
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Echiuroidea

Genus: Bonellia

Bonellia is a marine and burrowing echinoid. It lies buried in the mud.

It exhibits’ very interesting case of sexual dimorphism with giant female and dwarf male without segmentation. Body divisible into anterior proboscis and posterior trunk.

Female is 5 cm long, ovoid in shape and green in colour due to the presence of a pigment called Bonellein.

The proboscis is very much elongated forming long spatulate in front of the mouth.

The mouth is found at the base of proboscis and the anus at opposite ends.

Excretory organ are a pair of anal vesicle, one or two nephiridia which act as a gonoduct.

There is a closed blood vascular system.

Male is very small, ciliated and without proboscis.

Fertilization is internal.