Ardea cinerea rectirostris (Grey heron)

Class: Aves

Sub -class: Neornithes

Super-order: Neognathae

Order: Ciconiiformes

Family: Ardeidea

Grey heron is a long- legged and long necked wading marsh bird with pointed bill.

They are ash grey with a white crown and neck.

Elongated black – tipped white feathers are found in chest region.

They inhabit in land water bodies and are distributed all over India.

Herons are mostly solitary bur gregarious while breeding and nesting.

They stand motionless on the edge of the water body, or in the shallow water with their head sunken in between shoulders.

They are crepuscular.

They search for prey and strike prey with great-speed when it comes nearby.

The prey, caught in between toes is directed towards mouth with a sudden upward jerk of the head.

The food consists of mainly fishes, frogs, molluscs, crustaceans, small rodents etc…

They are also observed catching and killing juvenile birds such as ducklings.

Tree-standing in water and surrounding regions are selected for nesting.

Nest is a small platform of twigs with a central depression, occasionally lined with straw and water weeds.

Both parents share the duties in caring for young ones.