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Capitalism is Broken

by Miles Mathis

First published February 28, 2023


I don't often write about economics, because it is my least favorite subject. But this one was so easy I

couldn't resist. But first, why is it my least favorite subject? Because it contains the least solidity and

truth. It is entirely manufactured of lies and sludge. We have seen that there have been no good

historians, since they have all been paid to lie. Not one ever told you what I have told you. It is the

same with economics, but even worse. At least with history we start with some facts, which the

historians then hide, twist, and mangle to create what they sell to you as “history”. But with

economics, it is a twisted mangle from the beginning, with no foundation. It doesn't start with any facts

or data, it starts with perverted theories by perverted people, all of them set up by the Phoenicians to

blow smoke. Not a propitious way to start a field.

I have also told you I don't trust Zerohedge, and rarely read any of their economics articles. I do follow

Zerohedge, because they happen to be on the right side of some topics right now, like vaccines, for

instance. Same reason I follow Infowars and Gateway Pundit. I need to know what controlled

opposition is up to, so I can respond. But you will see a more specific example of why I don't trust

Zerohedge now. In a reprint of Lance Roberts from RealInvestmentAdvice.com, we find the title,

“Capitalism is Broken if Record Profit Margins Don't Revert”, but the thesis of the article is that

Capitalism in NOT broken. So you already know you are going to be underwater the whole time you

are reading him.

We know without taking any advice from Roberts that American-style capitalism was broken from the

beginning, since it was created in a broken form on purpose. Meaning, Roberts is right in only the

most basic sense: what we still have is still capitalism, in the sense that rich people still own all

important capital. Companies and banks have not been nationalized and aren't owned by the people.

But to prove capitalism isn't broken in the sense that most people mean, he wouldn't need to just show

us some charts that show profits following supply and demand, he would need to show us proof the

federal and state and international governments weren't helping the capitalists control markets, to

benefit their profits and crush yours. You see, we have been told we have a “free market” capitalism,

and if we did the governments should stay out of it, letting rich people fail when they make bad bets,

lie, cheat, or get caught stealing. But everyone knows we don't. YOU are wide open to market forces,

but rich people aren't.

Beyond that, it was agreed from the beginning that capitalism could work only in the case it was

heavily monitored and limited, to prevent the rich people from taking everything. An unfettered

capitalism leads very quickly to the capitalists vacuuming all resources and profits into their pile,

leaving the lower and middle classes with absolutely nothing. The founding fathers knew that and

admitted it, and they had to because the only way they could sell capitalism to early America was with

the promise it would come with heavy oversight. They knew it because their families had come over

from England in the 17th century, where exactly that was happening. They told us that the government

would be on our side, making sure capitalism didn't spin out of control. That is what parts of the

Constitution are about. However, we now know they lied, since government was run by capitalists

from the start, and they have rigged government in their favor from the beginning. At first, to keep up

appearances, they installed some oversight, and even enforced it on themselves to some extent. But

even that was mostly due to infighting. They were fighting over control of the government, so one

faction enforced oversight on another faction, as part of their insider wars. But once those wars were

over, there was no one left to enforce and no reason to enforce. So with each passing decade the US

has become less regulated. After WWII deregulation went into overdrive, so much so that by the time

of Reagan they could just admit it. Reagan sold deregulation to the public as a great boon to them, and

by then the American public was already so eviscerated and clueless, you could have sold them harakiri

as a great boon. The Clinton years were the last dying gasp of regulation, as Glass-Steagall went

under, and after 2000 it is has been a quick descent into economic barbarism, as the capitalists have

gone berserk.

As I say, everyone with two brain cells remaining knows that, so it is hard to believe anyone is

claiming otherwise. But you wouldn't know it from reading this article from Lance Roberts. His only

function is to continue to cheerlead for capitalism, so he has to misdirect you from any basic truths

from his first sentence. He doesn't allow you even the tiniest step in my direction.

Roberts starts by making you think capitalism is proved and healthy if profits revert (go lower) in the

near future. He admits we have been in a time of huge profits for the capitalists, but claims that is just

due to free market forces. He actually quotes himself and puts it in a bullet point:

“Notably, this has nothing to do with giant corporations taking advantage of consumers. It is just

the economic consequence of 'too much money chasing too few goods.'”

Does Roberts give us any evidence this has nothing to do with giant corporations taking advantage of

consumers? No, he just says it, pretending that his graphs show it. But they don't. His graphs actually

prove they ARE taking advantage of consumers, but he ignores that.

He knows profit margins have to drop in the near future: they are too obscene to become permanent.

And they can't persist for another reason: the host will soon be tapped out at those levels. If the

parasitic capitalists continue sucking the middle classes at these levels, they will kill the host. There

will be no future profits left to take, and they will have to go to war with themselves—something that

has already started to some extent. There is no easy blood left in the middle classes, so the capitalists

have targeted their own weakest cousins.

Roberts knows that, so predicting lower profits on the horizon is no prediction at all. But he wants you

to think it is a bold prediction, and that when profits do drop in the next year or two, it will be proof

and vindication of capitalism. He sees it as a masterly hypnotizing: his audience will witness a small

drop in profits and give the capitalists brownie points for it. The problem is, this drop in profits for the

capitalists will be accompanied by a bloodbath for investors, proving not his point, but mine. Who are

those investors? Well, the biggest investors will be shielded. They will be told when to drop out, so

the poorest and stupidest investors will take the hit, as they always do. Trillions in losses will go to the

lower-upper class and upper-middle class, because those people are the only ones with anything left to


So what we have isn't really capitalism. Or, not a functioning constitutional capitalism that can

underpin a government. What we now have is a system of mass predation, one that is not only NOT

limited by the government, but that is actually made even more virulent and predatory by the

government. It is a capital/government alliance that turns the capitalists into feeding machines,

chewing up everything they encounter like a pack of piranha.

Which of course makes Roberts quote the most audacious lie possible. The rich have been taking

advantage of us from the beginning, and now it has just reached world-ending levels. Does anyone

really think the rise in gasoline prices in the past two years was due to free market forces? No, it was

due to the oil companies being promised a feeding frenzy to make up for 2020, when they were told to

stand down while the Big Pharma companies fed on the carcass. Big Oil took a big hit in 2020, and

there was only one way to keep them quiet, to keep them from blowing the cover of Big Pharma:

promise them their own turn at the trough in 2021-2022. That's how it really worked, so to see Roberts

selling the idea this was all due to market forces is the most absurd thing imaginable.

He tries to sell us the idea that if we start analyzing data AFTER the government has rigged all markets

in 2020, we will see factors roughly following supply and demand. But since the government rigged

all markets, it determined supply and demand. He has the chutzpah to admit the government rigged it

all, but then claim that because supply and demand roughly matched on the downside, capitalism is


He also has the chutzpah to claim that “'greed' is a by-product of capitalism”. He puts greed in quotes,

as if is a made-up abstraction that does't really exist. Just an invention of conspiracy theorists. But his

claim is another reversal. Greed isn't caused by capitalism, capitalism is caused by greed. Greed is the

original sin that seeds all of this. Greed isn't some airy abstraction, it is a primary motivator, and the

old economic theories admitted that. They tried to redefine greed as a positive trait, using it to build

this theory from—which you have to admit is pretty amazing in itself. It is like trying to build a theory

of cooking and health on gluttony or a theory of sociology on envy or a theory of work on sloth.

Roberts also totally mischaracterizes the current profit-taking on purpose. He claims it is due to the

Covid stimulus checks most got. But even if we all spent that on things that would accrue to

Fortune500 companies, it wouldn't begin to explain the profit-taking since 2020. He forgets to include

any graphs concerning credit card debt in those three years, doesn't he, which increased like never

before? He forgets to mention the incredible rape of the American public by stealing their businesses,

their homes, their real estate, their pensions, their savings, and by destroying competition. Consumers

were forced to go to large companies because all small companies were shuttered by illegal mandates.

Are we supposed to believe that was evidence of a well functioning capitalism?

Roberts then spits in your face:

In other words, if you are feeling slighted by the current economy, then you have three choices:

1.Be a laborer, or

2.Become a provider of the means of production, or

3.Invest in public companies through the stock market

Obviously, you can only do 2 or 3 if you are already rich, so that leaves out most people. So you can

become a laborer. . . in a market that Roberts has just admitted is totally stacked against you. Robert is

now the rich guy telling the bum “get a job!” There were already very few jobs pre-2020 that didn't

involved working for the man in a debased situation, but in 2020 those fell almost to zero as all Momand-Pops were forcibly shuttered. Your job as a masseuse or yoga instructor or florist or restaurant

owner or waiter was killed. Now you can go to work for Walmart or Amazon or Burger King. And

you wonder why everyone is killing themselves with Fentanyl?

But Roberts doesn't care about that. He only concern is that “forward returns on investment are

problematic” in this market of “massive interventions”. In other words, like the capitalists, he isn't

concerned with 98% of people. They aren't his readers. He is only concerned with #3 above.

Investors. If you aren't an investor, you don't count. Which is of course why he doesn't count for us. 

That's a government chart with Roberts' own comments. It doesn't support anything he is arguing, so it

is amazing that he posts it anyway. No commentary can save it. But everything is mislabelled.

Capitalism was never “operating normally”. There were huge interventions for the wealthy back to the

beginning, but there was also a degree of oversight, because the capitalists knew a permanent feeding at

the public trough required some restraint.

As you see, the rise began after Watergate, because, as I have shown you, that is when the CIA

disposed of Hoover and Nixon and took control. Their success went to the heads of their controllers,

and everyone important agreed that they could drink more freely from the public trough with little fear

of getting caught. Roberts wants you to think that the next big uptick was caused by the dotcom crash

and easy lending policies in the housing market, but it wasn't. It happens right after 911, so it was

caused by another group of capitalists behind Cheney and Rumsfeld starting their own CIA, naming it

DHS, and beginning their own feeding frenzy. For some reason CIA let them in, though parts of CIA

later regretted it. This created far greater instability in the system, and as you can see it would have

been fatal after 2007 if they hadn't just looted the future treasury, bailing themselves out with trillions

taken from your future. In other words, you “bought” all their debt at gunpoint. That too would have

crashed in 2019, and there should have been a huge default. In other words, these capitalists should

have said, “Look, there is no chance the American people will ever pay off this debt. They couldn't

pay it off in a thousand years, so pretending that debt is actual money is just a farce. You know that

and I know that and they know that, so the only thing to do is wipe that debt. Take the loss and move

on.” But of course they didn't say that. Instead, they doubled down again, running yet another round

of enormous fraud, printing even more funny money to bail themselves out, and even spreading a small

amount in the lower classes, to prevent an immediate revolution. To do that, they created a fake

vaccine and sold it to the governments of the world, trying to hide behind a product so that the whole

thing wasn't just done on paper. That way it at least looked like an economic transaction. But it wasn't,

because there was no actual buyer. The people didn't want it, so both the market and sale was

manufactured. No real person paid a dime for the vaccine, you know. Governments bought it, which

just means the capitalists bought their own fake product. It had nothing to do with capitalism or even


So the result was just the creation of more fake debt. They could have skipped the whole vaccine fraud

and just added the debt directly, with a keystroke. Therefore, these profits are illusory, both the profits

of Big Pharma and the profits of Big Oil. It is all funny money. You “paid” huge amounts of money

for all this stuff with money they gave you, so it all just a pretend market. Not only does it do you no

good, it does them no good. None of it is real, it is just a smokescreen to push the reckoning into the

future. In other words,


They are just trying to delay the report of it. We are already living post-apocalypse, they just don't

want you to realize it. They want you to think they still have billions, since all their power comes from

their wealth. But, like the US debt, their wealth is now a mirage. It is based on future valuation, and

there is no future valuation. The future is worthless as a matter of continued speculation.

But you don't have to worry, because the future was already worthless to you in that sense. If your

wealth isn't dependent on future valuation of big companies or governments, you haven't lost anything.

I am not saying the future is worthless because it will be a hellish pit. The future will be whatever real

people make it, as always. I am just saying for speculators and capitalists, it is over. They have hit the

end of the line and have hit a wall of their own making. These bailouts they keep manufacturing for

themselves can't succeed because they are circular. You can't pay a debt by borrowing money from

broke people. All the debts of that sort are permanently unpayable, and therefore meaningless. And

whether rich people admit that or not doesn't really matter. They can go on fooling themselves that

they are rich and important to the end of time: they always have and I guess they always will. But they

aren't. They are like those con artists you read about that live like princes for a few years based on

credit they trick people into giving them. They use it to buy cars and clothes and country club

memberships, but it is all a mirage. The only difference between those fake princes and the “real” ones

is that these low-level fake princes just con a few rich investors, while the “real” princes and

“capitalists” run their cons on national treasuries, and make it stick for decades.

I suggest you wake up from their hypnosis, and realize you owe them nothing. The owing is all in the

other direction.


for thousands of years of theft. If they retain any tangible assets, then they have the debt to pay. So the

debt shouldn't must be dissolved, it should be reversed. As in a lawsuit for fraud, or gross negligence

with malice, they should be charged punitive damages totaling all they have stolen since the founding.

They want you to think that when they fall, all science, technology, manufacturing and government will

crash and burn, and that you will be living in a Mad Max future of war, famine, and scarcity. But it is

all another bluff. It is just the opposite. It is not like the Phoenicians own all knowledge and knowhow. When they fall, they will not take all books with them. All the machines and factories won't just

stop working. More importantly, all the world's natural resources will not just evaporate. Everything

will remain but the thieves, which means you will be far richer than you are now. When all that debt

evaporates, it will be their wealth, not yours. Yes, some of the upper-middle and lower-upper classes

will suffer temporary losses, and the more you are tied to the Phoenicians the more you will lose when

they fall. But everyone not jailed, ostracized or thrown from a cliff will benefit greatly from the

revolution, since the skimmers will be gone. 

     18minutes Capitalism is Broken by Miles Mathis First published February 28, 2023