
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Turbellaria

Bipalium is a large terrestrial triclad inhabiting the humid soil on the floor of the tropical jungles.

It has cosmopolitan distribution chiefly found in green houses and outdoor regions in Florida, Louisiana and California. It is also found in temperate and tropical countries.

It is one of the largest land planarians measuring 20 to 50 cm in length.

Animal consists of an expanded lunate head and cylindrical long body.

Numerous eyes are present on the margin of the head and sides of the twisted body.

The planaria has stripes over the dorsal surface also and a creeping sole on the ventral surface.

Reproduction generally asexual. It never becomes sexual in temperate climate and it propagates by fragmentation.

Bipalium adventium breeds sexually