
Sports Day


修改:Mr. Reese

Yesterday was a big day for our class. In order to place first in Junior high school (or should I say to win the big cake!) we all did our best to try and win.

When I was in elementary school, Sports day wasn’t a big deal to me. . It was just a day to enjoy the sunshine, laughter..and mosquitoes. We didn’t practice a lot because we didn’t care about it so much. But now, with Sacred Heart being famous for its PE classes, things are a bit different. Although I only participated in the team based competitions, I still felt quite nervous. No one wants to be the one who makes the team lose. I’m not an athletic person or someone who could make our score higher, which is why I needed to train in running and dancing. At school I ran 600 m everyday with Claire to prepare for Sports day and to increase my air flow and breathing for the choir team. At home I practiced our cheerleading choreograph in front of the mirror because some said that my dancing was pretty funny. The day before Sports day I was so anxious and afraid that I would do something wrong to cause my team to fail. I actually hoped that it would rain on Friday so I didn’t have to worry about the 800m race! With these thoughts racing through my head, I clutched my teddy bear tightly and tried to go to sleep.

But regardless of how much I wished, Friday still came and with “incredible” weather. But with working so hard with my class for our cheerleading performance, I felt confident. After our performance, we all felt satisfied that we did a good job. But immediately following our cheerleading competition was the hardest part - the 800 meter race! Even though we all felt exhausted, we still needed to finish it. To my surprise, I didn’t finish last! (Though I didn’t get first either!) We all felt like we did an awesome job and we were even nine seconds faster than the last time we practiced! Good job everyone! For the rest of the day, I chilled in our tent and cheered for the other students. I really enjoyed the feeling of doing a competition with my classmates, it felt like we were a team searching for a treasure. Working together to achieve a goal gave me a good feeling and inspiration for myself and my teammates. Sports Day rocks!

Though we didn’t win the championship, we still got lots of prizes. Although getting a big cake was cool, it really wasn’t the only thing any of us wanted. I feel that the best part of Sports Day was the creation of memories with our class. Since this is our first and last Sports Day in our class, I hope that I will keep these memories forever.