Cynopterus brachyotis


Phylum: Chordata

Sub-phylum: Vertebrata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Chiroptera

Lesser short nosed fruit bats are generally brown to yellowish brown with brightened colour.

Adult males have dark orange colours; adult females have yellowish colour.

They occur most frequently in forest, gardens, mangroves and vegetation on beaches.

They are frugivorous and prefer aromatic fruit especially mangoes.

They feeds mainly on small fruits by sucking out the juice and the soft pulp they also eat necter and pollen.

They play important role in plant pollination. Many plants such as bananas, mangoes depend on them for seed dispersal.

Bats are considered to be crop pest since they consume and damage fruits.

For orientation and navigation, they depend more on sight and smell and less on echo-location.

Ability of echo-location for horning and navigation avoid collision on with obstacle during flight.

Emission of high frequency orientation sounds from large pharynx specialised auditory apparatus and both for perception and analysis of complex sounds and reflexing echoes.