Frog : Pelvic girdle

Pelvic girdle is a ‘V’ shaped structure. It has two similar halves. Each halves consist of a compared bone called innominate bone or innominatum.

It in turn is formed by the fusion of 3 elements namely ilium, ischium and pubis.

Ischium and ilium are bones, where pubis is a calcified cartilage.

Laterally, at the junction of these three, is a cup like cavity called ‘acetabulum’.

Into this the head of femur is fixed to form ‘hip joint’.

Terminally each ilium articulates with the transverse process of 9th vertebra.

The pubis and ischium of each side join their fellows of the opposite side, with a median strip of cartilage in between. This forms the pubo – ischiatic symphysis.

Symphysis is the fusion or meeting of 2 bones with a median cartilage in between.