

All Non-Reportable Credentials area

  1. A new area has been added for "All Non-Reportable Credentials." Non-Reportable Credentials are entered in the student record Education tab/Non-Reportable Credentials panel.

All PoPs Summary Area

  1. A field has been added to the View Manager list called "Most Recent MSG." This field may be added to a custom view to display the date of the most recent PoP MSG. MSGs are populated by enrollment in post secondary, EFL gain, SSD attainment, or IETP and Workplace Literacy Skills gains.


  1. The student report "Pre and Post Assessments" has been updated to display a separate row for each subject gain made by the student.


  1. The "Scaled Gain in Subj Area" field at the student Assessment tab has been updated so it is blank if the student goes from ABE L6 to Completed ABE L6 based on GED, HiSET, or TASC scores since there are no point gains possible between an assessment score populating ABE L6 and the total score of a high school equivalency assessment.


  1. The "Employment Outcomes for Followup" Search has been updated. The rows for 10/2021 reporting have been removed, and rows for followup for reporting on 10/2023 have been added.

  2. Assessment Diagnostic search:

    • The row "Students not posttested in any subject area in any PoP" was including students who were not posttested in the tracked subject area but were posttested in other subject areas. This has been corrected.

  • The row Students with invalid pre-test level has been removed.

HSE and DRC Integration Updates

Clients who are integrated with DRC, ETS (HiSET), or Pearson (GED) will now see an ID field in the student record at the Education tab/Education panel that corresponds to the vendor.

  • DRC - DRC Student ID

  • Pearson - Pearson Candidate ID

  • ETS - ETS Customer ID

For example, clients who are integrated with DRC but not ETS or Pearson will only see the field DRC Student ID. Clients who are integrated with all three vendors will see all three fields in the student record.

For more information on how these ID fields are used may be found at GED and HiSET - HSE Integration and TABE-DRC.

Last update: 11/19/2021