JYSS 3E1 (2017)
3E1 (2017)
My daughter’s primary school teacher recommended Juying Secondary School. I decided to choose Juying Secondary School after attending the Open House. I was impressed by the values and vision of the school leaders. Having heard of their programmes and activities, I believed that Juying Secondary School would be the right school for my child.
To me, a good school is a school that gives my child the right environment to learn and excel. The school should be surrounded by supportive and caring teachers whom my child is able to fall back on whenever she needs help. It is also a place where my child can feel at home. Juying Secondary School possesses these traits.
My daughter’s learning journey over the past years has proven that Juying Secondary is the right school for her. She started her first year having some problems but as she entered her second year, she began to show improvement. She has become more mature and responsible. She also shows more care and empathy towards people around her. As a result of these changes, she has shown significant improvement in her studies without our intervention.
We believe that the vision of the school leaders as well as the dedication and hard work of the teachers form the core to the success of Juying Secondary School. They have all built a strong school culture based on sound values. This, in turn, not only yields strong academic results but also, students with strong character worthy of our future.
To all the parents, I would sincerely recommend Juying Secondary School, a character-nurturing and academically-driven school. It is where your child would be able to excel and fulfil their fullest potential.
Read Michelle Koh's testimonial here