Loris lydekkerianus malabaricus


Phylum: Chordata

Sub-phylum: Vertebrata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Loris found in the dry forest and moist low land in Vindya and Srilanka.

Loris is threatened by habitat loss.

Loris prefers dry zones with scrub and dry species.

They are also found near plantations and cultivated areas near taller forests.

They are nocturnal and emerge from their roost cavities only at dusk.

They are arboreal insectivorous mammals.

They are usually solitary.

It is rare for them to be seen in pairs or groups. However they may roost in groups of up to seven that include young of the recent and all the litters.

Animal is very shy and moves very slowly on tree branches.

Nose projects beyond the lower jaw.