Mmm. Indian flatbread. This is largely from The New Vegetarian Epicure.
Makes about 1 dozen pita-sized naan.
The general idea is to cook them on the griddle , then finish them under the broiler.
plain nonfat yogurt
canola oil
lots of fresh garlic
Combine briefly in a mixer with the paddle attachment (or whisk together by hand):
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 t baking powder
1 t salt
2 cups plain, non-fat yogurt
Mix until it just comes together. Let sit for about 10 minutes.
Preheat a griddle or cast iron or non-stick pan. I usually get two pans going.
Peel and chop (not too fine here) about 8-10 cloves of garlic. Add to a small basting bowl with 1/4 cup canola oil, 1/2 t kosher salt and 2-3 T fresh cilantro.
Break off a ball of dough, about the size of a large apricot. Dust counter with flour and roll out with a rolling pin. The dough is pretty sticky - just use ore flour as needed. Roll until it's about 2 mm thick. Let it rest for a minute and roll out another. Transfer them to the griddle (just let them rest a few minutes between rolling out and cooking). Look for the naan to puff up a bit or blister. Flip them over and cook until both sides are the same color. Transfer to a baking sheet.
When you have 4-6 naan on the baking sheet, baste the naan with the cilantro-garlic oil and broil for 1-2 minutes, until the garlic is fragrant and the naan puff up a bit. Be careful here - it's easy to overcook them. Stay close to the oven while they're in there.