Phylum: Chordata

Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata

Super class: Tetrapoda

Class: Reptila

Order: Squamata


Uromastyx lizards are well-adapted to desert environments. They have a flattened, elongated body covered in small, pointed scales that give them a spiky appearance. Their tail is particularly notable for its spiny appearance, and they can use it as a defense mechanism against predators. Their coloration varies by species but often includes shades of yellow, orange, brown, and green, helping them blend into their natural surroundings.


These lizards come in various sizes, depending on the species. Some species are relatively small, with a total length of around 10 inches (25 cm), while others can grow up to 3 feet (1 meter) or more in length.

Uromastyx lizards are oviparous, which means they lay eggs. The number of eggs laid varies by species but can range from a few to several dozen. After hatching, the young lizards are self-sufficient and do not receive parental care.


Uromastyx lizards are primarily found in arid and desert regions, including sandy deserts, rocky outcrops, and scrublands. They are well-adapted to extreme temperatures and can tolerate both hot days and cool nights.