8-23-20 ARCHIVE


August 22, 2020 at 9:40 pm

“BestEvidence” John Titus has a new one, “What’s Behind the Fed’s Manufactured Coin Shortage?” It’s about 10 minutes. His main evidence and analysis are in the part from 4:45 to 8:18:

In a clip from CNBC, a congressman from Tennessee reports that banks in his district were notified by the Fed, that they would be receiving only small portions of their normal coin orders.

Having established the Fed as the cause of the shortage, John examines the motive. He shows a Federal Reserve balance sheet, which lists coins as an asset, but cash as a liability. How could one be an asset and the other a liability? Aren’t both money? Titus explains that Federal Reserve Notes are IOUs from the Fed, but coins come from the Treasury, and the Fed has to buy them.

“The Federal Reserve issues its IOUs, be they Federal Reserve Notes, or reserves, in order to acquire assets… The Fed prefers assets that bear interest. Coins do not bear interest. That is one reason the Federal Reserve does not like coins. But the real reason that the Fed does not like coins, is it is money issued by someone else; it is issued by the Treasury. Money issuance is a sovereign prerogative. There are two sovereigns in the US. One is the Federal Reserve, it is the dominant sovereign, and it is in the process of killing off the weaker sovereign, which is us, the US Government, the Treasury, what have you… The Treasury is the issuer of coins; the Fed is very jealous of that.”

At the end he sums up, “I’m just touching the surface, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this. The Federal Reserve is causing the shortage in coins, and it damn well has the motive to do so. It doesn’t like the US Government and its Treasury, it does not like the US Government as a sovereign, it does not like We The People as a sovereign, and it is in the process of killing us off, and becoming the dominant and the sole sovereign power, and that’s really what’s going on.”

It’s here, along with his other videos over the last five years: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLvRDyn_rVvZ7RRwdcEiJGw/videos

John Titus used to do full-fledged documentaries, but after a massive heart attack, he’s been doing less ambitious productions. In 2012 he produced “Bailout” (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1928331/), but now I don’t see it for sale anywhere.