Naja naja

Phylum: Chordata

Sub - phylum: Vertebrata

Super class: Tetrapoda

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squmata

Spectacled Cobra is the most famous and fascinating snake found in Indian subcontinent and adjacent countries. This can be easily identified by having hood and adjoined rounded mark on posterior of hood. Color of this snake greatly depends on geographical areas. In and around human habitation and agricultural lands it can be seen commonly as a rodent predator. Due to its mentions in religious books and stories this species is praised by Hindus. Also this is the most common snake used by snake charmers for their livelihood by displaying to layman.



Usually a single cuneate scale on each side; supralabial 7; 3rd & 4th touches eyes; 3rd significantly larger then rest of frontal supralabials; preocular 1, touches posterior Nasal hence loreal absent; postocular 3; temporal 2+3 or 2+3.


Males- 23-37 (at 10th ventral): 19-25 (at 20% of ventral): 21-25 (at 40% of ventral): 19-23 (at 60% of ventral): 13-18 (at 80% of ventral): 15-18 (at vent). Females- 23-37 (at 10th ventral): 19-25 (at 20% of ventral): 20-25 (at 40% of ventral): 17-24 (at 60% of ventral): 15-17 (at 80% of ventral): 15-18 (at vent).


171-197 (Male), 178-196 (Female).

Sub Caudal:

53-67 (Male), 50-65 (Female); anal undivided; paired.


Oviparous, Mating begins during post winter season with male combat. Winning male performs mating rituals with female. Egg lying and guarding done by female in mounds and caves. Up to 30 eggs it can lay and hatching done from late summer to most of monsoon. 


New born- 25-30cm
Average length- 150cm
Maximum length- 210cm



Body slender with smooth oval shaped scales. Dorsal color includes yellow, all shades of brown, dark gray, reddish, black or black mixed with blue, purple, red etc. Side dorsal scales larger and clearly oval shaped while scales on the top narrower and become pointed. Color greatly depends on geographical region. Maharashtra, whole South India, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal etc. coastal states populations bear color range of yellow and brown (light). Sometimes dark color obtuse bands also found on posterior side. Central, northern & western India population is known for dark brown or black color.


Belly color depends on dorsal color and ranges from milky white, yellowish, white mixed with purple, red, brown, gray etc. with or without dark patches.


Head triangular with rounded edge, not broader than neck. The famous hood mark appears when stretched on provocation. Hood marks vary in design and prominence aspects. In dark colored specimens (from North India) hood mark becomes faint or absent in adults. Eyes have rounded pupil.


Slightly shorter than typical range and ends with pointed tip. Black color specimens sometimes bear darker tail.

Looks close to Monocled Cobra (Naja kaouthia) where both populations overlap (in eastern parts), Rat Snake (Ptyas mucosa).

Looks almost similar to adult Banded Racer (Argyrogena fasciolata) when hood is not displayed by N. naja.


Diurnal, crepuscular, often active during night. Feeds on frogs, toads and small mammals.


Spectacled Cobra is basically a nocturnal species but crepuscular behavior is mostly shown by it. Can be seen at daytime also. Activity terrestrial but can climb well when needed for foraging and roosting. Behavior alert and aggressive. On provocation raise its forebody to show famous hood and hiss loudly to give warnings. Gives mock attacks initially but can bite in furry to deliver its neurotoxin venom. To escape it tries to crawl slowly this is done by keeping eyes on enemy by curling and bowing the hood.

It preys on a variety of animals including frogs, toads and rodents. Also feeds on birds, other snakes including venomous ones, small mammals (mongoose and kittens), eggs etc. Can climb up to good heights on roof tops and trees in search of food. 




Found both in hills and plains. Distributed in variety of forests of Indian mainland which includes rainforest, mixed, moist and dry deciduous forests, grassland, wetland, desert etc. Lives in dense & open forests, agricultural lands, city outskirts, around wetlands, rocky terrain having mounds and deep hiding places, old woods etc. Hides in mounds, holes, piles, caves, cracks etc.