Wendy Chaw

Wendy Chaw

Secondary 2

I am Wendy Chaw and I’m from Juying Secondary School.

I am here to share with you more about Juying Secondary School.

The very first thing that people who steps into Juying Secondary School will notice are its facilities. We have many unique and outstanding facilities which cater to many different students and their varied interests.

For example, if you have time to spare while waiting for CCA to start, you can go to the Chillax Room! This room is especially made for us students to destress . We can relax and have fun with our friends here playing many fun and different types of games in this room, such as a pool table, Xbox, PS5, racing rigs and many more.

Another factor which I love about Juying Secondary is its wide range of CCAs available. One fun fact about Juying Secondary is that it is one of the few schools to have student council as a CCA. Before that, students have to feel the stress of managing leadership roles, CCAs and their academic subjects. So Juying Secondary has taken students’ requests into consideration and set up student council as a CCA! This also allows many individuals like you to have a higher chance of getting a leadership role in school. Other than Student Council, we have many other interesting CCAs available which you can find out more from the Juying Secondary School official website.

The final factor that attracted me to Juying Secondary is the number of school programmes for us. There are many different types of school programmes but the few which I think are the most interesting are the JYSS Got Talent, Sports Carnival and Juying Orator’s Trophy.

Can you dance, sing, rap, transition king or queen on Tik Tok? Or do you have any hidden talent ? Consider signing up for JYSS Got Talent then! I participated in the JYSS Got Talent, and trust me , it was an amazing experience!

How about those who are the sporty and athletic types? Then consider representing your class in the Sports Carnival!

Now don’t think I left out those who are amazing public speakers, and who want to be a news anchor or a journalist. We’ve got you covered, try signing up for the Juying Orator's Trophy! These are but the few of many programmes Juying Secondary has planned for us, providing us opportunities in many different aspects for us to shine in our own ways.

Hence, joining Juying Secondary is definitely not just about studying and attending your CCA, it is more than that. You can experience many new things, go in depth of things you’re passionate about, meet many amazing teachers and friends. Don’t these sound amazing?

Make your secondary school life more meaningful, here in Juying. Once again, thank you for reading. If you want to have me as your amazing senior again, come to Juying Secondary and I will welcome you with open big arms. See you soon!