of ingesting unwanted versions of carbon (such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which are essentially the carcinogenic compounds in petroleum).

This is certainly not the same as fullerene 60 which gets absorbed via the digestive tract and works its way through your body, mopping up free radicals as it goes along!

Blackstrap Molasses

When cane sugar ferments, it creates blackstrap molasses which eventually becomes rum if left for long enough.

Blackstrap molasses contains minute amounts of the magical molecule carbon-60 (not sure about the rum though!) as well as a few good trace mineral and nutrients. These include potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, copper, selenium and B vitamins.

Molasses is a great sugar substitute for those with diabetes, as it contains the above nutrients and only has a glycemic load of 55.

While this is a good way to add a little more C60 into your diet, it’s probably not enough to experience all the amazing health benefits spoken of above.


Shilajit is a mind-blowing all-natural complex of over 80 trace minerals, fulvic acid and humic substances. It is the end product of millions of years of decomposing plant matter and has been proven to hold a wealth of health benefits, which have been documented by Ayurvedic practitioners for more than 3000 years.

Lately, it has been revealed that part of Shilajit’s brilliance can be attributed to it’s abundance of carbon-60!

In fact, the core of Shilajit comprises of carbon-60 that has combined with other super powerful antioxidants, known as Dibenzo-alpha-pyrones (DBPs).38

DBPs act as electron reservoirs and when near mitochondria, they supply them with more electrons at a faster speed, which provides the cell with enormous amounts of energy. This in turn helps the cell to function more efficiently, live for longer and give a higher output – which translates as doing the same thing for us. DBPs have also been shown to preserve the body’s natural antioxidants, such as co-enzyme Q10.39

This insane combination of C60 with DBPs when paired with the fulvic acid inside Shilajit allows for it to penetrate deeply inside cells.

Fulvic acid selectively takes out pollutants and administers trace minerals to where they need to go to replenish the cell; while DBPs and buckyballs work together synergistically to correct the mitochondria, protect the cell membranes and DNA, as well as mop up free radicals.

Pure Shilajit does not undergo any processing, aside from a minor purification process. It is an amazing natural compound which has every right to be exalted as it is in Ayurveda.

This is definitely the best carbon-60 supplement available, as long as you can source it from a supplier that does not heat it or expose it to chemicals.

Shungite & Marcial Waters

Shungite is a special mineral that consists of 80% carbon, as well as a rich abundance of carbon-60.40 This largest deposit in the world of this carbon-based mineral is found in Russia, near a town called Shunga – hence the name Shungite.

It’s theorized that Shungite is over 2 billion years old and that this deposit may have formed there due to a meteorite collision. Under high heat, pressure and with certain atmospheric gases, large amounts of carbon molecules such as C60 could have formed.

While one can’t go and eat Shungite by the mouthful to dose up on Carbon-60, one can visit this mineral deposit near the town Shunga. There is a hot spring there called ‘Marcial Waters’ where the spring waters flow right through some of the mineral deposits, enriching it with the healing potential of carbon-60 and more.41

Bathing in the Shungite-rich hot springs in Russia, one can experience the benefits of carbon-60. Yet, the effects are said not to last very long after the event.

Star Dust, Meteorites or Lightning Discharges

Carbon-60 has been found in the discharge caused from where lightning strikes the ground or a dead tree. It has also been collected from meteorite samples and is even found when star dust is analyzed. This all contributes to the idea that buckyballs far predate life on Earth and are possibly a primordial constituent of the universe and creation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buckminsterfullerene

Is it safe to take while pregnant or before having a baby?

There is not any research relating to taking carbon-60 while pregnant, breast-feeding or just before conception, therefore it is best not to do so.

There have been two experiments on lactating and pregnant rats which reveal that C60 passes right through the placenta as well as into breast milk4243. Unfortunately, these experiments had used forms of carbon-60 which were bound to either radioactive carbon-14 or toxic polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)44, both of which cause severe damage alone and even more damage when combined with C60.

Can I water my plants with hydrated C60?

Interestingly while humans and animals benefit immensely from non-oxidized versions of this amazing molecule, plants suffer from it. In studies where plants were watered with hydrated C60, their roots showed retarded growth which corresponded with abnormal auxin (plant growth hormone) distribution in them.45 More research will have to be conducted to see if other forms of Carbon-60 are suitable for plants.

Can I use it on my pets?

When it comes to pristine C60 that has been dissolved properly in oil or hydrated C60, there have been many positive experiments done on animals of all kinds. A lot of people also have reported that when they gave it to their dogs, their animal companions appeared to become younger and have more energy. Some dogs over the age of 9 even went back into heat and veterinarians of these dogs has said that it’s like they are 3-5 years old again. If you plan to give this to your pets, make sure you give them a much lesser dose that corresponds to their body weight.

Is Carbon-60 a carbon isotope?

Carbon-60 is a fullerene, which is a family of carbon allotropes or different forms of carbon. Isotopes are not the same as allotropes, as carbon isotopes contain the same amount of protons but differing amounts of neutrons in their atoms. Carbon-60 is a molecule that consists of 60 carbon atoms.

Is C60 radioactive?

No, but it is possible to make it radioactive by combining it with carbon-14, which is a radioactive isotope of carbon. One could also possibly substitute one or more carbon atoms in C60 with radioactive atoms.

What color should C60 look like in a solution?

Magenta or purple-pink. Sometimes in an oil solution, the color is slightly darker due to the color of the oil. Be wary of black oil solutions, as this may also contain other impure forms of carbon. In hydrated C60, the color of the water remains the same.

What’s the difference between research-grade and industrial Carbon-60?

Research-grade C60 is manufactured in a lab, whereas industrial C60 is not. Industrial C60 is commonly what is sold commercially. Make sure to get research-grade C60 as the industrial version tends to be fraught with many harmful by-products – or better yet, get some Shilajit




Buckminsterfullerene: The Magic Carbon Molecule That Precedes Life On Earth!

This carbon molecule is theorized to have a practical use in everything, including rocket fuel, electronics and in creating super strong materials! Yet, arguably the most profound applications have been in the field of health.

Carbon-60 is a very complicated subject and there is a lot of public confusion about it. In an attempt to clarify what is currently known about this magic molecule, we have compiled this article which highlights its health benefits, side effects, sources and all you need to know about using it to optimize your well-being and performance!


Buckminsterfullerene: The Magic Carbon Molecule That Precedes Life On Earth!

This carbon molecule is theorized to have a practical use in everything, including rocket fuel,

electronics and in creating super strong materials! Yet, arguably the most profound applications

have been in the field of health.

Carbon-60 is a very complicated subject and there is a lot of public confusion about it. In an

attempt to clarify what is currently known about this magic molecule, we have compiled this

article which highlights its health benefits, side effects, sources and all you need to know about

using it to optimize your well-being and performance!

What Is Carbon 60?

Carbon-60 is a member of the carbon family, alongside diamond and graphite, that was only

discovered recently in 1985.

Its official name, Buckminsterfullerene, was an ode to Buckminster Fuller, a mathematician who

designed geodesic dome structures similar to this compound.

Essentially a carbon-60 molecule is comprised of 60 carbon atoms which are arranged in a unique

shape that can be thought of as a ‘carbon cage’. This shape resembles that of a soccer ball,

comprising of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. At the vertex of each shape is one carbon atom,

with a double bond forming the edges. Another name for this unique structure is a truncated icosahedron.

This shape is what gives C60 all of it’s amazing properties, including being resistant to radiation, chemical corrosion and breakage under high pressure. Metals and other substances can be placed inside the vacuum interiors of buckyballs, turning them into novel nano-transport vehicles or superconductors. They are small enough to move through cell membranes and sit between woven strands of DNA.2

Carbon-60 is also readily reacts with other substances and is able to easily combine with just about any compound to enhance its action.

Furthermore, C60 was found in deep space and star dust, as well as ancient mineral deposits and meteorites found on Earth, suggesting that it predates life on the planet.

All these aspects of fullerene 60 have made it the center of much research worldwide; however even after more than 30 years, scientists are only just beginning to scratch the tip of this iceberg!

12 Health Benefits of Carbon 60

Most of the research carried out on C60 is based on rat models. However, there is an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence that supports these findings in humans too, given that the source of carbon-60 is pure or not combined with another dangerous compound.

#1 Increases Longevity

The Paris or Baati study is likely the most famous experiment performed using carbon-60. The findings reveal that this molecule is not only non-toxic but increases the lifespan of rats by 90%!3

Part of this is possibly due to the fact that Carbon-60 has a high affinity for both cellular and mitochondrial membranes.4 It helps protect both of these structures, which are integral to the lifespan of our cells and ultimately us.

There are several studies proving that water-soluble C60 prevents mitochondrial dysfunction5, which promotes longevity, as well as optimal health and increased energy levels. One in particular showed that rats exposed to fatal levels of radiation managed to survive for 30 days after the event, thanks to good old buckyballs!

#2 Scavenges Free Radicals

Ever since the first experiments were conducted on buckyballs, it was concluded that this molecule acts as a free radical sponge, mopping up any that it encounters. It has been reported that this molecule has an antioxidant capacity several hundred times higher than other antioxidants!6

What makes fullerene 60 even more amazing is its strong cage-like structure. The free radicals it takes out the body don’t affect its shape or function, allowing for it to continuously deal with free radicals until it leaves the system (which has been shown in the Baati study to be 97 hours from the bloodstream of rats).

Unlike other antioxidants, which can bind to free radicals molecule-for-molecule, carbon-60 can accumulate dozens of them before it can no longer do so. For example, it has been reported that C60 can hold up to 34 methyl radicals at one time!

This combined with it’s ability to by-pass cellular membranes, including the blood-brain-barrier7, as well as its affinity for DNA, mitochondria and cellular membranes, place C60 within a league of its own. Moreover, once the free radicals have bound to it, they are 100% neutralized and do not interact with C60 or anything else along the way.

Another research paper showed that a specific malonic acid form of C60 mimicked the action of SOD, removing superoxide, which is a harmful by-product produced by cells. This shows that scavenging free radicals is not Carbon-60’s only means of acting as an antioxidant, but that it is capable of neutralizing pollutants via chemical reduction reactions too.8

#3 Reduces Inflammation & Symptoms of Arthritis

Seeing as Carbon-60 is such potent free radical scavenger, it makes sense that it helps reduce inflammation, especially as seen in arthritis. In both human cell cultures and rats which had arthritis, water-soluble C60 suppressed inflammation in the joints and bones.9

From a mitochondrial perspective, buckminsterfullerene helps to bring the mitochondria back into balance, which corrects the immune system and results in less bodily inflammation as a whole.

#4 Improves Immune Function

Aside from protecting mitochondria and cells from free radical damage, water-soluble C60 has been shown to stimulate the immune system in other ways.

These include stimulating the production of immune cells such as lymphocytes (white blood cells) and useful cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, both of which play a key role in fighting off infections and even tumor cellsю.10

Thanks to the potent antioxidant ability of this miracle molecule, it can stop you from having allergies and severe allergic reactions11(anaphylaxis). Levels of histamine, IgE’s and other inflammatory compounds associated with allergy were greatly reduced with the intervention of carbon-60.

This makes fullerene 60 a perfect treatment for asthma, respiratory problems, heart attacks, and cardiovascular disease.12

#5 Prevents Apoptosis in Neurons & Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

Apoptosis is a fancy term for the death of cells, which is what buckyballs have been shown to protect against in nerve cells.13

It is a fact that neurons die and get created everyday in a healthy individual. However, in the case of Alzheimer’s Disease and many other neurodegenerative disorders, too many neurons die which results in memory loss, cognitive decline and many other problems.

In one study, human neurons were cultured in vitro and then exposed to neuron-deadly excitotoxins. These cells were protected from apoptosis by buckminsterfullerene between 50-80%, with the 80% end of the range being for aspartame (NMDA).

This study also concluded that water-soluble C60 is not an excitotoxin and does not exhibit any toxicity to the brain or nervous system. It also makes carbon-60 look very promising as a treatment option for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

There is more evidence to support this, revealing that C60 actively promotes the growth of new neurons. Several fullerene 60 derivatives were tested in vitro and proven to support neuronal growth.14 Not only will this help prevent neurodegeneration, but it will also help to make you smarter!

Furthermore, in the case of Alzheimer’s Disease, it was shown that a specific C60 derivative destroys amyloid-beta plaques15, which means that it helps reverse the condition entirely.

#6 Protects Cartilage & Improves Bone Health

In one of the studies quoted above, buckyballs prevented bone damage and bone resorption when injected into the ankles of arthritic rats.

Further data indicates that carbon-60 does not just help to improve bone mineral density, but that it also protects cartilage. In rabbits that had been induced with osteoarthritis in their knees, water-soluble C60 prevented cartilage cells from aging prematurely or dying off, as well as increasing cartilage production and reducing enzymes that would destroy it.16

Fullerene 60 also proved to be superior to hyaluronic acid, which is the stuff that surrounds the cartilage in joints and is used as a common osteoarthritis treatment. Thus, Carbon-60 in it’s water-soluble form could potentially be one of the best treatments for both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

#7 Helps Eradicate Bacteria & Viruses, Including HIV

That’s right – it was even shown that carbon-60 has the ability to inhibit HIV and prevent the onset of AIDS!17

Research also highlights that this wonder molecule has the ability to prevent the spread of human cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C, Semliki Forest Virus and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus.18

Specific types of fullerene 60 known as fullerenols were shown to inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Candida albicans, and Malassezia furfur, which are all commonly found to infect the skin.19

Dangerous water suspensions of C60 – not the same as water-soluble C60 – have been documented to act as strong anti-bacterials20, but these compounds release free radicals and ought to be avoided. Other alkylated derivatives with short chains were also shown to destroy both bacteria and cancer cell lines21, but these are equally as toxic (see more below on side effects and types of synthetic Carbon-60).

#8 Prevents You From Getting Fatter

Don’t get too excited yet – there is no research as of yet that even hints towards buckyballs as a weight loss supplement. However, there have been several exciting studies revealing that these prehistoric compounds will prevent you from gaining more weight than you currently have right now.

With both human and mouse cell cultures, it was shown that both fat-soluble22 and water-soluble23 versions of carbon-60 prevented the cells from turning into fat cells.

#9 Inhibits Tumor Growth

This is a truly remarkable discovery. It was revealed that water-soluble fullerene-60 prevents certain bone marrow stem cells and breast cancer cells from communicating. This communication tends to result in the cancer spreading rapidly (metastasis)24.

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#11 May Reverse Skin Disorders

Fullerene-60 has been extensively tested for use in skincare applications, especially when the results were in about it’s impressive anti-radiation benefits.

In rat models of dermatitis, it was shown that C60 reduced inflammation and promoted better skin barrier function, especially when administered topically (as opposed to being injected into the skin).28

Impaired barrier function, as well as increased inflammation, are two of the main problems in dermatitis. When the barrier does not function properly, it allows pollutants and other toxins from the environment to infiltrate the skin, which causes a continuous cycle of inflammation. Carbon-60 helps put an end to this cycle.

For use in treating severe acne, it was shown that carbon-60 applied topically to skin decreased the number of skin lesions, pimples and oils found on the skin29. It also helped significantly increase the moisture content of the skin after 8 weeks, suggesting it could be used beneficially in anti-dermatitis moisturizers.

Interestingly, it was proven that lower concentrations of C60 permeated more deeply into the skin, while larger concentrations tended to hang out on the surface.30

Larger concentrations were also more effective at promoting better skin barrier function, but just on the surface of the skin. This suggests that lower concentrations are better for reducing inflammation in deeper levels of the skin, such as those with basal carcinomas.

In the case of certain types of skin disorders which result in hair loss or alopecia, carbon-60 can once again come to the rescue! It was proven that carbon-60 promoted rapid hair growth in bald mice.31


#12 Helps Prevent Male Infertility

Diabetes is a common cause for erectile dysfunction and male infertility. In diabetic male rats, fullerene C60 helped improve their fertility and genital function.32

Increased levels of the antioxidant glutathione, testosterone, vitamin E, sperm and sperm motility were noted in these C60 treated rats (more than in the other diabetic rats or even healthy rats!).

Furthermore, they had recovered completely from diabetes-induced testicular complications, such as swelling, free radical damage and cell death in the testis.

C60 Side Effects or Contraindications

Most of the tests carried out on carbon-60 indicate that its safety largely depends on the form you get it in and how you use it..

Possible Minor Eye Irritation of 100% C60 Solution

In one study, pure carbon-60 induced very slight eye irritation, which caused the eyes of rabbits to turn red one hour after administration. Within 24 hours, the redness was gone. It did not damage the eyes of the rabbits or cause any other problems. C60 also did not burn or irritate the skin around the eyes.33

The researchers explain that this is only the pure form of carbon-60 and that no other research has been carried out on C60 derivatives to assess eye or skin safety. Current data suggests that if you combined this molecule with something that is harmful, such as ammonia, one would likely receive all the negative effects of the ammonia – the same can be said in reverse of substance combinations that are beneficial!

A Colloidal C60 Suspension is Toxic

If pure carbon-60 is taken and mixed into the water without proper diffusion, it forms a suspension, which creates a variety of new molecules such as Nano-C60. This is not the same as the C60 molecules which are proven to have the miraculous health benefits above. Those forms of fullerene have been properly dissolved in a solution using specific scientific techniques – these are known as soluble forms of C60.

Instead, Nano-C60 was proven to be toxic34, acting as a potent free radical itself and attacking cellular membranes. However, the same research shows that it does not penetrate to the DNA of the cells and if an antioxidant is added, such as Vitamin C, the damage is completely reversed.

Cationic vs Anionic C60

It was found that all cationic or positively charged derivatives of carbon-60 are toxic, acting as free radicals, while anionic or negatively charged derivatives of C60 act as antioxidants.35 This largely depends once again on how the carbon-60 was extracted and what it is combined with.

Never Expose C60 To Light

When carbon-60 in solution is exposed to either light or high temperatures, it starts to oxidize, becoming highly unstable and toxic. This is especially true of buckyballs found in oil solutions or other mediums that start to degrade with light or heat. Hydrated water-soluble C60 does not share these properties however, being stable whether exposed to light or heat.

Sources of C60: Where or How Can I Get More Carbon 60?

Carbon-60 is found prolifically throughout nature in minute quantities. Every time you set fire to something, such as matches or a candle, you are releasing many carbon molecules into the atmosphere, including buckyballs.

Aside from combustion, let’s take a look at other sources of C60:

Synthetically Derived Laboratory-Grade C60

So far there are commercially available preparations of buckminsterfullerene available as supplements or for chemists to use in multiple other applications.

To extract the actual C60, the most common method used is a modified version of the first time C60 was made in large amounts by Kratschmer and Huffman in 1989.

This involves two graphite rods suspended in a gas, such as helium, at a high pressure. When a high voltage is run through the rods and they are made to touch, the carbon in the rods vaporize, turning into clouds of soot – which is essentially a bunch of carbon clusters.

Once Carbon-60 has been extracted from this mixture, it is then either tested in its pure form or mixed into some kind of solution. Scientists have discovered that they can mix this fullerene into almost any medium.

Due to the complexity of this compound, one ought to be careful when selecting a synthetically-derived source of C60. There is a big difference between the properties of dissolved C60 and suspended C60 – one should always opt for dissolved C60 or soluble C60.

There are two main synthetic sources:

Oil C60

Since the Baati study, most manufacturers of oil-soluble Carbon-60 use the method he used to make it. The process involves stirring a 99.98% pure Carbon-60 in olive oil for two weeks in the dark, without exposure to light, heat or oxygen. Following this, the mixture is centrifuged before being filtered through an incredibly fine sieve to remove any suspended particles.

Carbon-60 in this context binds to the fat particles in the oil, becoming a lipofullerene. The quality will depend on what oil was used as well as the conditions maintained to make it.

It was found that exposure to light is a huge problem in commercially available oil-soluble C6036, resulting in a plethora of toxic by-products.The oil used can also be a problem, as if the oil is not a good quality it could already be degraded due to overheating during manufacture or exposure to light. While many people already consume this type of oil, it would react with C60 and become far worse.

To ensure the best quality, it is best to source your carbon-60 directly from a lab or opt for a more natural source.

Hydrated C60

Until relatively recently, it was noted that carbon-60 cannot be dissolved in water without oxidizing and forming unstable by-products.

However, a bunch of geniuses at the Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds managed to find a way, calling their water-soluble C60: Hydrated C60 or C60 HyFn.37 They found a very clever method for placing carbon-60 molecules inside multiple “shells” of structured or ordered water particles, which do not appear to react with C60 and are quite similar in shape.

This water-soluble version of C60 is by far more stable than any other version and its structure is not easily destroyed – not even by boiling the water!

As you may have noticed, the bulk of health research in this article has been carried out on this stable water-soluble version of buckminsterfullerene. This is the best form of commercially available C60 as of yet; but beware of imposters who are using highly reactive and dangerous solutions where C60 is merely suspended in water.

Soot or Charcoal

Soot and charcoal contain little to no Carbon-60, as well as a multitude of other carbon molecules, some of which are not the safest to consume.

When comparing carbon-60 vs activated charcoal, it is clear that pure C60 wins hands down. Medicinal activated charcoal can be good for detoxing your system, but it passes through without being absorbed and one stands the risk of ingesting unwanted versions of carbon (such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which are essentially the carcinogenic compounds in petroleum).

This is certainly not the same as fullerene 60 which gets absorbed via the digestive tract and works its way through your body, mopping up free radicals as it goes along!

Blackstrap Molasses

When cane sugar ferments, it creates blackstrap molasses which eventually becomes rum if left for long enough.

Blackstrap molasses contains minute amounts of the magical molecule carbon-60 (not sure about the rum though!) as well as a few good trace mineral and nutrients. These include potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, copper, selenium and B vitamins.

Molasses is a great sugar substitute for those with diabetes, as it contains the above nutrients and only has a glycemic load of 55.

While this is a good way to add a little more C60 into your diet, it’s probably not enough to experience all the amazing health benefits spoken of above.


Shilajit is a mind-blowing all-natural complex of over 80 trace minerals, fulvic acid and humic substances. It is the end product of millions of years of decomposing plant matter and has been proven to hold a wealth of health benefits, which have been documented by Ayurvedic practitioners for more than 3000 years.

Lately, it has been revealed that part of Shilajit’s brilliance can be attributed to it’s abundance of carbon-60!

In fact, the core of Shilajit comprises of carbon-60 that has combined with other super powerful antioxidants, known as Dibenzo-alpha-pyrones (DBPs).38

DBPs act as electron reservoirs and when near mitochondria, they supply them with more electrons at a faster speed, which provides the cell with enormous amounts of energy. This in turn helps the cell to function more efficiently, live for longer and give a higher output – which translates as doing the same thing for us. DBPs have also been shown to preserve the body’s natural antioxidants, such as co-enzyme Q10.39

This insane combination of C60 with DBPs when paired with the fulvic acid inside Shilajit allows for it to penetrate deeply inside cells.

Fulvic acid selectively takes out pollutants and administers trace minerals to where they need to go to replenish the cell; while DBPs and buckyballs work together synergistically to correct the mitochondria, protect the cell membranes and DNA, as well as mop up free radicals.

Pure Shilajit does not undergo any processing, aside from a minor purification process. It is an amazing natural compound which has every right to be exalted as it is in Ayurveda.

This is definitely the best carbon-60 supplement available, as long as you can source it from a supplier that does not heat it or expose it to chemicals.

Shungite & Marcial Waters

Shungite is a special mineral that consists of 80% carbon, as well as a rich abundance of carbon-60.40 This largest deposit in the world of this carbon-based mineral is found in Russia, near a town called Shunga – hence the name Shungite.

It’s theorized that Shungite is over 2 billion years old and that this deposit may have formed there due to a meteorite collision. Under high heat, pressure and with certain atmospheric gases, large amounts of carbon molecules such as C60 could have formed.

While one can’t go and eat Shungite by the mouthful to dose up on Carbon-60, one can visit this mineral deposit near the town Shunga. There is a hot spring there called ‘Marcial Waters’ where the spring waters flow right through some of the mineral deposits, enriching it with the healing potential of carbon-60 and more.41

Bathing in the Shungite-rich hot springs in Russia, one can experience the benefits of carbon-60. Yet, the effects are said not to last very long after the event.

Star Dust, Meteorites or Lightning Discharges

Carbon-60 has been found in the discharge caused from where lightning strikes the ground or a dead tree. It has also been collected from meteorite samples and is even found when star dust is analyzed. This all contributes to the idea that buckyballs far predate life on Earth and are possibly a primordial constituent of the universe and creation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buckminsterfullerene

Is it safe to take while pregnant or before having a baby?

There is not any research relating to taking carbon-60 while pregnant, breast-feeding or just before conception, therefore it is best not to do so.

There have been two experiments on lactating and pregnant rats which reveal that C60 passes right through the placenta as well as into breast milk4243. Unfortunately, these experiments had used forms of carbon-60 which were bound to either radioactive carbon-14 or toxic polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)44, both of which cause severe damage alone and even more damage when combined with C60.

Can I water my plants with hydrated C60?

Interestingly while humans and animals benefit immensely from non-oxidized versions of this amazing molecule, plants suffer from it. In studies where plants were watered with hydrated C60, their roots showed retarded growth which corresponded with abnormal auxin (plant growth hormone) distribution in them.45 More research will have to be conducted to see if other forms of Carbon-60 are suitable for plants.

Can I use it on my pets?

When it comes to pristine C60 that has been dissolved properly in oil or hydrated C60, there have been many positive experiments done on animals of all kinds. A lot of people also have reported that when they gave it to their dogs, their animal companions appeared to become younger and have more energy. Some dogs over the age of 9 even went back into heat and veterinarians of these dogs has said that it’s like they are 3-5 years old again. If you plan to give this to your pets, make sure you give them a much lesser dose that corresponds to their body weight.

Is Carbon-60 a carbon isotope?

Carbon-60 is a fullerene, which is a family of carbon allotropes or different forms of carbon. Isotopes are not the same as allotropes, as carbon isotopes contain the same amount of protons but differing amounts of neutrons in their atoms. Carbon-60 is a molecule that consists of 60 carbon atoms.

Is C60 radioactive?

No, but it is possible to make it radioactive by combining it with carbon-14, which is a radioactive isotope of carbon. One could also possibly substitute one or more carbon atoms in C60 with radioactive atoms.

What color should C60 look like in a solution?

Magenta or purple-pink. Sometimes in an oil solution, the color is slightly darker due to the color of the oil. Be wary of black oil solutions, as this may also contain other impure forms of carbon. In hydrated C60, the color of the water remains the same.

What’s the difference between research-grade and industrial Carbon-60?

Research-grade C60 is manufactured in a lab, whereas industrial C60 is not. Industrial C60 is commonly what is sold commercially. Make sure to get research-grade C60 as the industrial version tends to be fraught with many harmful by-products – or better yet, get some Shilaji ---------------------------------



SES - world #1 experts in fullerenes


Published on May 19, 2018

A great interview with Chris Burres, owner and founder of SES Research on making C60, differences in C60 and how they are not created or treated equally, and common questions, concerns and confusion answered and explained. This IS the video to watch on C60!


FOR INFO ON THE MOLECULE C60: MUST LISTEN:PART 1 C60 Olive Oil Revealed with Chris Burres/SES Research INTERVIEW 51 MINS MP3

MUST LISTEN:PART 2 C60 Olive Oil Revealed with Chris Burres/SES Research INTERVIEW 15 MINS MP3


MUST LISTEN 33min interview with Mr. Geska who made and provided the C60 used in the original C60 toxicity rat study http://jokebook.com/mp3/33min-Interview%20-Bob%20Greska-made-orig-C60-used-in-orig-rat-study.mp3









Clif High - PurplePower - LiveLongerLabs C60 scam



here have recently been a plethora of studies on the benefit of C60. One main benefit is in the area of arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Another study showed that c60 was able to slow down AIDS. Here is a compilation of all freely available peer reviewed studies from medical journals from the US National Library of medicine. The scope of the studies are quiet wide and very astonishing.

c60 studies at US National Library of medicine




The pioneers of LIPOFULLERENE C60 (C60-EVOO)

we are scientists, so we decided to manufacture and sell the exact same product: Highly purified C60, fully dissolved in extra virgin olive oil. Stirred for two weeks, centrifuged and filtered just like the solution in the original research

40 mg of 99.95% pure Buckminsterfullerene C60 dissolved in 50 ml extra virgin olive oil, stirred for two weeks, centrifuged for one hour at 5000 g and filtered through a 0.22 micrometre filter. This is the exact same preparation as used in the original rat study.

the world's largest seller for the past eight years. first manufacturer/vendor of the product, produced at great expense exactly as in the original study and selling over 100,000 bottles in eight years"SOLD FOR THE PURPOSE OF LIFESPAN-EXTENSION STUDIES IN ANIMALS ONLY".


click on link




Carbon 60 - What are the health benefits, Where can you buy it & How much should you take?


Carbon 60 (C-60) is a Carbon structure based on the Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome design (nicknamed Buckyballs). C-60 is also known as Fullerene – after Bucky Fuller. C-60 is a molecule that is shaped very much like a soccer ball. It is a molecule in the shape of a spherical ball, made of 60 carbon atoms (C60). Its structure has both hexagon and pentagon formations. It is found in nature, as the result of the residuals of a lightning strike typically in soot or other carbon-based ash in very small amounts. The C-60 is also made in laboratories with an expensive and time consuming synthetic process.

In the numerous independent Laboratories and Universities research studies, primarily in Russia, Europe, China, and Japan, noted in the references cited below have shown remarkable health and longevity benefits. The medical and chemical research industry noticed the physical properties of C-60 several years ago in the mid-1980’s. They discovered that C-60 was physically inactive, in that they won’t react with anything indicating that they are harmless and totally non-toxic to the body.

C-60 atoms are chemically inert and the spherical ball shape forms a perfectly symmetrical structure… at the very small Nano level, as in Nano-technology. No other molecule has been found in the current research that bonds with C-60 thus allowing unstable molecules, such as free radicals, to adhere to the C-60 molecules. This permits the C-60 to remove the free radicals as a very superior antioxidant – research shows it is 100 times more effective in removing free radicals than Vitamin E and 172 times more effective than Vitamin C.

Since C-60 molecules will not dissolve in water and are chemically inert, C-60 research has discovered organic oil that will, with a specific mixing process, act as a carrier of the C-60 – specifically Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil as well as several others. After testing 9 different organic oils, such as Grape Seed Oil, Apricot Oil, Linseed Oil, etc., the research found Olive to be superior. In addition, Olive Oil is readily available and less expensive than the other oils.

C-60 is the combination of C-60 at the purity level of 99.95% and organic, cold pressed pure Olive Oil, Coconut Oil or Avocado Oil. C-6Olive is the product of a proprietary process that combines the two ingredients, as well as a proprietary frequency enhancement process into the final version that is marketed by Live Longer Labs.

Among the documented benefits reported in the research and testing are:

• Longevity – Research Shows a Doubling or more of Life Expectancy.

• Inhibiting the Rate of Tumor Growth and Metastasis

• Superior Antioxidant

• Cardiovascular Health

• Improved Cognitive Ability

• Increased Stamina & Overall Feeling Good

Clif High on C60 – Preparing for Long Life

What Can C60 Do (In Theory, No claims of course…)

According to Selfhacked.com

Is it Safe?

Lead researcher in Baati Rat study ( toxicity study that ended up doubling life rather than kill the rats!) said ‘Safe at high doses over long Periods of Time.’


Allometric Scaling (see below) suggests less than 1 mg/day ( C60 producers fail to mention this low dosage requirement. I find this dishonest and putting profits over people. (Though I’d make a lot of money if I left this out!)

Dosage Quotes:

Also see: Dosage Calculator (For Animals..)

The rats were given 1.7 mg/kg body weight 24 times over a 7-month period. Say the average lifespan of a human is 900 months and the average lifespan of a rat is 36 months. So humans live 25 times longer. So the rats were on C60 for roughly 20% of their natural expected lifespan. The rats received a total of 24 x (1.7 / 2) mg = 27.4 mg. Say the average human weighs 70 kilo, 140 times more than the rats in the study. Then during 20% of his/her lifespan (15 years), a human would need to take 27.4 x 140 x 25 = 95900 mg. 95900 g / (15 x 365) = 17.5 mg/day. However, there is such a thing as allometric scaling, when scaling a dose from one weight class into another:

You can verify there that there is an allometric scaling factor of 3.44 from our rats to humans, yielding an equivalent daily C60 dose for humans of 5 mg/day. (Use the following parameters: Weight1 = 0.5 kg, Weight2 = 70 kg, Dose1 = 0.85 mg, Exponent = 0.75). So my calculations get 5 mg/day. However, there is not much reason to believe that this dose is required, to enjoy the beneficial effect. The rat study’s goal was to find toxic effects, not establish medicinal properties.

All we have in one anecdotal report from someone who took a single 2 mg dose and said that 4 hours after he took that dose, he could run 3 km, something he had not been able to do for a decade (correct me if I’m wrong). So I think it’s reasonable, so far, taking many (more) factors into account, to advise 1 mg/day. If we take allotrometric scaling into account. there are many factors that play a role. The optimal dose may be lower or higher, and the dose at which you’re seeing a substantial beneficial effect may be an order of magnitude less.\



This product is ‘not for human consumption’ but I use it for myself



Posted on January 29, 2013

A funny thing happened along the way to testing a carbon nanostructure for toxicity. The lab rats who got the toxin lived twice as long. Is there a possibility here for human health?

Three Allotropes of Carbon

When I went to school, they taught us that carbon was found in nature in two elemental forms (or allotropes). Graphite consists of 2D sheets of carbon atoms that slide over one another so smoothly that graphite is slippery enough to be used as a dry lubricant.

Diamond consists of carbon atoms in a 3D tetrahedral network, so rigid that diamond is the hardest material known to man.

It was in 1985 that a third form was discovered: 60 carbon atoms arranged in a pattern of alternating hexagons and pentagons, exactly as on a soccer ball.

The substance was named “Buckminster Fullerene” after the inventor of the geodesic dome, and the molecules are nicknamed “buckyballs”.

At first, the chemical synthesis of C60 was performed via an intricate and complex recipe. But then it was discovered that fullerene is all around us, and has been all along, unrecognized. C60 can be found and refined in the soot from a candle flame!

Buckyballs are hollow, and clever chemists can manufacture them with an atom or small molecule locked inside. The chemistry of buckyballs is both unusual and diverse, with applications ranging from lubricants to superconductors.

Rats that are fed buckballs live longer

Last year, a team of French biologists reported that in testing fullerene dissolved in olive oil for toxicity, they were surprised to discover that the rats lived nearly twice as long as controls. The result was the more remarkable because the rats were middle-aged by the time the study began.

There were only 6 rats in each of 3 groups. But none of the C60 rats contracted cancer, and they all lived >50 months, which is long compared not only to normal rats, but compared to other longevity studies, including caloric restriction.

So the size of the effect has raised eyebrows, and suspicion that the result must be an error. Another surprise is that C60 is not even a biomolecule. So much of metabolic chemistry depends on signal molecules that act like switches that can change gene expression and initiate a cascade of other hormones. But C60 so simple and symmetric that it cannot be acting in this way. Its effect is likely to be much more direct.

The olive oil is crucial. C60 molecules clump together, and it took weeks of stirring to get them dissolved in the oil. The more usual clumpy form of pure C60 clogs cell metabolism and is likely toxic.

The treatment with C60 was intensive for a week, then spread out over 7 months. After that, the rats were “coasting” the last 3 years of their lives on whatever benefit they gained in their 2nd year.

The result, though surprising, isn’t completely out of the blue. There have been other studies in the past shoeing health benefits from fullerenes. C60 is known to be bioactive in a number of ways, affecting DNA expression, protein folding, …

But these effects are broad and varied, not highly specific like a biomolecule. This is why C60 was thought far more likely to be toxic than beneficial.

Echoes of my report last week on SkQ: Like SkQ, C60 also concentrates itself spontaneously in the mitochondria, and like SkQ, C60 is a powerful free radical scavenger, which means it efficiently de-toxifies the reactive oxygen bi-products from the cell’s energy production.

Too soon to try it on humans

Some people have started taking C60 in olive oil, though it is not yet approved in the US for human consumption. It can be purchased for (nominally) laboratory tests. I consider myself an early adopter, and have experimented on myself with several substances that are not yet fully validated as life extension agents. In particular, I take Product B for telomerase activation and have taken TA-65 in the past. I have also tried Skulachev’s eye drops, described last week. But 6 rats do not provide nearly the confidence I would need to ingest C60 myself. Experience reminds us that contradictions and inconsistencies abound in animal studies. Many results don’t hold up over time, and even the most robust results from animals are found at times to be inapplicable to humans.

The French research team, headed by Fathi Moussa, has begun efforts to replicate the result with more animals. This is the right next step.

A principal source for this page has been the November blog entry of Vince Giuliano. There’s a lot of detail on this page, with selective results from past studies of C60 in animals. Vince concludes

I strongly suspect that a deeper biological mechanism is involved in the health and longevity-producing effects of C60 despite the prevailing wisdom. As I see it the candidates for these deeper effects of C60 are (1) effects exercised on DNA including impacts on structural configuration, epigenetic gene activation effects, histones and nuclear envelope shape, (2) effects exercised on microtubule structures in cells, (3) effects on mitochondria, and (4) epigenetic impacts such as on histones and DNA methylation.


other sources of c60 https://carbon60oliveoil.com/about/


ABSTRACTS FROM: The Prolongation of the Lifespan of Rats by Repeated Oral Administration of [60]Fullerene

Link to article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224004891_The_prolongation_of_the_lifespan_of_rats_by_repeated_


the metabolic fate and the invivo chronic effects of C60itself still remain unknown. fullerene is active only in soluble form. the extremely slow dissolution of C60in biological media prevents controlling accurately the active fraction .

the chronic toxicity of C60has never been investigated to our knowledge.C60is soluble in lipid droplets inside living cells as well as in fats in general [2. Moreover, C60can freely cross membrane barriers. C60interactions with living systems as well as its toxicity should be determined using solubleforms.

While C60solubility in vegetable oils solutions should be quite appropriate for studying its chronic toxicity at reiterated doses. the invivo behaviour of soluble forms of C60 was unknown, we determined the invivo fate of C60dissolved in olive oil before studying its chronic effects at reiterated doses.

Virgin olive oil is obtained from a Chemlali Boughrara cultivar from Tunisia planted in the Sahel area. C60(purity 99.98%) was obtained from SES ResearchCorporation (USA) and used without further purification. Fifty mg of C60were dissolved in 10 ml of olive oil by stirring for 2 weeks at ambient temperature in the dark. The resulting mixture was centrifuged at 5.000 g for1 h and the supernatant was filtered through a Millipore filter with 0.25mm porosity.

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on survival of rats

The rats were housed three per cage and acclimated for 14 days, before dosing.Three groups of 6 rats (10 months old, weighing 465  31 g) were administered daily for one week, then weekly until the end of the second month and then every two weeks until the end of the 7th month, by gavages with 1 ml of water or olive oil orC60dissolved in olive oil (0.8 mg/ml), respectively.

The rats were weighed before each dosing. Routine observations following official recommendations [27] were made on all animals inside and outside the cageonce a day throughout the study for signs of departure from normal activity,morbidity and mortality.

Sixty rats randomly divided into 10 groups of 6 rats were pre-treated daily for 7days by oral gavages (og groups) or by i.p. injection (ip groups). Groups A (GAog andGAip), received 1 ml of water. Groups B and C (GBog, GCog and GBip, GCip) were pre-treated with 1 ml of olive oil while groups D and E (GDog, GEog and GDip, GEip)were pre-treated with 1 ml of C60-olive oil.

The resulting C60-olive oil solution is purple and contains0.80  0.02 mg/ml (n ¼ 6) The stability of both oily and control solutions stored at ambient temperature and in the dark was checked monthly during 48months. No change was recorded under our chromatographic conditions C60is well distributed in tissues.

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on lifespan of rats

Fig. 3 shows the animal survival and growth. After five months of treatment (M15) one rat treated with water only exhibited some palpable tumours in the abdomen region. Due to the rapid development of tumours (about 4 cm of diameter) this rat died at M17. As rats are known to be sensitive to gavages, we decided to stop the treatment for all rats and to observe their behaviour and overall survival.

All remaining animals survived with no apparent sign of behavioural trouble until M25(Fig. 3a). At the end of M25 the animals of the control groups showed signs of ulcerative dermatitis with ageing while C60-treated animals remained normal. As the growths of all surviving animals showed no significant difference until M30(Fig. 3b) indicating that the treatment did not alter their food intake, we continued observing their survival.

At M38 all water-treated control rats were dead (Fig. 3a). This agrees with the expected lifespan of this animal species that is thirty to thirty six months. At this time 67% of olive-oil-treated rats and 100% of C60-treated rats were still alive.

The estimated median lifespan (EML) for the C60-treated rats was 42months while the EMLs for control rats and olive oil-treated rats were 22 and 26 months, respectively. These are increases of 18 and 90% for the olive-oil and C60-treated rats, respectively, as compared to controls.

olive oil extends the lifespan of rats with respect to water with a probability of 0.99 while C60-olive oil extends the lifespan of C60 treated rats with a probability of 0.999 and 0.995 with respect to water and olive oil treatments, respectively.

. C60-olive oil solution preparation

The C60-olive oil solution used in this study can be considered as free of C60aggregates because its colour is purple that is characteristic of C60solutions AND it is freely and instantaneously soluble in toluene.

The stability of C60-olive oil solution determined under our experimental conditions agrees with recently published results showing that the addition of [60] fullerene significantly hampers the peroxide formation thus increasing the stability of the tested oils . The results of this pharmacokinetic study show for the first time that C60is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract

The elimination process follows a non-urinary route because unmodified C60was not detected in urine samples C60is mainly eliminated through the bile ducts C60reacts inside the liver cells with vitamin A. As C60and some of its derivatives mainly accumulate in the livers and spleens we also studied the accumulation of C60in these organs after 7 successive days of administration.

C60molecules are eliminated from the organs in a few hours after both oral and i.p. administrations. the presence of significant amounts in the brain 24 hours after both oral and i.p. administrations under our experimental conditions confirms that solubilized C60can cross the blood brain barrier

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on survival of treated rats

C60has no acute or sub-acute toxicity in rodents it can act as an antioxidant, we investigated its chronic toxicity concomitantly with its effects on the survival of rats. Ten-month old male rats (M10) were chosen instead of young ratsas officially recommended, in order to avoid possible compensatory effects that can occur during early development. we treated the rats daily only during 7 days and weekly during the first two months, then every two weeks until one control rat died.

Our results show that while olive oil treatment can lead to anincrease of 18% of lifespan of treated rats, C60-olive oil can increaseit up to 90%, as compared to controls. at M38 all C60-treated rats were still alive. C60should be the most efficient ever material for extending lifespan. C60itself is a powerful antioxidant

This is the first investigation of the invivo chronic effects ofa soluble form of C60. C60is a powerful antioxidant .C60can scavenge large numbers of free radicals. C60isa powerful liver-protective agent. C60is able to scavenge in vitro a large number of radicals per molecule and be this property can be involved in the mechanism of protection against toxicity,The results obtained for antioxidant enzyme activities also confirm the antioxidant effect of C60against toxicity.

the protective effect involves a free-radical scavenging mechanism. dissolved C60appears hundred times more active than when it is in suspension. In fact the action of soluble C60is immediate while that of suspended C60is delayed because it has to be dissolved to act. In all cases, based on C60-livercontent (Table 2), these results prove that this fullerene is active at the nano molar level. However, the involved mechanism remains to be established.

For the time being the hypothesis of free-radical scavenging remains possible. C60could act as a free-radical scavenger as it has been widely demonstrated in vitro, but up to now no resulting C60adduct has been observed in vivo.

Conclusion The effect of pristine C60on lifespan emphasizes the absence of chronic toxicity. In the present case, the treatment was stopped when a control rat died at M17, which proves that the effects of the C60treatment are long-lasting as the estimated median lifespan for C60-treated rats is 42 months. It can be thought that a longer treatment could have generated even longer lifespans. Anyway, this work should open the road towards the development of the considerable potential of C60in the biomedical field,including cancer therapy, neurodegenerative disorders and ageing.Furthermore, in the field of ageing, as C60can be administered orally and as it is now produced in tons,


Buckminsterfullerene C60 99.95%. 40 mg in 50 ml olive oil


It is not known how C60 greatly extends the life of mammals. Hypotheses vary from extremely effective antioxidant action to DNA-demethylation (which would permanently rejuvenate an individual on the genetic-molecular level).

The latter hypothesis fits the observed test results of various Buckminsterfullerene animal trials better than the former, with old mice aquiring the problem-solving power and memory of young mice, and rats nearly doubling their expected lifespan with just two dozen administrations of C60.

It has been postulated that Buckminsterfullerene becomes a semi-permanent constituent of the mitochondrial lipid bilayer, where it functions as an extremely effective antioxidant, since it is not used up and keeps getting re-absorbed in the mitochondrial lifecycle.

The C60 molecule acts as an "electron reservoir" and can accept or donate multiple electrons and thus neutralize all types of free radicals indefinitely - until it leaves the body. There are indications that it takes weeks for all C60 to leave the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria.

About short-term effects: Except for true athletes who reported increased strength and stamina as well as reduced recovery times and hence were able to achieve sustained gains, we do not think there will be any short-term beneficial effects for ordinary people.

A lot of what is mentioned online about short-term benefits is the Placebo effect, in our opinion. It is completely impossible to note that one ages say 15% slower, neither can one feel that tumors do not appear in the body.

"When the last rat in the control group had died,

all rats in the C60-olive oil group were still alive and they went on to live for an average of two more years."

Lipofullerene C60 semi-permanently embedded in the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria, where it acts as a reusable, recyclable antioxidant:

The C60 molecule is not damaged when it accepts or donates electrons from/to free radicals. When a cell or mitochondrion dies, the lipofullerene C60 can be reused by other cells.


1000 mg/kg/day of C60 has been proven to be non-toxic in this clinical study. The famous French C60 rat toxicity study that showed a 90% lifespan increase in rats used a few times times higher dose than our recommendation, 0.02 mg/kg/day.


The Baati study rats took only 24 doses during their entire lifetime, over a period of just 7 months and 24 doses only, starting when they were 10 months old. The increase in lifespan is officially 90% (nearly twice as old!) but in reality it would be even higher, because Dr. Fathi Moussa admitted recently that they killed the last surviving rat when it was 5.5 years old because they wanted to wrap up the study.

There even circulates a rumor that one more surviving rat was killed in order to be able to publish this groundbreaking study sooner, in fear other researchers may be first. There is no substance that prolongs the life of mammals longer than C60 in olive oil.

Not even the most expensive supplements such as Resveratrol come remotely close, and neither are those supplements supported by such solid evidence as the Baati study. Of course, humans can NOT expect a doubling of lifespan like rats but we estimate at most a 20% average increase - possibly cancer-free, like the rats.

Aerobic- & strength gains, longevity, brain rejuvenation and tumor prevention with C60 olive oil


Aerobic- & strength gains, longevity, brain rejuvenation and tumor prevention with C60 olive oil

We found animal studies that documented brain rejuvenation in mice and the near-doubling of lifespan (PDF) and the prevention of cancer and the diseases of old age in rats.

We also found toxicological studies that show that C60 (Buckminsterfullerene) in olive oil is safe. C60 in olive oil also has an extremely effective liver-protective effect, as documented in the same publication, where rats were poisoned to death with liver-destroying chemicals but the rats that took C60 barely were affected at all.

Prof. Moussa mentions this in the interview: "The rats that took C60 did not develop any tumors, unlike the rats in the control group."


. C60-olive oil solution preparation

The C60-olive oil solution used in this study can be considered as free of C60aggregates because its colour is purple that is characteristic of C60solutions AND it is freely and instantaneously soluble in toluene.

The stability of C60-olive oil solution determined under our experimental conditions agrees with recently published results showing that the addition of [60]fullerene significantly hampers the peroxide formation thus increasing the stability of the tested oils . The results of this pharmacokinetic study show for the first timethat C60is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract

The elimination process follows a non-urinary route because unmodified C60was not detected in urine samples C60is mainly eliminated through the bile ducts C60reacts inside the liver cells with vitamin A. As C60and some of its derivatives mainly accumulate in the livers and spleens we also studied the accumulation of C60in these organs after 7 successive days of administration.

C60molecules are eliminated from the organs in a few hours after both oral and i.p. administrations. the presence of significant amounts in the brain 24 hours after both oral and i.p. administrations under our experimental conditions confirms that solubilized C60can cross the bloodebrain barrier

Chronic toxicity and effects of C60on survival of treated rats

C60has no acute or sub-acute toxicity inrodents it can act as an antioxidant, we investigated its chronic toxicity concomitantly with its effects on the survival of rats. Ten-month old male rats (M10) were chosen instead of young ratsas officially recommended, in order to avoid possible compensatory effects that can occur during early development. we treated the rats daily only during 7 days and weekly during the first two months, then every two weeks until one control rat died.

Our results show that while olive oil treatment can lead to anincrease of 18% of lifespan of treated rats, C60-olive oil can increaseit up to 90%, as compared to controls. at M38 all C60-treated rats were still alive. C60should be the most efficient ever material for extending lifespan. C60itself is a powerful antioxidant

This is the first investigation of the in vivo chronic effects ofa soluble form of C60. C60is a powerful antioxidant .C60can scavenge large numbersof free radicals. C60isa powerful liver-protective agent. C60is ableto scavenge in vitro a large number of radicals per molecule and be this property can be involved in the mechanism of protection against toxicity,The results obtained for antioxidant enzyme activities also confirm the antioxidant effect of C60against toxicity.

the protective effect involves a free-radical scavenging mechanism. dissolved C60appears hundred times more active than when it is in suspension. In fact the action of soluble C60is immediate while that of suspended C60is delayed because it has to be dissolved to act. In all cases, based on C60-livercontent (Table 2), these results prove that this fullerene is active atthe nano molar level. However, the involved mechanism remains to be established.

For the time being the hypothesis of free-radical scavenging remains possible. C60could act as a free-radicalscavenger as it has been widely demonstrated in vitro, but up to now no resulting C60adduct has been observed in vivo.

Conclusion The effect of pristine C60on lifespan emphasizes the absence of chronic toxicity. In the present case, the treatment was stopped when a control rat died at M17, which proves that the effects of the C60treatment are long-lasting as the estimated median lifespan for C60-treated rats is 42 months. It can be thought that a longer treatment could have generated even longer lifespans. Anyway, this work should open the road towards the developmentof the considerable potential of C60in the biomedical field,including cancer therapy, neurodegenerative disorders and ageing.Furthermore, in the field of ageing, as C60can be administered orally and as it is now produced in tons,


Buckminsterfullerene C60 99.95%. 40 mg in 50 ml olive oil


It is not known how C60 greatly extends the life of mammals. Hypotheses vary from extremely effective antioxidant action to DNA-demethylation (which would permanently rejuvenate an individual on the genetic-molecular level).

The latter hypothesis fits the observed test results of various Buckminsterfullerene animal trials better than the former, with old mice aquiring the problem-solving power and memory of young mice, and rats nearly doubling their expected lifespan with just two dozen administrations of C60.

It has been postulated that Buckminsterfullerene becomes a semi-permanent constituent of the mitochondrial lipid bilayer, where it functions as an extremely effective antioxidant, since it is not used up and keeps getting re-absorbed in the mitochondrial lifecycle.

The C60 molecule acts as an "electron reservoir" and can accept or donate multiple electrons and thus neutralize all types of free radicals indefinitely - until it leaves the body. There are indications that it takes weeks for all C60 to leave the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria.

About short-term effects: Except for true athletes who reported increased strength and stamina as well as reduced recovery times and hence were able to achieve sustained gains, we do not think there will be any short-term beneficial effects for ordinary people.

A lot of what is mentioned online about short-term benefits is the Placebo effect, in our opinion. It is completely impossible to note that one ages say 15% slower, neither can one feel that tumors do not appear in the body.

"When the last rat in the control group had died,

all rats in the C60-olive oil group were still alive and they went on to live for an average of two more years."

Lipofullerene C60 semi-permanently embedded in the lipid bilayers of the cells and mitochondria, where it acts as a reusable, recyclable antioxidant:

The C60 molecule is not damaged when it accepts or donates electrons from/to free radicals. When a cell or mitochondrion dies, the lipofullerene C60 can be reused by other cells.


1000 mg/kg/day of C60 has been proven to be non-toxic in this clinical study. The famous French C60 rat toxicity study that showed a 90% lifespan increase in rats used a few times times higher dose than our recommendation, 0.02 mg/kg/day.


The Baati study rats took only 24 doses during their entire lifetime, over a period of just 7 months and 24 doses only, starting when they were 10 months old. The increase in lifespan is officially 90% (nearly twice as old!) but in reality it would be even higher, because Dr. Fathi Moussa admitted recently that they killed the last surviving rat when it was 5.5 years old because they wanted to wrap up the study.

There even circulates a rumor that one more surviving rat was killed in order to be able to publish this groundbreaking study sooner, in fear other researchers may be first. There is no substance that prolongs the life of mammals longer than C60 in olive oil.

Not even the most expensive supplements such as Resveratrol come remotely close, and neither are those supplements supported by such solid evidence as the Baati study. Of course, humans can NOT expect a doubling of lifespan like rats but we estimate at most a 20% average increase - possibly cancer-free, like the rats.

Aerobic- & strength gains, longevity, brain rejuvenation and tumor prevention with C60 olive oil


Aerobic- & strength gains, longevity, brain rejuvenation and tumor prevention with C60 olive oil

We found animal studies that documented brain rejuvenation in mice and the near-doubling of lifespan (PDF) and the prevention of cancer and the diseases of old age in rats.

We also found toxicological studies that show that C60 (Buckminsterfullerene) in olive oil is safe. C60 in olive oil also has an extremely effective liver-protective effect, as documented in the same publication, where rats were poisoned to death with liver-destroying chemicals but the rats that took C60 barely were affected at all.

Prof. Moussa mentions this in the interview: "The rats that took C60 did not develop any tumors, unlike the rats in the control group."


Professor Moussa, leader of the study team says in the interview that C60 (Buckminsterfullerene) is totally non-toxic. He has been researching Fullerene C60 for 18 years.

Buckminsterfullerene: Natural anti-aging


And the rat study is not a fluke - a similar C60 study on mice reported not just an increased lifespan - also very greatly improved learning and memory. Very old mice (near end of life) performed as young mice (6 months old).

it is not even known whether the health benefits come purely from the C60, or whether the C60 merely acts as a vehicle to bring long chain fatty acids into the cells. Or whether there is a synergy at play

There must be something else hitherto undiscovered about this unique sphere-shaped molecule. C60, when dissolved in olive oil and ingested orally, gets absorbed and the C60 mulecules become distributed - albeit in small concentrations - throughout the body and intracellularly, even beyond the blood-brain barrier in minute amounts.

Big Pharma is working to patent a water-soluble designer-fullerene and sell it extremely expensively as a life-extension drug. They will have little trouble persuading the FDA, their enforcer, to ban all other natural fullerenes for being "toxic"

The cell walls are lipids and lipofullerene (C60 with adducts of the long-chain fatty acids of olive oil) therefore is readily absorbed by the cells and ends up where it is most needed - provenly in the mitochondrial bilayer membranes, where it will neutralize ROS (reactive oxygen species) like no other molecule, because C60 can function as an antioxidant in all perpetuity, it is not "used up" by performing its antioxidant action because it can capture high-energy electrons all the way up to Beta-radiation level, reduce their energy in the C60 matrix and drain them by electrical instead of chemical means.

Better absorption happens when smaller dosages are taken more frequently.


how i take c60 half a tablespoon measure (1 1/2 teaspoons is half of a tablespoon)

one of these each day for eight weeks then nothing for a week then repeat


Buckminsterfullerene: The Magic Carbon Molecule That Precedes

Life On Earth!

This carbon molecule is theorized to have a practical use in everything, including rocket fuel,

electronics and in creating super strong materials! Yet, arguably the most profound applications

have been in the field of health.

Carbon-60 is a very complicated subject and there is a lot of public confusion about it. In an

attempt to clarify what is currently known about this magic molecule, we have compiled this

article which highlights its health benefits, side effects, sources and all you need to know about

using it to optimize your well-being and performance!

What Is Carbon 60?

Carbon-60 is a member of the carbon family, alongside diamond and graphite, that was only

discovered recently in 1985.

Its official name, Buckminsterfullerene, was an ode to Buckminster Fuller, a mathematician who

designed geodesic dome structures similar to this compound.

Essentially a carbon-60 molecule is comprised of 60 carbon atoms which are arranged in a unique

shape that can be thought of as a ‘carbon cage’. This shape resembles that of a soccer ball,

comprising of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. At the vertex of each shape is one carbon atom,

with a double bond forming the edges. Another name for this unique structure is a truncated icosahedron.

This shape is what gives C60 all of it’s amazing properties, including being resistant to radiation, chemical corrosion and breakage under high pressure. Metals and other substances can be placed inside the vacuum interiors of buckyballs, turning them into novel nano-transport vehicles or superconductors. They are small enough to move through cell membranes and sit between woven strands of DNA.2

Carbon-60 is also readily reacts with other substances and is able to easily combine with just about any compound to enhance its action.

Furthermore, C60 was found in deep space and star dust, as well as ancient mineral deposits and meteorites found on Earth, suggesting that it predates life on the planet.

All these aspects of fullerene 60 have made it the center of much research worldwide; however even after more than 30 years, scientists are only just beginning to scratch the tip of this iceberg!

12 Health Benefits of Carbon 60

Most of the research carried out on C60 is based on rat models. However, there is an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence that supports these findings in humans too, given that the source of carbon-60 is pure or not combined with another dangerous compound.

#1 Increases Longevity

The Paris or Baati study is likely the most famous experiment performed using carbon-60. The findings reveal that this molecule is not only non-toxic but increases the lifespan of rats by 90%!3

Part of this is possibly due to the fact that Carbon-60 has a high affinity for both cellular and mitochondrial membranes.4 It helps protect both of these structures, which are integral to the lifespan of our cells and ultimately us.

There are several studies proving that water-soluble C60 prevents mitochondrial dysfunction5, which promotes longevity, as well as optimal health and increased energy levels. One in particular showed that rats exposed to fatal levels of radiation managed to survive for 30 days after the event, thanks to good old buckyballs!

#2 Scavenges Free Radicals

Ever since the first experiments were conducted on buckyballs, it was concluded that this molecule acts as a free radical sponge, mopping up any that it encounters. It has been reported that this molecule has an antioxidant capacity several hundred times higher than other antioxidants!6

What makes fullerene 60 even more amazing is its strong cage-like structure. The free radicals it takes out the body don’t affect its shape or function, allowing for it to continuously deal with free radicals until it leaves the system (which has been shown in the Baati study to be 97 hours from the bloodstream of rats).

Unlike other antioxidants, which can bind to free radicals molecule-for-molecule, carbon-60 can accumulate dozens of them before it can no longer do so. For example, it has been reported that C60 can hold up to 34 methyl radicals at one time!

This combined with it’s ability to by-pass cellular membranes, including the blood-brain-barrier7, as well as its affinity for DNA, mitochondria and cellular membranes, place C60 within a league of its own. Moreover, once the free radicals have bound to it, they are 100% neutralized and do not interact with C60 or anything else along the way.

Another research paper showed that a specific malonic acid form of C60 mimicked the action of SOD, removing superoxide, which is a harmful by-product produced by cells. This shows that scavenging free radicals is not Carbon-60’s only means of acting as an antioxidant, but that it is capable of neutralizing pollutants via chemical reduction reactions too.8

#3 Reduces Inflammation & Symptoms of Arthritis

Seeing as Carbon-60 is such potent free radical scavenger, it makes sense that it helps reduce inflammation, especially as seen in arthritis. In both human cell cultures and rats which had arthritis, water-soluble C60 suppressed inflammation in the joints and bones.9

From a mitochondrial perspective, buckminsterfullerene helps to bring the mitochondria back into balance, which corrects the immune system and results in less bodily inflammation as a whole.

#4 Improves Immune Function

Aside from protecting mitochondria and cells from free radical damage, water-soluble C60 has been shown to stimulate the immune system in other ways.

These include stimulating the production of immune cells such as lymphocytes (white blood cells) and useful cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, both of which play a key role in fighting off infections and even tumor cellsю.10

Thanks to the potent antioxidant ability of this miracle molecule, it can stop you from having allergies and severe allergic reactions11(anaphylaxis). Levels of histamine, IgE’s and other inflammatory compounds associated with allergy were greatly reduced with the intervention of carbon-60.

This makes fullerene 60 a perfect treatment for asthma, respiratory problems, heart attacks, and cardiovascular disease.12

#5 Prevents Apoptosis in Neurons & Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

Apoptosis is a fancy term for the death of cells, which is what buckyballs have been shown to protect against in nerve cells.13

It is a fact that neurons die and get created everyday in a healthy individual. However, in the case of Alzheimer’s Disease and many other neurodegenerative disorders, too many neurons die which results in memory loss, cognitive decline and many other problems.

In one study, human neurons were cultured in vitro and then exposed to neuron-deadly excitotoxins. These cells were protected from apoptosis by buckminsterfullerene between 50-80%, with the 80% end of the range being for aspartame (NMDA).

This study also concluded that water-soluble C60 is not an excitotoxin and does not exhibit any toxicity to the brain or nervous system. It also makes carbon-60 look very promising as a treatment option for cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

There is more evidence to support this, revealing that C60 actively promotes the growth of new neurons. Several fullerene 60 derivatives were tested in vitro and proven to support neuronal growth.14 Not only will this help prevent neurodegeneration, but it will also help to make you smarter!

Furthermore, in the case of Alzheimer’s Disease, it was shown that a specific C60 derivative destroys amyloid-beta plaques15, which means that it helps reverse the condition entirely.

#6 Protects Cartilage & Improves Bone Health

In one of the studies quoted above, buckyballs prevented bone damage and bone resorption when injected into the ankles of arthritic rats.

Further data indicates that carbon-60 does not just help to improve bone mineral density, but that it also protects cartilage. In rabbits that had been induced with osteoarthritis in their knees, water-soluble C60 prevented cartilage cells from aging prematurely or dying off, as well as increasing cartilage production and reducing enzymes that would destroy it.16

Fullerene 60 also proved to be superior to hyaluronic acid, which is the stuff that surrounds the cartilage in joints and is used as a common osteoarthritis treatment. Thus, Carbon-60 in it’s water-soluble form could potentially be one of the best treatments for both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

#7 Helps Eradicate Bacteria & Viruses, Including HIV

That’s right – it was even shown that carbon-60 has the ability to inhibit HIV and prevent the onset of AIDS!17

Research also highlights that this wonder molecule has the ability to prevent the spread of human cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C, Semliki Forest Virus and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus.18

Specific types of fullerene 60 known as fullerenols were shown to inhibit the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Candida albicans, and Malassezia furfur, which are all commonly found to infect the skin.19

Dangerous water suspensions of C60 – not the same as water-soluble C60 – have been documented to act as strong anti-bacterials20, but these compounds release free radicals and ought to be avoided. Other alkylated derivatives with short chains were also shown to destroy both bacteria and cancer cell lines21, but these are equally as toxic (see more below on side effects and types of synthetic Carbon-60).

#8 Prevents You From Getting Fatter

Don’t get too excited yet – there is no research as of yet that even hints towards buckyballs as a weight loss supplement. However, there have been several exciting studies revealing that these prehistoric compounds will prevent you from gaining more weight than you currently have right now.

With both human and mouse cell cultures, it was shown that both fat-soluble22 and water-soluble23 versions of carbon-60 prevented the cells from turning into fat cells.

#9 Inhibits Tumor Growth

This is a truly remarkable discovery. It was revealed that water-soluble fullerene-60 prevents certain bone marrow stem cells and breast cancer cells from communicating. This communication tends to result in the cancer spreading rapidly (metastasis)24.

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#11 May Reverse Skin Disorders

Fullerene-60 has been extensively tested for use in skincare applications, especially when the results were in about it’s impressive anti-radiation benefits.

In rat models of dermatitis, it was shown that C60 reduced inflammation and promoted better skin barrier function, especially when administered topically (as opposed to being injected into the skin).28

Impaired barrier function, as well as increased inflammation, are two of the main problems in dermatitis. When the barrier does not function properly, it allows pollutants and other toxins from the environment to infiltrate the skin, which causes a continuous cycle of inflammation. Carbon-60 helps put an end to this cycle.

For use in treating severe acne, it was shown that carbon-60 applied topically to skin decreased the number of skin lesions, pimples and oils found on the skin29. It also helped significantly increase the moisture content of the skin after 8 weeks, suggesting it could be used beneficially in anti-dermatitis moisturizers.

Interestingly, it was proven that lower concentrations of C60 permeated more deeply into the skin, while larger concentrations tended to hang out on the surface.30

Larger concentrations were also more effective at promoting better skin barrier function, but just on the surface of the skin. This suggests that lower concentrations are better for reducing inflammation in deeper levels of the skin, such as those with basal carcinomas.

In the case of certain types of skin disorders which result in hair loss or alopecia, carbon-60 can once again come to the rescue! It was proven that carbon-60 promoted rapid hair growth in bald mice.31

#12 Helps Prevent Male Infertility

Diabetes is a common cause for erectile dysfunction and male infertility. In diabetic male rats, fullerene C60 helped improve their fertility and genital function.32

Increased levels of the antioxidant glutathione, testosterone, vitamin E, sperm and sperm motility were noted in these C60 treated rats (more than in the other diabetic rats or even healthy rats!).

Furthermore, they had recovered completely from diabetes-induced testicular complications, such as swelling, free radical damage and cell death in the testis.

C60 Side Effects or Contraindications

Most of the tests carried out on carbon-60 indicate that its safety largely depends on the form you get it in and how you use it..

  • Possible Minor Eye Irritation of 100% C60 Solution

In one study, pure carbon-60 induced very slight eye irritation, which caused the eyes of rabbits to turn red one hour after administration. Within 24 hours, the redness was gone. It did not damage the eyes of the rabbits or cause any other problems. C60 also did not burn or irritate the skin around the eyes.33

The researchers explain that this is only the pure form of carbon-60 and that no other research has been carried out on C60 derivatives to assess eye or skin safety. Current data suggests that if you combined this molecule with something that is harmful, such as ammonia, one would likely receive all the negative effects of the ammonia – the same can be said in reverse of substance combinations that are beneficial!

  • A Colloidal C60 Suspension is Toxic

If pure carbon-60 is taken and mixed into the water without proper diffusion, it forms a suspension, which creates a variety of new molecules such as Nano-C60. This is not the same as the C60 molecules which are proven to have the miraculous health benefits above. Those forms of fullerene have been properly dissolved in a solution using specific scientific techniques – these are known as soluble forms of C60.

Instead, Nano-C60 was proven to be toxic34, acting as a potent free radical itself and attacking cellular membranes. However, the same research shows that it does not penetrate to the DNA of the cells and if an antioxidant is added, such as Vitamin C, the damage is completely reversed.

  • Cationic vs Anionic C60

It was found that all cationic or positively charged derivatives of carbon-60 are toxic, acting as free radicals, while anionic or negatively charged derivatives of C60 act as antioxidants.35 This largely depends once again on how the carbon-60 was extracted and what it is combined with.

  • Never Expose C60 To Light

When carbon-60 in solution is exposed to either light or high temperatures, it starts to oxidize, becoming highly unstable and toxic. This is especially true of buckyballs found in oil solutions or other mediums that start to degrade with light or heat. Hydrated water-soluble C60 does not share these properties however, being stable whether exposed to light or heat.

Sources of C60: Where or How Can I Get More Carbon 60?

Carbon-60 is found prolifically throughout nature in minute quantities. Every time you set fire to something, such as matches or a candle, you are releasing many carbon molecules into the atmosphere, including buckyballs.

Aside from combustion, let’s take a look at other sources of C60:

Synthetically Derived Laboratory-Grade C60

So far there are commercially available preparations of buckminsterfullerene available as supplements or for chemists to use in multiple other applications.

To extract the actual C60, the most common method used is a modified version of the first time C60 was made in large amounts by Kratschmer and Huffman in 1989.

This involves two graphite rods suspended in a gas, such as helium, at a high pressure. When a high voltage is run through the rods and they are made to touch, the carbon in the rods vaporize, turning into clouds of soot – which is essentially a bunch of carbon clusters.

Once Carbon-60 has been extracted from this mixture, it is then either tested in its pure form or mixed into some kind of solution. Scientists have discovered that they can mix this fullerene into almost any medium.

Due to the complexity of this compound, one ought to be careful when selecting a synthetically-derived source of C60. There is a big difference between the properties of dissolved C60 and suspended C60 – one should always opt for dissolved C60 or soluble C60.

There are two main synthetic sources:

Oil C60

Since the Baati study, most manufacturers of oil-soluble Carbon-60 use the method he used to make it. The process involves stirring a 99.98% pure Carbon-60 in olive oil for two weeks in the dark, without exposure to light, heat or oxygen. Following this, the mixture is centrifuged before being filtered through an incredibly fine sieve to remove any suspended particles.

Carbon-60 in this context binds to the fat particles in the oil, becoming a lipofullerene. The quality will depend on what oil was used as well as the conditions maintained to make it.

It was found that exposure to light is a huge problem in commercially available oil-soluble C6036, resulting in a plethora of toxic by-products.The oil used can also be a problem, as if the oil is not a good quality it could already be degraded due to overheating during manufacture or exposure to light. While many people already consume this type of oil, it would react with C60 and become far worse.

To ensure the best quality, it is best to source your carbon-60 directly from a lab or opt for a more natural source.

Hydrated C60

Until relatively recently, it was noted that carbon-60 cannot be dissolved in water without oxidizing and forming unstable by-products.

However, a bunch of geniuses at the Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds managed to find a way, calling their water-soluble C60: Hydrated C60 or C60 HyFn.37 They found a very clever method for placing carbon-60 molecules inside multiple “shells” of structured or ordered water particles, which do not appear to react with C60 and are quite similar in shape.

This water-soluble version of C60 is by far more stable than any other version and its structure is not easily destroyed – not even by boiling the water!

As you may have noticed, the bulk of health research in this article has been carried out on this stable water-soluble version of buckminsterfullerene. This is the best form of commercially available C60 as of yet; but beware of imposters who are using highly reactive and dangerous solutions where C60 is merely suspended in water.

Soot or Charcoal

Soot and charcoal contain little to no Carbon-60, as well as a multitude of other carbon molecules, some of which are not the safest to consume.

When comparing carbon-60 vs activated charcoal, it is clear that pure C60 wins hands down. Medicinal activated charcoal can be good for detoxing your system, but it passes through without being absorbed and one stands the risk of ingesting unwanted versions of carbon (such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which are essentially the carcinogenic compounds in petroleum).

This is certainly not the same as fullerene 60 which gets absorbed via the digestive tract and works its way through your body, mopping up free radicals as it goes along!

Blackstrap Molasses

When cane sugar ferments, it creates blackstrap molasses which eventually becomes rum if left for long enough.

Blackstrap molasses contains minute amounts of the magical molecule carbon-60 (not sure about the rum though!) as well as a few good trace mineral and nutrients. These include potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, copper, selenium and B vitamins.

Molasses is a great sugar substitute for those with diabetes, as it contains the above nutrients and only has a glycemic load of 55.

While this is a good way to add a little more C60 into your diet, it’s probably not enough to experience all the amazing health benefits spoken of above.


Shilajit is a mind-blowing all-natural complex of over 80 trace minerals, fulvic acid and humic substances. It is the end product of millions of years of decomposing plant matter and has been proven to hold a wealth of health benefits, which have been documented by Ayurvedic practitioners for more than 3000 years.

Lately, it has been revealed that part of Shilajit’s brilliance can be attributed to it’s abundance of carbon-60!

In fact, the core of Shilajit comprises of carbon-60 that has combined with other super powerful antioxidants, known as Dibenzo-alpha-pyrones (DBPs).38

DBPs act as electron reservoirs and when near mitochondria, they supply them with more electrons at a faster speed, which provides the cell with enormous amounts of energy. This in turn helps the cell to function more efficiently, live for longer and give a higher output – which translates as doing the same thing for us. DBPs have also been shown to preserve the body’s natural antioxidants, such as co-enzyme Q10.39

This insane combination of C60 with DBPs when paired with the fulvic acid inside Shilajit allows for it to penetrate deeply inside cells.

Fulvic acid selectively takes out pollutants and administers trace minerals to where they need to go to replenish the cell; while DBPs and buckyballs work together synergistically to correct the mitochondria, protect the cell membranes and DNA, as well as mop up free radicals.

Pure Shilajit does not undergo any processing, aside from a minor purification process. It is an amazing natural compound which has every right to be exalted as it is in Ayurveda.

This is definitely the best carbon-60 supplement available, as long as you can source it from a supplier that does not heat it or expose it to chemicals.

Shungite & Marcial Waters

Shungite is a special mineral that consists of 80% carbon, as well as a rich abundance of carbon-60.40 This largest deposit in the world of this carbon-based mineral is found in Russia, near a town called Shunga – hence the name Shungite.

It’s theorized that Shungite is over 2 billion years old and that this deposit may have formed there due to a meteorite collision. Under high heat, pressure and with certain atmospheric gases, large amounts of carbon molecules such as C60 could have formed.

While one can’t go and eat Shungite by the mouthful to dose up on Carbon-60, one can visit this mineral deposit near the town Shunga. There is a hot spring there called ‘Marcial Waters’ where the spring waters flow right through some of the mineral deposits, enriching it with the healing potential of carbon-60 and more.41

Bathing in the Shungite-rich hot springs in Russia, one can experience the benefits of carbon-60. Yet, the effects are said not to last very long after the event.

Star Dust, Meteorites or Lightning Discharges

Carbon-60 has been found in the discharge caused from where lightning strikes the ground or a dead tree. It has also been collected from meteorite samples and is even found when star dust is analyzed. This all contributes to the idea that buckyballs far predate life on Earth and are possibly a primordial constituent of the universe and creation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buckminsterfullerene

Is it safe to take while pregnant or before having a baby?

There is not any research relating to taking carbon-60 while pregnant, breast-feeding or just before conception, therefore it is best not to do so.

There have been two experiments on lactating and pregnant rats which reveal that C60 passes right through the placenta as well as into breast milk4243. Unfortunately, these experiments had used forms of carbon-60 which were bound to either radioactive carbon-14 or toxic polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)44, both of which cause severe damage alone and even more damage when combined with C60.

Can I water my plants with hydrated C60?

Interestingly while humans and animals benefit immensely from non-oxidized versions of this amazing molecule, plants suffer from it. In studies where plants were watered with hydrated C60, their roots showed retarded growth which corresponded with abnormal auxin (plant growth hormone) distribution in them.45 More research will have to be conducted to see if other forms of Carbon-60 are suitable for plants.

Can I use it on my pets?

When it comes to pristine C60 that has been dissolved properly in oil or hydrated C60, there have been many positive experiments done on animals of all kinds. A lot of people also have reported that when they gave it to their dogs, their animal companions appeared to become younger and have more energy. Some dogs over the age of 9 even went back into heat and veterinarians of these dogs has said that it’s like they are 3-5 years old again. If you plan to give this to your pets, make sure you give them a much lesser dose that corresponds to their body weight.

Is Carbon-60 a carbon isotope?

Carbon-60 is a fullerene, which is a family of carbon allotropes or different forms of carbon. Isotopes are not the same as allotropes, as carbon isotopes contain the same amount of protons but differing amounts of neutrons in their atoms. Carbon-60 is a molecule that consists of 60 carbon atoms.

Is C60 radioactive?

No, but it is possible to make it radioactive by combining it with carbon-14, which is a radioactive isotope of carbon. One could also possibly substitute one or more carbon atoms in C60 with radioactive atoms.

What color should C60 look like in a solution?

Magenta or purple-pink. Sometimes in an oil solution, the color is slightly darker due to the color of the oil. Be wary of black oil solutions, as this may also contain other impure forms of carbon. In hydrated C60, the color of the water remains the same.

What’s the difference between research-grade and industrial Carbon-60?

Research-grade C60 is manufactured in a lab, whereas industrial C60 is not. Industrial C60 is commonly what is sold commercially. Make sure to get research-grade C60 as the industrial version tends to be fraught with many harmful by-products – or better yet, get some Shilajit


Buckminsterfullerene: The Magic Carbon Molecule That Precedes Life On Earth!

This carbon molecule is theorized to have a practical use in everything, including rocket fuel, electronics and in creating super strong materials! Yet, arguably the most profound applications have been in the field of health.

Carbon-60 is a very complicated subject and there is a lot of public confusion about it. In an attempt to clarify what is currently known about this magic molecule, we have compiled this article which highlights its health benefits, side effects, sources and all you need to know about using it to optimize your well-being and performance!


What are the health benefits of c60?

It helps protect both of these structures, which are integral to the lifespan of our cells and ultimately us. There are several studies proving that water-soluble C60 prevents mitochondrial dysfunction5, which promotes longevity, as well as optimal health and increased energy levels.Sep 14, 2018

12 Health Benefits of Carbon 60 & Superfood Rich in C60


What is c60 supplement?

Buckminsterfullerene, buckyballs, or C60 is a powerful antioxidant that has effects on unsaturated fats [R]. C60 removes superoxide, which is a toxic by-product of cellular metabolism that contributes to tissue injury in many human diseases [R].Apr 24, 2017

Top 9 C60 Oil (Fullerene) Health Benefits + Risks - Selfhacked


How much c60 should you take?

Based on equivalency allometric dosing calculations extrapolating from rats to average-weight humans, our recommended dose is 1.5 mg/day. There is 40 mg C60 in a 50 ml bottle of oil. So if you take 1.5 mg C60/day, one bottle should last 40 / 1.5 = 26.66 days, rounded down due to oil residue to 26 days.

C60-olive oil dosing - C60antiaging.com


Is c60 toxic?

In contrast to chemically--either covalently or noncovalently--modified fullerenes, some C60 derivatives can be highly toxic. ... This chapter offers a general review of the studies on the toxicity of [60]fullerene or C60, the most abundant fullerene, and its derivatives.

Toxicity studies of fullerenes and derivatives. - NCBI


What does c60 mean?

Short for Carbon-60, a naturally occurring molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms. Because C60 molecules are naturally spherical, they tend to cluster together. They are ideal for use as building blocks in nanoscale fabrication because the open structure lends itself to the formation of new compounds.

What is C60? Webopedia Definition


Is c60 the same as activated charcoal?

c60 also known as carbon 60 buckyball or buckminsterfullerene buckminsterfullerene was named after Richard Buckminster Fuller for popularizing. ... they were able to develop c60. it has a more unique structure. but it is very very similar to activated charcoal in the sense that they are both a form of adsorbent.Jan 7, 2017

The Health Benefits Of Activated Charcoal - C60 Antiaging ...


What is c60 purple power?

C60 (aka Buckminsterfullerene) is a naturally occurring molecule found in Space and on Earth. ... C60 Purple Power takes high purity C60 and cool infuses it into healthy vegetable oils for maximum monomolecular absorption (available infused into Avocado and Coconut oils).

Amazon.com: C60 Purple Power in COCONUT OIL 8oz - 237 ml, 0.9 ...


Why C 60 molecules are called as Bucky Balls give reasons?

Buckyballs, also called fullerenes, were one of the first nanoparticles discovered. ... The covalent bonds between carbon atoms make buckyballs very strong, and the carbon atoms readily form covalent bonds with a variety of other atoms. Buckyballs are used in composites to strengthen material.

Buckyballs - UnderstandingNano.com


What is c60 fullerene used for?

A fullerene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. Spherical fullerenes, also referred to as Buckminsterfullerenes or buckyballs, resemble the balls used in association football. Cylindrical fullerenes are also called carbon nanotubes (buckytubes).

Fullerene - Wikipedia


Who discovered c60?

In 1985 the discovery was announced of a third allotrope in which the atoms form C60 molecules in the shape of a football. This led to the award of the 1996 Nobel Prize to Harry (now Sir Harry) Kroto of Sussex University, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley (both of Rice University in Houston, USA).

The discovery of buckminsterfullerene


What do fullerenes do?

the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. ... Its molecules are spherical and contain 60 carbon atoms. Fullerenes may be used for drug delivery systems in the body, in lubricants and as catalysts. The tube fullerenes are called nanotubes.

What is fullerene and what are its uses? - Quora


Can a c60 conduct electricity?

In fact C60 is diamagnetic (no unpaired electrons) and does not conduct electricity. Thus, this initial model for the bonding and electronic structure of C60 is not correct. A way out of this difficulty is to recall that C60 is not a sphere, but a truncated iscosohedron.

Chemical Bonding and Electronic Structure of Buckminsterfullerene


What are the uses of buckyballs?

Combining buckyballs, nanotubes, and polymers to produce inexpensive solar cells that can be formed by simply painting a surface. Buckyballs may be used to store hydrogen, possibly as a fuel tank for fuel cell powered cars. Buckyballs may be able to reduce the growth of bacteria in pipes and membranes in water systems.

Buckyball Uses and Applications| Fullerene Applications


What is c60 oil?

What is C60 Olive Oil? C60 (also called Fullerene) is a molecule that resembles a soccer ball. It is a molecule in the shape of a spherical ball, made of sixty carbon atoms (C60). It is found in nature, typically in soot or other carbon based ash in very small amounts.Oct 25, 2012


Search for: What is c60 oil?

What are the benefits of c60?

6) C60 Prevents Osteoarthritis. Further, water-soluble C60 prevents stress-induced damage, prevents the breakdown of bones. It also prevents loss of bone cells, and prevents bone inflammation in rabbits [Research]