Grace Toh (1E3) & Faith Toh (2e3) & Joy Toh (4E1)

JYSS 1E3, 2E3 & 4E1 (2018)

Grace Toh (1E3) & Faith Toh (2e3) & Joy Toh (4E1)



When my eldest daughter Joy, went for Juying Secondary School Open House after receiving her PSLE results in 2015, she was enticed by the conducive environment and facilities which Juying Secondary School has. The hospitality extended by the school ushers was impressive as they were articulate and hospitable. Joy was convinced that Juying was the school for her.

Little did she know, three years later, she would be given the opportunity to become one of the student ushers for Juying Secondary School Open House. Besides being an usher, she had the chance to be one of the student leaders to lead the Secondary One Orientation Camp. Coincidentally, her youngest sister, Grace was in her group. Juying has helped to build Joy’s academic abilities and character.

After witnessing the enriching journey which Joy has been experiencing, it was natural for Faith, my second daughter and Grace, my youngest daughter to put Juying Secondary School as their first choice. Unlike my other two daughters, Grace secured a place in Juying through the Direct School Admission Programme.

I am convinced that Juying Secondary School, with its dedicated staff and enriching programmes, will continue to steer my three daughters in the right direction. Juying Secondary School has inculcated many core values in my daughters. These learning experiences cannot be learnt by merely reading a textbook and practising more assignments. For example, Joy was given a chance to go to Chiang Mai to do her Values-In-Action project. The three days, two nights trip was planned by her class since the start of February. They were heavily involved in the planning of the trip. As the aim for this trip was to promote English education, they spent most of their time at a local primary school to teach simple English phrases and Art and Craft to the students. Through this experience, she was able to learn many values such as teamwork, humility and hard work. She also experienced what the less fortunate go through every day, and learnt to appreciate what she has.

Faith was chosen to be a Prefect this year. Her leadership qualities were recognised and she was given the opportunity to optimize her potential. The Applied Learning Programme, Stand and Deliver programme also gave her the confidence to speak in front of a crowd.

Interestingly, all of my daughters are in the school’s netball team. Through their CCA, they have learnt perseverance, endurance and teamwork.

Juying Secondary School has exposed my daughters to many activities that maximised their potential based on their talents and interests. The core values of the school definitely have helped to shape their formative years. As a mother of my three daughters, I am satisfied with the growth of my children in Juying Secondary School.

Mdm Louisa Chua
