Dr. Brian Artis Exposes the Dark Truth about COVID-19 Origins PART 1 OF 6 ...  FIRST 30 MINUTES OF151 MINUTES INTERVIEW OF "THE ANTIDOTE _ The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19"  https://rumble.com/v3ln577-the-antidote-the-explosive-truth-origin-and-antidote-for-covid-19-share-eve.html    


0:00:00 - (A): It. I would have never talked about the venom aspect of COVID if I couldn't show you, and we will show you that the entire narrative of COVID is a damn illusion. And they have lied to all of you and every single symptom of COVID-19 acutely, every single symptom of COVID long term, that they call post COVID syndrome or long hauler COVID-19 syndrome, every single one of those symptoms I can show you. Which venoms and from what creatures and snakes are creating your symptoms, I can show you and I can tell you.

0:00:35 - (A): And then I can explain how to actually get rid of the symptoms with one singular antidote that they don't want you to know. And the whole world has been lying to you about this antidote for the last at least 50 years.

0:00:46 - (B): Just a quick question. We'll come right back to this. Would you connect snake venom to what's in the vaccines today?

0:00:53 - (A): Absolutely.

0:00:54 - (B): Let's get there later. Give us the history of how you got to this.

0:00:58 - (A): Okay, so first thing is, why did Dr. Richard Bartlett send me that text? So he sends me the text. I didn't even respond to the text because he knows. And I knew that he knew I was going to go research antivenom, but I didn't know what I was going to come across was this great lie called COVID. That is not why he sent me the text. I had done some interviews on monoclonal antibodies, and I had shared these six studies I had found that had got sent to me by another doctor I love and admire and said, can you please look at these monoclonal antibody studies and see and tell me, do you see what I see?

0:01:34 - (B): For anybody who doesn't know what those are? Can you just give us a definition for monoclonal antibodies?

0:01:38 - (A): Yes. So monoclonal antibodies were the actual drug that was having 100% success rate against acute COVID patients that was being used around the world. An example of one during COVID was called Regeneron. Regeneron was actually the drug in the Ebola trial that outperformed all the other drugs in the Ebola trial. Okay, so remdesivir is being compared to three monoclonal antibodies in the Ebola trial.

0:02:06 - (A): Monoclonal antibodies. The studies I was given this will answer this for you. The monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron that were having 100% success rate against COVID were banned by the FDA in America and all jurisdictions of the United States two years ago. When I go to look up what is antivenom, because, of course, if I got bit by a rattlesnake, I'm going to go get antivenom. The monoclonal antibody studies I had been sent said that they were deriving monoclonal antibodies from the spleens of cancerous cells in pigs.

0:02:41 - (A): In my interviews, I was saying, why would I use a cancer cell antibody in an acute COVID case from another animal? What about the long term effects? Would it create cancer in the future or autoimmune disease in the future, if you're taking other animal cells and injecting it inside of you, I said, we've already got other stuff that works. You don't need anything else for acute COVID. Well, Dr. Bartlett had an infusion center in Odessa, Texas, outside the hospital using monoclonal antibodies for four months. 100% success rate with 1000 patients per month for four months straight.

0:03:11 - (A): When he heard my interview, people were sending it to him and going, you might want to take care of Dr. Artis, get rid of his concerns about monoclonal antibodies. So he sends me that text, doesn't say anything about COVID Hey, if you got bit by a rattlesnake, would you go get antivenom? I don't know why he sent it to me. I go online and look up, what does he know as an Er doctor about antivenom? I don't know about it as a chiropractor, chiropractors do not treat snake bites.

0:03:33 - (A): So I knew he had. So I looked up, what is antivenom? And oh, my God, Jason. Imagine my shock to read that all antivenom worldwide, 90% of all antivenom used in hospitals or clinics around the world to treat snake bite victims is monoclonal antibodies.

0:03:55 - (B): Wow. So they're actually used as an antivenom.

0:03:59 - (A): That's what monoclonal antibodies are. I was like, Wait a minute. Then I go on to realize, wait a minute, hold up. Monoclonal antibodies, treat snake bites. Monoclonal antibodies, this is how they get them. They actually inject snake venom into horses and cows. Those horses and cows produce antibodies against the venom. Then the scientists extract the blood from the animals, try to isolate and centrifuge out just the antibodies. Then they send them to hospitals and little bitty vials ner centers around the world. And go, you get bit by a scorpion, you get bit by a spider, you get bit by a snake.

0:04:34 - (A): Here's your monoclonal antibodies. Now, in America, most antivenom is called polyclonal antibodies. So they'll take like, copperhead snake antibodies, ratlesnake antibodies, whatever else, snakes, and they'll combine those together as multiples, because not everybody comes in, get bit by snakes, knows what kind of snake they got bit by. So Americans have figured, let's just give them a whole bunch, several different types, and ones we'll call them polyclonal. The whole rest of the world, 90% of all antivenom is monoclonal antibodies.

0:05:07 - (A): So what Dr. Bartlett wanted me to know is this if you, Dr. Brian Artis, were in a life saving emergency situation, you would put trust in monoclonal antibodies. You just don't know that's what it's called. You would go to the hospital looking for antivenom. You just wouldn't know that they were going to be giving you monoclonal antibodies. His patients coming with COVID were being told in the media what you should be scared for your life, you're going to die.

0:05:37 - (A): So they were flooding his monoclonal antibody infusion center, wanting their lives to be saved.

0:05:43 - (B): And that was working for COVID.

0:05:44 - (A): And it worked. 100% of the time, and they're used as an antivenom, and they are an.

0:05:48 - (B): Antivenom, which means the connection. Is that's how you started getting this idea of COVID is now connected to some sort of venom? If an antivenom is helping those patients.

0:05:57 - (A): Jason, it took less than five minutes to go to this very next thought. Once I realized oh, my God. They use monoclonal antibodies for snake bites and snake bite victims, my very next thought was this and why the rest of the world doesn't do this? I don't get it. It's just how my brain works. It's how I'm designed. My very next thought was this. If monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims and it's used to treat venom, why is it working 100% of the time against COVID?

0:06:24 - (A): I thought COVID was a bat virus.

0:06:27 - (B): That's what we were told.

0:06:29 - (A): So when I said earlier in this interview, my father in law dies in February of 2020, I wasn't paying attention to crap about COVID for three months until I get a hold of this hospital protocol on the NIH's website. I didn't pay attention in the media to anything about COVID I don't even watch mainstream media at all in my whole life. So when this hits me that monoclonal antibodies are working 100% of the time against COVID, but we're being told COVID comes from bat viruses, but monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims, my very next thought was, what did I miss in the beginning of COVID So I went online, and I actually typed in Google, what is the origin sources of COVID And I couldn't believe that. CNN Health published a paper, and it reads I can put up on the screen. Couldn't believe it.

0:07:26 - (A): It reads, snakes could be the source of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. And it's in January of 2020. And then the very first sentence of the article reads, snakes, the Chinese crate in the Chinese cobra may be the original source of the newly discovered coronavirus that has triggered an outbreak of a deadly, infectious respiratory illness in China this winter. And I was like, Wait, what? I never, ever would have been on CNN or watched CNN in January 2020, even. See this. You can see the date.

0:08:07 - (A): The date is January 24, 2020.

0:08:11 - (B): Wow. Is that still up?

0:08:13 - (A): Yeah.

0:08:13 - (B): Interesting.

0:08:14 - (A): Still up. And then I find this article. Look what this article published in January 2020, what they were calling COVID. Look. Look what they called it.

0:08:25 - (B): Snake pneumonia. Coronavirus outbreak in China traced to snakes by genetic analysis.

0:08:32 - (A): Really? So geneticists who specialize in DNA were able to confirm that the source of COVID was actually snake DNA.

0:08:41 - (B): So where did the whole bat thing come from, and when did that start? Do you have the timeline?

0:08:46 - (A): I do, because I was, like, reading all these articles from January 2020, and every single one of them is talking about snakes being the origin of COVID I'm like, what where did the bat stuff come from? At the end of January of 2020, every single one of these articles have date stamps of being fact checked. And this is when the narrative starts being turned to bats. It ain't snakes. It ain't snakes, it's bats. It ain't snakes, it's bats.

0:09:15 - (A): I wonder how all the Chinese geneticists felt knowing that they're the DNA experts and figured out in January of 2020. In this paper, this paper. In this paper titled Cross Species Transmission of the Newly Identified Coronavirus 2019. nCoV stands for Novel COVID. January of 2020, chinese researchers took the blood of everybody in hospitals in Wuhan, ran their antibodies, ran their DNA sequences to see what is their antibodies targeting, and they published what it was they said it has.

0:09:56 - (A): You can read the summary here. This is the conclusion. In summary, I'd like to read this to the audience. In summary, results derived from our evolutionary analysis suggest that the 2019 novel coronavirus has most similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and has most similar codon usage bias with snake.

0:10:22 - (B): Can you explain that?

0:10:23 - (A): I'm about to. In fact, we're going to show you. Ready? So I as any human being who doesn't have a definition for a word, term or phrase, I will look it up. I do not profess to know all things. So I have to go look stuff up, hoping other people do this too. So when it says here that it has similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and has most similar codon usage bias with snake, I have never in my entire life read the words similar codon usage bias in my life.

0:10:56 - (A): So this is what I had to do. I had to go look it up. What does codon usage bias mean? Oh, my God. On the NIH's website, here's the actual article. The link is on the page. Codon usage bias reflects the origin. Really? Well, this is what you do. You take that phrase out of the Chinese geneticist research study, the COVID-19 virus has most similar codon usage bias with snake. And you overlap the word origin has most similar origin with snake.

0:11:32 - (B): It makes perfect sense.

0:11:34 - (A): Really? Really. And then they publish this and they take what's called a squared Euclidean distance. This is from a species with this set of DNA. How far away from the DNA of what we're looking at? How far away is the squared Euclidean distance? It's a genetic term. I had to learn what's the squared Euclidean distance between that DNA and all other species. And the smaller that number gets, the closer you get to the origin creature. And then they show you the image.

0:12:07 - (A): These are all the animals it's most likely to be. And to the far left snakes is the origin. Farther right you go, you get away from the origin.

0:12:15 - (B): So the third one's a bat and the first two are snakes.

0:12:18 - (A): That's right. And the first snake is the crate snake, which is an Asian venomous deadly snake. The second you can see from the illustration is a cobra.

0:12:27 - (B): Wow.

0:12:28 - (A): So this is what they published in January 2020. Imagine my shock that we're sitting here three and a half years into this pandemic, and I'm the only one, it appears, that wants to continue telling you guys, DNA experts that we trust in the judicial court system to lay down the final confirmation that this person raped, murdered your loved one. Because we have DNA evidence, those people that we trust, those people have been ignored.

0:12:53 - (A): Fact check away from those experts who are geneticists, not. The chiropractor figured this out. And that wasn't the only people that figured it out. These people did it in January in China. And then in April 2020, french researchers isolate the spike protein of COVID and they run their own DNA test. Just the spike proteins, these little be things that make this virus different than the first SARS covirus. In 2003, they said the only thing different is there's these little proteins on the outside of the virus called spike proteins that did not exist on the first SARS CoV, one that was called SARS and MERS.

0:13:29 - (A): And they isolate the spike protein and they run its DNA sequence, geneticists do in France, and they publish their findings in April of 2020. They published their findings that the spike proteins of COVID are identical to two things a protein in king cobra venom called cobra toxin, and a protein inside the venom of the Asian crate snake called bungarotoxin.

0:13:54 - (B): How do they implement this venom to impact us? Through what I understand, in some cases, through water, from what I've learned from you. But can you speak more on how it's actually done?

0:14:06 - (A): Yeah, I'll speak to this in any of the slides, any of the presentations. We've got all the research to back this up.

0:14:10 - (B): Sure.

0:14:12 - (A): And can I start with the vaccine real quick, but not get into full detail, please?

0:14:15 - (B): Yeah, go wherever you want.

0:14:17 - (A): Jason, 5 billion people in this world have at least taken one vaccine for COVID. On the NIH's website right now, I want to show a document because just to set the stage for you here so I can quote it, on the NIH's website right now is a document for laypeople to read, not doctors for laypeople to understand how they made the COVID-19 vaccines. And you've got to see this. Okay, here it is. The title of this document on the NIH's website right now is Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Now, Jason, if I asked you and your audiences, what did they tell the world they were vaccinating people against or to help them fight?

0:15:08 - (B): From what I understood, from what they.

0:15:10 - (A): Told us in the media, the COVID-19, SARS CoV two. Okay, so SARS CoV two is the correct thing. SARS CoV two is what they called the virus. The virus is not COVID-19. The symptoms that you're supposedly getting from this virus called SARS CoV Two, which include symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue, loss of taste and smell. Those symptoms are put in a category they call COVID-19 disease. So people don't get COVID-19. You get something causing a bunch of symptoms they're calling COVID. You cannot look in a microscope, look in someone's body and go, oh, you have COVID. COVID doesn't exist. It's a collection of symptoms, okay?

0:15:52 - (A): No different than like, lupus. You don't see lupus in a body. It doesn't exist. It's not in there. You don't see AIDS in a person. AIDS isn't floating around in a body. They say HIV virus causes these symptoms of immune deficiency that we're going to call as a collection, AIDS, okay?

0:16:08 - (B): So just to clarify, COVID-19 and SARS CoV, two, two different things. CoV Two, they're calling the virus and the expression of symptoms. And that group of symptoms would be what we now refer to as COVID-19.

0:16:23 - (A): Exactly right? So we are being told with the COVID-19 vaccines. I've asked you if I'm correct with this question. Did the world tell us, and the health agencies around the world, did they tell us the vaccine would help protect us from SARS CoV Two virus many times and would it help prevent worse outcomes if we got another version of SARS CoV Two many times? Did they tell us it would help to prevent worse hospitalization and death experiences for those who get future COVID variants?

0:16:52 - (B): I can hear the voiceover of Dr. Anthony Fauci in my head, right?

0:16:56 - (A): This is what we're told, okay? I want to show you on the screen on this document that's right now on the NIH's website when they're teaching the public this pamphlet titled understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, they actually say this. I'm going to read you the quote, please. I have it highlighted in blue. mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS CoV Two virus.

0:17:23 - (B): So what do they contain?

0:17:25 - (A): So you cannot get COVID-19 from an mRNA vaccine. All right? Now, I put this up on the screen at a presentation this last week, and the whole audience was like, what? Okay, if the virus was the issue worldwide, don't you think they would have put a little bit of this virus inside the vaccine to protect you and help you build an immunity, an artificial immunity against maybe other SARS CoV Two virus variants they're saying is mutating around the world.

0:17:55 - (A): Is that weird to you at all? All at home that they didn't put any SARS CoV Two virus in the actual shots? Your very next question should be this. Well, what'd they put in there? Well, I'll show you because they tell you in a separate pamphlet on the same website, okay? This pamphlet is titled COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Production. And they state here, early in the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers used state of the art gene sequencers to quickly sequence the SARS CoV Two virus.

0:18:26 - (A): And then this sequence was quickly shared with the other researchers. Now pay attention to the first part of this paragraph. It reads early in the COVID-19 pandemic. You don't get any earlier than January of 2020.

0:18:40 - (B): When was this shared?

0:18:41 - (A): This is right now, okay, on the website. So what did they find early on in the pandemic? They found that the origin of COVID was two snakes. This is right now in a pamphlet titled COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Production. And they set the stage for you to understand that we had geneticists around the world early on in the pandemic figure out the gene sequence of COVID and then we shared it quickly with the rest of the world. Oh, did you? Well, this is what you found, that it was bat.

0:19:12 - (A): It wasn't a bat virus they found. It was two snakes venoms. In fact, this is the French researchers study. I took this right out of their paper in April of 2020. You'll see at the bottom of the graphic, SARS CoV, two S is the spike protein of COVID Right above there, the genetic sequence is identical to Bungarotoxin, which is venom from the cratesnake. The very first one at the top is cobra toxin from the king cobra. You can't follow this narrative.

0:19:40 - (A): Okay, so this is what they say you're looking at on the screen. But we're going to go up into the paragraph in the pamphlet on the NIH's website. They said they selected the spike protein gene as their vaccine candidate. So they didn't put any SARS CoV two virus in there. They just put this thing supposedly on the outside of the virus called a spike protein that was found to be king cobra venom and crate venom by geneticists all around the world.

0:20:04 - (B): So just to get this straight, you're saying that they're putting that venom in the vaccine itself?

0:20:09 - (A): I'm going to show you how they're putting it in there because they put it in the pamphlet.

0:20:11 - (B): Okay?

0:20:12 - (A): All right, so you can call it okay, this is really funny. You can call it a spike protein all you want. The spike proteins are snake proteins. They're just giving them some other nomenclature, using language to keep it hidden from you what it really is. Geneticist over and over and over already confirmed it's actually identical to venom proteins from snakes. You can call it spike protein all you want. It's snake proteins. So they say. Here again, they selected the spike protein gene as their vaccine candidate, which was confirmed to be venom protein from the king cobra called cobra toxin, and then a venom protein from another snake in Asia called Bungarotoxin. And the snake is called the crate snake. All right, so they're telling you, we didn't put the virus in there.

0:21:01 - (A): We only trying to protect you from the spike proteins in these vaccines. We don't care about the virus. If the virus was a big deal, they would have put it in the vaccines. If the virus existed, they might have put it in the vaccines.

0:21:14 - (B): Interesting.

0:21:15 - (A): I don't know. Why did you not put it in there? No one's ever been able to prove it exists. They can prove thee with DNA testing that these venoms exist in every COVID-19 patient around the world. They have found this these venoms in every single COVID-19 patient around the world. How did they put venom based snake proteins into the COVID shots? They tell you right here, this is the actual demonstration.

0:21:39 - (A): They say, we take the Spike protein gene and we put it inside of what is called a DNA plasmid.

0:21:44 - (B): What is that?

0:21:44 - (A): And I'll read it to you. It says the target spike protein gene is then synthetically manufactured so the venom based Spike protein snake protein is synthetically manufactured and inserted into a plasmid, a small circular piece of DNA. So they just make this little ring of DNA and they can insert any payload they want into that plasmid. And this plasmid is really, really little, and it gets absorbed into bacteria, into yeast, into your mammal cells. And the instruction of a plasmid is to tell whatever cell it gets into to manufacture whatever the Spike protein gene is.

0:22:29 - (B): And that's how they're putting it into the vaccine itself.

0:22:31 - (A): They are putting these plasmids into the vaccines and injecting them inside of you.

0:22:36 - (B): Okay, but people were getting sick before the vaccine.

0:22:38 - (A): Oh, yeah. So actually, the way they actually created the COVID-19 pandemic was to spray these plasmids through the air, in your water and in your food. And they are manufacturing tons of these plasmids around the world to create pandemics.

0:22:55 - (B): For anybody that's watching, though, would call you a crazy conspiracy theorist. Can you show us proof and evidence of that?

0:23:00 - (A): Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. So I actually came out with a documentary called Watch the Water. Freaked out a whole lot of people, made a whole lot of medical professionals upset because they all said, you can't drink snake venom. Because I proposed, they're putting this in our water systems and you're just drinking it. You have to understand, I'm a very logical guy. The idea of locking down the world and telling everybody to stop breathing on each other, you're going to spread this respiratory virus to each other. And we're all on lockdown. And the worst variant of COVID makes the whole world sick while we're all locked down.

0:23:31 - (A): How'd they get it to us? How did it get spread to all of us? We're in our houses, and we all have air conditioning and filters in our home and HVAC units. How did we all get this respiratory virus inside of our bodies, in our houses? We only pay the government to deliver one thing into all of our houses in every industrialized nation around the world.

0:23:50 - (B): Water.

0:23:54 - (A): Snake venom is water soluble. Did you know that? I didn't know that. I had to look it up. I was like, could they be doing it this way? Can venom of snakes be absorbed through your skin like in a shower and in a bathtub? Yes, it can. I did not know this. I had to go look it up. They are conducting studies all over the world for decades. How do we get venom of cobras cratesnakes and marine shell creatures in the oceans? Venoms.

0:24:20 - (A): How do we get them into the bodies of people? They know they can get you to drink it. They know they can inject it. And they know it'll get absorbed right through your skin, through water. And they publish it over and over and over that they've been doing this. When you get to the DNA plasmids, remember, vaccines and vaccine agendas Forever has been there's a flu season. You've all been exposed to the flu. In order to protect you from this new variant of the flu, we need to give you this vaccine. We're going to put a little bit of the flu in you.

0:24:47 - (A): A little bit.

0:24:48 - (B): This is different.

0:24:49 - (A): So that your immunity can create some reaction to that flu virus that we gave you in the shot. So that when you're exposed to the flu in the future, you already have immunity ready. They just told you they didn't put SARS CoV two in these virus in these vaccines. They only put DNA plasmids inside of them to protect you from COVID What.

0:25:10 - (B): You'Re basically, I'm going to say implying here, but it's even more than that. Is there's a form of like a mass genocide going on?

0:25:18 - (A): Oh, there is a mass genocide going on for sure.

0:25:21 - (B): Okay, so let me play it started.

0:25:22 - (A): In the hospitals, by the way.

0:25:23 - (B): Let me play devil's advocate for sure. You're saying the government in the United States is now putting know through everybody's water system. What about the rest of the world? The whole world was getting sick basically simultaneously. More or less. So you're saying that this was something globally beyond just the United States government?

0:25:41 - (A): For sure. The entire world.

0:25:42 - (B): How did they orchestrate something like that.

0:25:44 - (A): Through the water systems? Super easy. This is actually an agenda that started out in the Nazi Holocaust concentration camps. They had two things they discovered in Nazi Germany that they could actually control their people inside of those actual camps. Two things. They knew they had to control their water systems and they had to control the vaccines injections into them. And they were experimenting with metals to see if they could control and subdue their actual resistance.

0:26:13 - (A): And then they knew they could poison them and subdue them through their water systems. When we brought all over the Nazi war crime people into the United States, put them into the CIA, put them into NASA just a few years later is when the water treatment systems of America were built.

0:26:28 - (B): Really?

0:26:29 - (A): And this is when the vaccine agenda in America took off. They are using the water delivery systems to create pandemics. And there was a warning written in 2007. There's a paper written titled Water and Terrorism and it goes through all major industrialized nations in the whole world where the weaknesses are inside their treatment systems for water that would allow any terrorist organization, group, country, you name it to put anything they wanted into the water, deliver it to any communities or villages, create a pandemic, weaken those individuals and be able to take them over with war or by military force.

0:27:09 - (B): So it's basically weaponizing our water system.

0:27:11 - (A): And they list in 2007, they actually put in the document what can be put in your water systems to create these pandemics, done and performed and orchestrated by what he calls terrorists. And he lists things like this weaponized E. Coli bacteria, weaponized yeast. You can put in the water and suspend it. You can put defense toxins from animals in the water and make people sick. Defense toxins from animals are venoms.

0:27:44 - (A): And then they go so far as to tell you how to manipulate and allow those toxins. Poisons, anthrax included diphtheria, toxin included, ricin. They go in through all of it. And in the flipping document, it tells you how to.


**About The Guest(s):** Dr. Brian Artis is a chiropractor and researcher who has been studying the connection between snake venom and COVID-19. He has conducted extensive research on the use of monoclonal antibodies derived from snake venom as a treatment for COVID-19 symptoms.​

**Summary:** Dr. Brian Artis reveals the shocking truth about the origins of COVID-19 and its connection to snake venom. He explains how monoclonal antibodies, derived from snake venom, have been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients. He also discusses the use of snake venom proteins in the COVID-19 vaccines and how they are being delivered through water systems to create a global pandemic.​

**Key Takeaways:**

- Monoclonal antibodies derived from snake venom have been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients.

- Genetic studies have shown that the spike proteins of COVID-19 are identical to venom proteins from snakes.

- The COVID-19 vaccines contain synthetic snake venom proteins, which are delivered through DNA plasmids.

- Water systems are being used to deliver snake venom proteins to create a global pandemic.​


- "Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims, so why are they working against COVID-19?" - Dr. Brian Artis

- "The spike proteins in the COVID-19 vaccines are actually snake proteins." - Dr. Brian Artis

- "They are using the water delivery systems to create pandemics." - Dr. Brian Artis

About The Guest(s): Dr. Brian Artis is a chiropractor and researcher who has been studying the connection between snake venom and COVID-19. He has conducted extensive research on the use of monoclonal antibodies derived from snake venom as a treatment for COVID-19 symptoms.

Summary: Dr. Brian Artis reveals the shocking truth about the origins of COVID-19 and its connection to snake venom. He explains how monoclonal antibodies, derived from snake venom, have been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients. He also discusses the use of snake venom proteins in the COVID-19 vaccines and how they are being delivered through water systems to create a global pandemic.

Key Takeaways:

Monoclonal antibodies derived from snake venom have been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients.

Genetic studies have shown that the spike proteins of COVID-19 are identical to venom proteins from snakes.

The COVID-19 vaccines contain synthetic snake venom proteins, which are delivered through DNA plasmids.

Water systems are being used to deliver snake venom proteins to create a global pandemic.Quotes:

"Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims, so why are they working against COVID-19?" - Dr. Brian Artis

"The spike proteins in the COVID-19 vaccines are actually snake proteins." - Dr. Brian Artis

"They are using the water delivery systems to create pandemics." - Dr. Brian Artis


1. **A-(0:00:00)**

> "The entire narrative of COVID is a damn illusion."

2. **A-(0:00:46)**

> "The whole world has been lying to you about this antidote for the last at least 50 years."

3. **A-(0:06:27)**

> "If monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims and it's used to treat venom, why is it working 100% of the time against COVID?"

4. **A-(0:08:41)**

> "Geneticists who specialize in DNA were able to confirm that the source of COVID was actually snake DNA."

5. **A-(0:11:34)**

> "Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims, and they are an antivenom."

6. **A-(0:14:17)**

> "mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS CoV Two virus."

7. **A-(0:17:23)**

> "They only put DNA plasmids inside of them to protect you from COVID."

8. **A-(0:19:12)**

> "The spike proteins are snake proteins."

9. **A-(0:21:39)**

> "They are putting these plasmids into the vaccines and injecting them inside of you."

10. **A-(0:23:50)**

> "Snake venom is water soluble. They are conducting studies all over the world for decades."

Note: The speaker for all the quotes is A, as there is only one speaker in the transcript.


"The entire narrative of COVID is a damn illusion."


"The whole world has been lying to you about this antidote for the last at least 50 years."


"If monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims and it's used to treat venom, why is it working 100% of the time against COVID?"


"Geneticists who specialize in DNA were able to confirm that the source of COVID was actually snake DNA."


"Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat snake bite victims, and they are an antivenom."


"mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS CoV Two virus."


"They only put DNA plasmids inside of them to protect you from COVID."


"The spike proteins are snake proteins."


"They are putting these plasmids into the vaccines and injecting them inside of you."


"Snake venom is water soluble. They are conducting studies all over the world for decades."

Note: The speaker for all the quotes is A, as there is only one speaker in the transcript.


| **Timestamp** | **Summary** |

| ------------- | ----------- |

| 0:00:00 | COVID symptoms are caused by venoms from snakes and creatures |

| 0:00:46 | Snake venom is connected to vaccines |

| 0:01:38 | Monoclonal antibodies are drugs used to treat acute COVID |

| 0:02:41 | Monoclonal antibodies are derived from snake venom |

| 0:03:59 | Monoclonal antibodies are used as antivenom for snake bites |

| 0:05:57 | Antivenom connection leads to the idea of COVID being venomous |

| 0:08:13 | Snakes were initially identified as the source of COVID |

| 0:08:46 | Narrative shifts to bats as the source of COVID |

| 0:09:56 | Genetic analysis shows similarity between COVID and snakes |

| 0:11:34 | Codon usage bias suggests snakes as the origin of COVID |

| 0:12:07 | Discussing the different animals related to COVID-19 origins |

| 0:12:53 | DNA experts being ignored in confirming COVID-19 origins |

| 0:13:29 | Spike proteins of COVID-19 linked to snake venom proteins |

| 0:14:06 | Exploring how snake venom impacts humans |

| 0:14:17 | COVID-19 vaccines do not contain the SARS CoV-2 virus |

| 0:15:08 | Differentiating between SARS CoV-2 and COVID-19 |

| 0:16:23 | COVID-19 symptoms referred to as COVID-19 disease |

| 0:17:23 | mRNA vaccines contain snake venom proteins, not the virus |

| 0:20:09 | Snake venom proteins are inserted into the vaccine using plasmids |

| 0:22:38 | Plasmids used to create COVID-19 pandemic through air, water, and food |

| 0:23:31 | How did the respiratory virus spread to all of us? |

| 0:24:20 | Venoms can be absorbed through skin and water. |

| 0:24:47 | Vaccines contain DNA plasmids, not SARS-CoV-2. |

| 0:25:18 | Implication of mass genocide happening. |

| 0:25:42 | Global orchestration beyond the US government. |

| 0:26:13 | Nazi Germany's control of water and vaccines. |

| 0:27:11 | Water system weaponization for creating pandemics. |

Timestamp Summary

0:00:00 COVID symptoms are caused by venoms from snakes and creatures

0:00:46 Snake venom is connected to vaccines

0:01:38 Monoclonal antibodies are drugs used to treat acute COVID

0:02:41 Monoclonal antibodies are derived from snake venom

0:03:59 Monoclonal antibodies are used as antivenom for snake bites

0:05:57 Antivenom connection leads to the idea of COVID being venomous

0:08:13 Snakes were initially identified as the source of COVID

0:08:46 Narrative shifts to bats as the source of COVID

0:09:56 Genetic analysis shows similarity between COVID and snakes

0:11:34 Codon usage bias suggests snakes as the origin of COVID

0:12:07 Discussing the different animals related to COVID-19 origins

0:12:53 DNA experts being ignored in confirming COVID-19 origins

0:13:29 Spike proteins of COVID-19 linked to snake venom proteins

0:14:06 Exploring how snake venom impacts humans

0:14:17 COVID-19 vaccines do not contain the SARS CoV-2 virus

0:15:08 Differentiating between SARS CoV-2 and COVID-19

0:16:23 COVID-19 symptoms referred to as COVID-19 disease

0:17:23 mRNA vaccines contain snake venom proteins, not the virus

0:20:09 Snake venom proteins are inserted into the vaccine using plasmids

0:22:38 Plasmids used to create COVID-19 pandemic through air, water, and food

0:23:31 How did the respiratory virus spread to all of us?

0:24:20 Venoms can be absorbed through skin and water.

0:24:47 Vaccines contain DNA plasmids, not SARS-CoV-2.

0:25:18 Implication of mass genocide happening.

0:25:42 Global orchestration beyond the US government.

0:26:13 Nazi Germany's control of water and vaccines.

0:27:11 Water system weaponization for creating pandemics.


# The Venomous Truth: Unraveling the Illusion of COVID-19

*By [Host Name]*

## Introduction

In a world plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic, where fear and uncertainty have become the norm, it is crucial to seek the truth behind the narrative that has been fed to us. In a recent interview, Dr. Brian Artis, a renowned chiropractor, has shed light on a shocking revelation that challenges the very foundation of our understanding of COVID-19. Through his research, Dr. Artis has uncovered a hidden connection between snake venom and the symptoms of COVID-19. In this thought-provoking article, we will delve into the verbatim quotes from the interview transcript to explore the implications of this discovery and its potential impact on our perception of the pandemic.

## The Venomous Connection

Dr. Artis begins by asserting that the entire narrative surrounding COVID-19 is an illusion. He claims that the symptoms of COVID-19, both acute and long-term, can be attributed to venoms from various creatures, particularly snakes. He confidently states, "Every single symptom of COVID-19 acutely, every single symptom of COVID long term... I can show you which venoms and from what creatures and snakes are creating your symptoms." He further adds, "I can explain how to actually get rid of the symptoms with one singular antidote that they don't want you to know."

When asked about the connection between snake venom and the vaccines, Dr. Artis unequivocally responds, "Absolutely." This revelation raises questions about the true nature of the vaccines and their potential relationship to the venomous aspect of COVID-19.

## Unraveling the History

Dr. Artis takes us on a journey through the history of his research, starting with his encounter with Dr. Richard Bartlett, an ER doctor. Dr. Bartlett had been using monoclonal antibodies, derived from the spleens of cancerous cells in pigs, to successfully treat acute COVID patients. This piqued Dr. Artis' interest, as he questioned the long-term effects of using animal cells in such treatments. Little did he know that this curiosity would lead him to the startling truth about the origins of COVID-19.

He explains that monoclonal antibodies, which were banned by the FDA in the United States two years ago, are widely used as antivenom for snake bites. The antibodies are derived from injecting snake venom into horses and cows, which then produce antibodies against the venom. These antibodies are extracted and used as antivenom in hospitals and clinics worldwide. Dr. Bartlett's use of monoclonal antibodies for COVID patients, with a 100% success rate, prompted Dr. Artis to question the connection between snake venom and COVID-19.

## The Origin of COVID-19

Dr. Artis delves into the origins of COVID-19, challenging the widely accepted narrative that it originated from bat viruses. He highlights an article published by CNN Health in January 2020, which suggests that snakes, particularly the Chinese cobra and the Chinese crate, may be the original source of the coronavirus outbreak. He further reveals that Chinese geneticists confirmed the genetic similarity between the COVID-19 virus and snake DNA. He quotes a research study that states, "The 2019 novel coronavirus has most similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and has most similar codon usage bias with snake."

This revelation raises questions about the sudden shift in the narrative from snakes to bats. Dr. Artis questions why the geneticists' findings were ignored and why the world was led to believe that bats were the source of COVID-19.

## Snake Venom in the Vaccines

The discussion then turns to the COVID-19 vaccines and their composition. Dr. Artis highlights a document on the NIH's website titled "Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines," which states that mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He emphasizes, "You cannot get COVID-19 from an mRNA vaccine." This raises the question of what is actually present in the vaccines.

Dr. Artis reveals that the vaccines contain synthetic spike proteins, which are identical to venom proteins found in the king cobra and the Asian crate snake. He quotes a pamphlet titled "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Production," which states that the spike protein gene, confirmed to be venom protein from these snakes, is inserted into a plasmid, a small circular piece of DNA. This plasmid is then delivered through the vaccines, instructing cells to manufacture the snake venom-based spike proteins.

## Implications and Potential Impact

The implications of Dr. Artis' findings are profound. If snake venom is indeed the root cause of COVID-19 symptoms, it challenges our understanding of the virus and its treatment. It also raises concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, as they contain venom-based spike proteins. The revelation that snake venom can be absorbed through water and skin further raises questions about the potential widespread exposure to these venoms.

The potential impact of this discovery cannot be underestimated. It calls into question the integrity of the medical and scientific community, as geneticists who confirmed the snake venom connection were ignored. It also highlights the need for further research and investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and the safety of the vaccines.

## Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, Dr. Brian Artis' research has unveiled a shocking truth about the venomous aspect of COVID-19. His findings challenge the established narrative and raise important questions about the origins of the virus and the composition of the vaccines. The implications of this discovery are far-reaching, with potential consequences for our understanding of the pandemic and the safety of the vaccines.

As we move forward, it is crucial that we demand transparency and accountability from the medical and scientific community. Further research and investigation are needed to validate Dr. Artis' findings and shed light on the true nature of COVID-19. Only through a commitment to truth and open dialogue can we navigate the complexities of this pandemic and ensure the well-being of humanity.

*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of Dr. Brian Artis and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the host or this publication. The article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.*

The Venomous Truth: Unraveling the Illusion of COVID-19

By [Host Name]


In a world plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic, where fear and uncertainty have become the norm, it is crucial to seek the truth behind the narrative that has been fed to us. In a recent interview, Dr. Brian Artis, a renowned chiropractor, has shed light on a shocking revelation that challenges the very foundation of our understanding of COVID-19. Through his research, Dr. Artis has uncovered a hidden connection between snake venom and the symptoms of COVID-19. In this thought-provoking article, we will delve into the verbatim quotes from the interview transcript to explore the implications of this discovery and its potential impact on our perception of the pandemic.

The Venomous Connection

Dr. Artis begins by asserting that the entire narrative surrounding COVID-19 is an illusion. He claims that the symptoms of COVID-19, both acute and long-term, can be attributed to venoms from various creatures, particularly snakes. He confidently states, "Every single symptom of COVID-19 acutely, every single symptom of COVID long term... I can show you which venoms and from what creatures and snakes are creating your symptoms." He further adds, "I can explain how to actually get rid of the symptoms with one singular antidote that they don't want you to know."

When asked about the connection between snake venom and the vaccines, Dr. Artis unequivocally responds, "Absolutely." This revelation raises questions about the true nature of the vaccines and their potential relationship to the venomous aspect of COVID-19.

Unraveling the History

Dr. Artis takes us on a journey through the history of his research, starting with his encounter with Dr. Richard Bartlett, an ER doctor. Dr. Bartlett had been using monoclonal antibodies, derived from the spleens of cancerous cells in pigs, to successfully treat acute COVID patients. This piqued Dr. Artis' interest, as he questioned the long-term effects of using animal cells in such treatments. Little did he know that this curiosity would lead him to the startling truth about the origins of COVID-19.

He explains that monoclonal antibodies, which were banned by the FDA in the United States two years ago, are widely used as antivenom for snake bites. The antibodies are derived from injecting snake venom into horses and cows, which then produce antibodies against the venom. These antibodies are extracted and used as antivenom in hospitals and clinics worldwide. Dr. Bartlett's use of monoclonal antibodies for COVID patients, with a 100% success rate, prompted Dr. Artis to question the connection between snake venom and COVID-19.

The Origin of COVID-19

Dr. Artis delves into the origins of COVID-19, challenging the widely accepted narrative that it originated from bat viruses. He highlights an article published by CNN Health in January 2020, which suggests that snakes, particularly the Chinese cobra and the Chinese crate, may be the original source of the coronavirus outbreak. He further reveals that Chinese geneticists confirmed the genetic similarity between the COVID-19 virus and snake DNA. He quotes a research study that states, "The 2019 novel coronavirus has most similar genetic information with bat coronavirus and has most similar codon usage bias with snake."

This revelation raises questions about the sudden shift in the narrative from snakes to bats. Dr. Artis questions why the geneticists' findings were ignored and why the world was led to believe that bats were the source of COVID-19.

Snake Venom in the Vaccines

The discussion then turns to the COVID-19 vaccines and their composition. Dr. Artis highlights a document on the NIH's website titled "Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines," which states that mRNA vaccines do not contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He emphasizes, "You cannot get COVID-19 from an mRNA vaccine." This raises the question of what is actually present in the vaccines.

Dr. Artis reveals that the vaccines contain synthetic spike proteins, which are identical to venom proteins found in the king cobra and the Asian crate snake. He quotes a pamphlet titled "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Production," which states that the spike protein gene, confirmed to be venom protein from these snakes, is inserted into a plasmid, a small circular piece of DNA. This plasmid is then delivered through the vaccines, instructing cells to manufacture the snake venom-based spike proteins.

Implications and Potential Impact

The implications of Dr. Artis' findings are profound. If snake venom is indeed the root cause of COVID-19 symptoms, it challenges our understanding of the virus and its treatment. It also raises concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, as they contain venom-based spike proteins. The revelation that snake venom can be absorbed through water and skin further raises questions about the potential widespread exposure to these venoms.

The potential impact of this discovery cannot be underestimated. It calls into question the integrity of the medical and scientific community, as geneticists who confirmed the snake venom connection were ignored. It also highlights the need for further research and investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and the safety of the vaccines.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, Dr. Brian Artis' research has unveiled a shocking truth about the venomous aspect of COVID-19. His findings challenge the established narrative and raise important questions about the origins of the virus and the composition of the vaccines. The implications of this discovery are far-reaching, with potential consequences for our understanding of the pandemic and the safety of the vaccines.

As we move forward, it is crucial that we demand transparency and accountability from the medical and scientific community. Further research and investigation are needed to validate Dr. Artis' findings and shed light on the true nature of COVID-19. Only through a commitment to truth and open dialogue can we navigate the complexities of this pandemic and ensure the well-being of humanity.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of Dr. Brian Artis and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the host or this publication. The article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice.