Vidéos et références du colloque "Topos à l'IHES" (novembre 2015)

Programme condensé :  conférences plénières

Condensed program: plenary lectures

Lundi 23/11/2015

Mardi 24

9h30-12h30 :  "A crash course in topos theory: the big picture" (III & IV)  by André Joyal

14h-17h : Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique” (III & IV), by Olivia Caramello

Mercredi 25/11

10h00. Michel Vaquié : "Théorie spectrale en géométrie relative"

11h15. Caterina Consani : "On the geometry of the adele class space of Q"

14h00. Mathieu Anel : "Toposes are commutative rings"

15h15. Simon Henry : "Operator algebras from toposes"

Jeudi 26/11

10h00. Carlos Simpson : "Pre-buildings as sheaves on the site of enclosures"

11h15. Mike Prest : "Model-theoretic imaginaries and localisation for additive categories"

14h00. André Joyal : "New variations on the notion of topos"

15h15. Luca Barbieri-Viale : "T-Motives"

Vendredi 27/11

10h00. Thierry Coquand : "logic and topology"

11h15. Urs Schreiber : "Synthetic prequantum field theory in a cohesive homotopy topos"

14h00. Jean Bénabou : "Very, almost, and so on, ..."

15h15. Séance de discussion

Programme complet

Lundi 23 novembre 2015


8h30-9h00 : enregistrement des participants et café d’accueil (Welcome Coffee)

9h00:  Ouverture du colloque, par Olivia Caramello

9h05-10h15 Conférence inaugurale, par Pierre Cartier

10h15 - 11h30  "A crash course in topos theory: the big picture"(I)  by André Joyal

11h30-11h45 pause-café 

11h45- 12h30 "A crash course in topos theory: the big picture" (II) by André Joyal

lunch de 13h00 à 14h00 


14h-15h15 :“Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique” (I) , by Olivia Caramello

15h15-15h45 pause-café 

15h45-17h : “Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique” (II) , by Olivia Caramello


Mardi 24 novembre 2015



9h00-9h30 : Welcome Coffee

lunch de 12h30 à 14h00 

14h-15h15 :“Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique” (III) , by Olivia Caramello

15h15-15h45 pause-café 

15h45-17h : “Introduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes and the 'bridge' technique” (IV) , by Olivia Caramello


Mercredi 25 novembre 2015


9h30-10h00 : Welcome Coffee

Deux séances plénières

10h00-11h00. Michel Vaquié : "Théorie spectrale en géométrie relative"

11h00-11h15 : Coffee break

11h15-12h15. Caterina Consani : "On the geometry of the adele class space of Q"

lunch de 12h30 à 14h00 


Deux séances plénières

14h00-15h00. Mathieu Anel : "Toposes are commutative rings"

15h15-16h15 : Simon Henry : "Operator algebras from toposes"

16h15-16h30 : Coffee break

puis 6 communications courtes 

réparties en deux sessions parallèles (a) et (b) 

16h30-17h00 (a) Guilherme-Frederico Lima de Carvalho e Silva : From Essential Inclusions to Local Geometric Morphisms

16h30-17h00 (b) Pietro Polesello : Proper stacks and costacks

17h00-17h30 (a) Anna Carla-Russo : Morita-equivalences for MV-algebras

17h00-17h30 (b)  Zoran Skoda : Localizations and semiquantals

17h30-18h00 (a) Christopher F. Townsend : There are categories of `spaces' that are not categories of locales

17h30-18h00 (b) Jonas Frey : Realizability toposes as homotopy categories


Jeudi 26 novembre 2015


9h30-10h00 : Welcome Coffee

Deux séances plénières

10h00-11h00. Carlos Simpson : "Pre-buildings as sheaves on the site of enclosures"

11h00-11h15 : Coffee break

11h15-12h15. Mike Prest : "Model-theoretic imaginaries and localisation for additive categories"

lunch de 12h30 à 14h00 


Deux séances plénières

14h00-15h00. André Joyal : "New variations on the notion of topos"

15h15-16h15. Luca Barbieri-Viale : "T-Motives"

Pas de séances courtes le jeudi 26.


Vendredi 27 novembre 2015


9h30-10h00 : Welcome Coffee

Deux séances plénières

10h00-11h00. Thierry Coquand : "logic and topology"

11h00-11h15 : Coffee break

11h15-12h15. Urs Schreiber : "Synthetic prequantum field theory in a cohesive homotopy topos"

lunch de 12h30 à 14h00 


Deux séances plénières

14h00-15h00. Jean Bénabou : "Very, almost, and so on, ... (when fragments of the language find their way into Topos Theory)"

15h15-16h15. General Discussion

16h15-16h30 : Coffee break

puis 5 communications courtes

réparties en deux sessions parallèles (a) et (b) 

16h30-17h00 (a) Ingo Blechschmidt : Using the internal language of toposes in algebraic geometry

16h30-17h00  (b) Matias I. Data : A construction of 2-filtered bicolimits of categories with 2-fibrations

17h00-17h30  (a) David Michael Roberts : Class forcing and topos theory

17h00-17h30 (b) Camell Kachour :Globular perspective for Grothendieck ∞-topos and Grothendieck (∞,n)-topos

17h30-18h00  (a) Alex Simpson : Probability sheaves
