


NRS Tables 4 and 4c

OCTAE released a new version of Table 4 and Table 4c that includes two additional columns for reporting IET and Workplace Literacy measurable skill gains. The new columns (G and N) are on Table 4 and Table 4c but are not required for 2020-2021 FY NRS reporting (due on 10/1/2021). Beginning in the FY 2021-2022, the new columns will be used in NRS reporting.

The student Outcomes tab/IETP Measurable Skill Gains panel has been renamed to "IETP and Workplace Literacy Measurable Skill Gains." Records for ITEP MSGs may be added if:

1. The student has an IETP enrollment in the current FY, or

2. Has "Workplace Literacy" selected in the Program field (this may not display on the choice list if your state or agency has requested that it be removed), or

3. Has "Workplace Literacy" selected in the Secondary Program field. This may be added manually to the Secondary Program choice list if your agency wishes to track Workplace Literacy students in this field. NOTE that if this is manually added, it must be entered as Workplace Literacy.

Important Note: Some states have a custom selection in the Secondary Program choice list for workplace students. This custom selection is included even if the text is not specifically "Workplace Literacy."

Table 4 and 4c Column G - Number of IET or Workplace Literacy Participants Who Achieved an MSG Other Than EFL Gain and Secondary School Diploma

Column G reports the number of students with an IET enrollment in the current fiscal year, or “Workplace Literacy” selected in the Program or Secondary Program field. Gains in this column are counted if the student has an MSG record entered at the Outcomes tab>IETP and Workplace Literacy Measurable Skill Gains panel as the most recent MSG within the period of participation.

Students only receive credit for the most recent measurable skill gain (from either Column E, F, or G) in a period of participation and do not receive additional credit for more than one gain in a PoP.

When an EFL gain, SSD Date Earned, or Postsecondary Education or Training Enroll date are all on the same date as the IETP and Workplace Literacy Measurable Skill Gains record, the student will count in column G.

Table 4 and 4c Column N - Total Number of IET or Workplace Literacy Periods of Participation in Which Participants Achieved an MSG Other Than EFL Gain and Secondary School Diploma

Column N reports the number of IET or workplace literacy Periods of Participation in which an MSG was achieved via Secondary or Postsecondary Transcript, Progress Toward Milestones, or Passing Technical/Occupational Skills Exam.

Multiple outcomes are permissible for individual participants with more than one period of participation. Although participants may achieve more than one gain per period of participation, only one gain for a participant per period of participation is reported in EITHER column L or column M or column N.

NRS Table Percentages

Percentages reported on NRS Tables 4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5, 5a, 8, 9, 10, and 11 have been updated to calculate to the hundredth, including de-duplicated tables. This is to help prevent validation errors when states enter numbers on the NRS reporting website.


The Current FY Instruct Hours field is a calculated field that would not get set if student hours were not entered. This would result in a NULL value that affected the hours searches. This field has been updated to always display 0 if no hours records are entered.


Specific fields that are included on the integrated assessment processes have been updated to eliminate incorrect or unnecessary white space. For example, a last name with extra spaces at the beginning or end would cause No Match errors on the integrated imports if the last name on the import file did not also have extra spaces. These additional spaces also affected how records sort and display on the grid. Now, when adding last name, first name, birthdate, email, gender, SSN or phone numbers, leading or trailing spaces that were accidentally added will be removed.


The Tutor Preference report was not returning data. This has been corrected.

Last update: 6/25/2021