arika Yeo (1T1)

JYSS 1T1 (2020)

Arika Yeo (1T1) & Aidan Yeo (3A1)



All parents want the best for their children. I am no exception, especially when my children all have some form of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I started planning my eldest child’s secondary school options since he was in primary four.

I spent some time visiting a few neighbouring schools, and even went to some twice. In the end, we discussed and decided together as parents and child on Juying Secondary School as our first choice.

These are our views on Juying Secondary. The school environment is bright and spacious, and the bus stop is just outside the school.

The school Leaders are genuine, approachable and sincere. They have experience with special needs students and see all students as individuals.

The teachers are sincere, down-to-earth, truthful, strict, caring, and show concern to students as individuals, both in and out of school. They put in a lot of effort and share their life skills and experiences with their students.

Lastly, the non-teaching staff are friendly, helpful, considerate and knowledgeable in their area of expertise.

Aidan wowed our family in just over a term. He showed confidence in handling his subjects and became more interested and responsible in school. He is now more self-motivated, independent and started planning for his future.

With all these positive changes that I have seen in my son, I have also encouraged my daughter to enrol in Juying Secondary after her Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE). She chose Juying as her first choice after seeing the positive changes in her brother and after visiting the Open House in 2019.

Juying is the right choice for my children as it provides a safe and nurturing environment for them to learn, face challenges and grow.

Check it out! I hope you will find it a right fit for your child to grow and excel in.

Mrs Selena Yeo

Mother of Arika Yeo (1T1) & Aidan Yeo (3A1)