Chewy Ginger Cookies

For a long time I was really committed to the Dancing Deer Company's ginger cookies. 

That is, until I took the time to develop my own recipe. These rock. 

Makes about 3 dozen cookies



Preheat oven to 375°

Mix together brown sugar, oil, molasses and egg.

Sift together the flour, soda, salt and spices; stir into molasses mixture. Roll dough into balls and roll each ball in the sugar. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and flatten slightly with the heel of your hand.

Bake 8-9 minutes in the middle of your oven, turning sheet pans halfway thru baking.

They’re best when just set and cracked – to have them remain chewy they should be a deeper brown and set.

** If you have crystallized ginger, use it!  I do a combination of finely chopped crystal ginger and ground ginger.