Threskiornis melanocephalus (Black headed Ibis)

Class: Aves

Sub -class: Neornithes

Super-order: Neognathae

Order: Ciconiiformes

Also known as Oriental ibis.

It is a species of wading bird found in marshy wet lands, in land and on coast.

It feeds on various fishes, frogs and other water creatures as well as on insects.

It walks about actively on marshy land probing with its bill into the soft and often feeds in shallow water with its head momentarily sub-merged like other species.

It is vulnerable to drainage of wet lands and conversion of its habitat for agriculture.

It is also increasingly affected by hunting and egg collection as well as poisoning by pesticides and disturbances at its breeding colonies.

It lacks a true voice producing mechanism and is silent except for peculiar ventriloquial grunts uttered when nesting.

It lays 4-black marked brown eggs in a floating nest.

The male takes responsibility of incubation.

Legs and toes are exceptionally long and slender; this is a feature which helps them to walk over aquatic vegetation.

Toes lack webs.