Paraechinus micropus


Phylum: Chordata

Sub-phylum: Vertebrata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Erinaceomorpha

Hedgehog mainly lives in sandy desert areas but can be found in other environments.

Hedgehog eats insects, toads, bird eggs, snakes and scorpions.

Although, it doesn’t hibernate, it is still capable of slowing down its metabolism when food is scarce.

The upper side of the body has spines to protect from predators. When threatened it rolls up into a pricky ball and also they dig burrow and use them to sleep in and to stay hidden from dangers.

Its predators are foxes, mongoose and rock haunt owls. Predators have to be quick to catch before it curls up into its pricky ball form.

They spread their own saliva or their spines and for after testing or smelling something that is unfamiliar to them; which is called ‘Self anointy’.