Oligodon taeniolatus

Phylum: Chordata

Sub - phylum: Vertebrata

Super class: Tetrapoda

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squmata

Russell's Kukri is the second most widespread Oligodon (genus of Kukri Snakes) found in whole of peninsular India and north India. Not found in Himalayas and North-east states after West Bengal. With number of patterns, it gives great confusion in identification specially the populations of south India where maximum number of peninsular Indian Oligodons found. Scales in 15 rows at midbody. Ventrals 157-201 males, 154-219 females. Subcaudals 27-59, paired.



7 (rarely 6 or 8) Supralabials; 3rd & 4th in contact with eyes; preocular 1, rarely a presubocular; loreal 1; postocular 2; temporals 1+2.


Scales smooth with 15 rows at midbody.


157-201 (Male), 154-219 (Female); slightly angulated laterally; anal divided.

Sub Caudal:

27-59; paired.


Oviparous. Female lays up to 9 eggs during monsoon months in narrow places, under loose roots of vegetation, thick leaf litter etc. New born individuals seen during whole of monsoon months. 


New born- 7.5-12cm
Average length- 45cm

Maximum length- 59cm



Slender and covered with glossy and subequal smooth scales. There are multiple distinct patterns found especially around Western Ghats and South India. The most widely distributed and commonest form is as follows: Ground color dark or light brown or greyish-brown which usually become light on flank and guarded by thin dark stripe on lower side. A light color vertebral line running transversally which is guarded by series of regular black and white oblique streak from neck to tail. In Western Ghats and South Indian form large, countable and irregularly shaped blotches found which can be intersected by a faint of clear light color vertebral line. Side dorsals have similar dark and light stripes in more or less prominent form.  


Pattern less white in the commonest form (distributed widely) while patched with blackish spots near dorsal rows. 


Moderate, not much depressed and scarcely broader than neck. Usually with typical chevron shaped marking on the top, a thick bent band joining eyes and thick collar behind the arrow mark. These patterns may fuse in fully grown adults and appear pattern less or with faint shades of dark and light brown. Moderate eyes with rounded pupil. 


Length typical and ends with pointed tip. Dorsal patterns found in faint form but usually visible.


Activity nocturnal and usually terrestrial but also choose to be semi-fossorial and climber regularly. Behaviour shy, elusive and usually non-offensive. First try to escape on threatening, on further disturbance or blocking the escape way it throws whole of body into loose loops with head slightly above the ground which is followed by mock attacks. On catching it tries to tear catcher's skin with sharp Kukri-shaped teeth from either side of head. Feeds on reptile and amphibian eggs, small lizards, soft bodied insects etc. VENOMOSITY

They are harmless.


Distributed in wide range of habitat including dry, moist and mixed deciduous forests, rainforests, semi-deserts of Indian subcontinent and few Central Asian countries. Lives both in dense and open forests, rocky terrain, gardens, agricultural lands etc. Hides under thick leaf litters, fallen wooden logs, stones, cracks on ground and walls, under loose roots of vegetation etc.