Dendrelaphis tristis

Phylum: Chordata

Sub - phylum: Vertebrata

Super class: Tetrapoda

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squmata

Common Bronze back is the most widespread Dendrelaphis species of India which is the only species of genus in most of the parts of Indian mainland. It can be easily identified by checking a rounded whitish spot on the top of head, very thin body which shows sky blue dots on dorsal surface and most of the side dorsal & belly of yellowish-white color. Scales 15:15:11 or 9 oblique rows. Vertebral scales slightly enlarged on neck. Ventrals 163-197. Subcaudals 108-145, paired.



9 supralabials, 5th & 6th in contact with eyes; 1 preocular; 1 loreal; 2 postocular; temporal 2+2.


Smooth scales in 15: 15: 11/9 rows; obliquely arranged.


163-197; anal divided.

Sub Caudal:

108-145; paired.


Reproduction oviparous. Lays up to 8 eggs in heights mainly in tree holes, under dense leaf litters, cracks etc. New born usually seen from monsoon to starting of winters. 


New born- 15cm
Average length- 100cm
Maximum length- 169cm



Body thin, long, covered with smooth scales. Scales arranged in oblique manner with top row along vertebra larger than adjacent dorsals. Color chocolate brown mixed with purple; having sky blue color on lower edge of fore and mid body scales which are best visible when snake is in alert or aggressive position.


Belly scales sharply folded upwards. Color yellowish-white or greenish-white which extends to first two dorsal rows also. Subcaudal scales with olive tint of yellow or brown color.


Head flattened, elongated and clearly broader than neck. Upper lip yellowish-white. A clear rounded whitish spot present on the middle of top which equally covers both parietal scales. This characteristic is found only in this species of bronze back and quite helpful to identify quickly. Large eyes with rounded pupils. Tongue color bluish-gray.


Very long and thin tail of bronze, brown or blackish- brown color which ends with a pointed tip. Subcaudal scales paired in a zigzag manner.

Looks Like Southern bronze back Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis chairecacos), Giri's bronze back (Dendrelaphis girii), Ashok's bronze back (Dendrelaphis ashoki) 


Common Bronze back is a diurnal and arboreal species which mainly shows activity from low to moderate heights during whole day. Locomotion very fast in both arboreal and terrestrial environment. Behavior alert, very quick and usually try to escape when threatened in its natural environment. Usually non-offensive but on threatening it laterally inflates much of fore body to show blue edge of most of the dorsal scales, sometimes open its mouth to look larger. 

Feeds mainly on lizards and frogs. Also takes small rodents and bird chicks.




Hides in tree holes, rock gaps at heights, dense bushes etc. Lives both in dense and open forests (mixed and dry deciduous forest), vegetation of moderate height, undisturbed gardens etc