Boiga ceylonesis

Phylum: Chordata

Sub - phylum: Vertebrata

Super class: Tetrapoda

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squmata

Ceylon Cat Snake or Sri Lankan Cat Snake is a species of Boiga genus found in high elevations of Western Ghats of India also in Sri Lanka. Externally it looks very close to Beddome's Cat Snake (B. beddomei) and Collard Cat Snake (B. nuchalis) and usually indistinguishable from these two which are sympatric to it in Western Ghats. Morphologically all three species are known for brown or yellowish dorsal marked with blackish markings. B. ceylonensis can be identified by checking 19 mid body rows, comparatively lower number of ventrals (215-235) and subcaudals (95-108). Scales in 19:19:15 or 13 rows. Vertebral scales distinctly enlarged and hexagonal. Ventrals 214-235; anal entire; subcaudals 98-108, paired.



Supralabial 8; 4th to 6th in contact with eyes; loreal 1; preocular 1, reaches to upper surface of head; postocular 2 or 3; temporal 3+3 or 3+4. Maxillary teeth 14-20+2.


Smooth scales arranged obliquely in 19:19:13/15 rows.


215-235; anal undivided.

Sub Caudal: 

95-108; paired.


Reproduction oviparous, female lays up to 10 eggs in dry tree holes, between rocks etc in late winter to summer months. New born individuals seen during late summer to whole monsoon.


 Average length- 90cm

Maximum length- 132cm


Dorsal body:

Laterally flattened long body. Scales smooth, long shaped and obliquely arranged. Top dorsal scales along the vertebra larger than side scales and of hexagonal shape. Dorsal color brown, yellowish or brown mixed with reddish. Black, dark brown or reddish patches or cross lines found from head to tail. These markings are broadest on vertebral region.

Ventral body:

Belly color white, yellow or yellowish-brown; usually with blackish or dark brown patches on the outer edge of ventral scales. Subcaudal scales paired in zig-zag manner.


Head triangular with rounded edge; clearly broader than neck. Top of the head of similar to dorsal color. One black streak runs behind the eye to end of the head. Large eyes with vertical pupil.


Long and thin tail typically like other arboreal snakes with pointed tip. Dorsal body patterns continue to tail in faint form.


Activity nocturnal and arboreal. Locomotion slow. Behaviour shy, elusive and usually calm. On threatening throws half of fore body into loops with head on the top, sometimes jerk or flicker its tail also which is followed by mock attacks to keep distance with threatening object or animal. Feeds mainly on lizards, birds, rodents, bats, frogs etc. 


They are harmless.


Lives in moderate to high elevations of Western Ghats mainly in evergreen and mixed deciduous forests. Lives in dense vegetation including bushes and trees of hills. Choose tree holes, dense bushes, rocks for roosting and hiding.