
Phylum: Chordata

Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata

Super class: Gnathostomata

Class: Reptila

Order: Squamata

Phrynosoma, whose members are known as the horned lizards, horny toads, or horntoads, is a genus of North American lizards and the type genus of the family Phrynosomatidae. Their common names refer directly to their horns or to their flattened, rounded bodies, and blunt snouts. The generic name Phrynosoma means "toad-bodied".




Phrynosoma, or horned lizards, are primarily found in arid and semi-arid habitats such as deserts, scrublands, rocky terrain, and open areas with sparse vegetation. They are well-camouflaged reptiles known for their distinctive appearance and are often associated with sunny climates and ant colonies, which form a significant part of their diet