


All Hours/All Non-Student Hours Areas

The field "Instructional Setting Program" has been added to the view manager at the All Hours and All Non-Student Hours areas.  This field can be added to a custom view to display the Program selected in the class, group, pair, or workshop that is associated with the hours earned by a student or provided by a staff or tutor. 


The field "Class Enroll Type" has been added at the class record Class Data tab to allow classes to be tracked by the enroll types "managed" or "open."  Users with the proper permissions may add additional items at the choice list "ClassEnrollmentType (Class Enroll Type)." The field may be added to a class view and is available to search at the class area. 


A new dashboard called "Non-NRS Participants" has been added for finding students missing required data to be considered an NRS Participant.  

Additional user documentation is available at Non-NRS Participants.


Future dates were allowed to be entered for met goals.  This has been corrected.   Goals may not be met on a future date.  Only active goals may have a future date.  


Drop-down list searching has been updated to allow users to search for partial text in a choice list item.  For example, "isl" or "island" may be entered at the Country of Birth field to return all countries that contain the word "island."


Student Reports

The "HSE Diplomas Earned" report was added for all clients at the Student Report Manager. The report may be run on all students or a selection of students, but students must have a diploma/credential record at the student Education tab/Diplomas/Credentials panel in order to be included on the report.  When GED or HiSET assessment scores exist that correspond to the diploma/credential type, the subject, score, percentile rank (if entered), and score date will also display.  If no assessment records exist, students will populate the report based on the diploma/credential record alone.  The address of the agency will display on the report as well, if an address has been entered at Agency Settings/Agency Data tab/Key Info panel.  Users with the proper permissions may add the agency address.  

This report is NOT an official GED or HiSET transcript, but is simply a report that returns students with a diploma/credential record and the HSE scores, if assessment scores exist.

Because a diploma/credential record must exist for students to populate the report, student records with passing GED or HiSET scores but no diploma/credential record were "patched" and a Diplomas/Credentials record was created at the time of the release. The creation date of this record will reflect the release date.  

To run the report:

Last update:  1/12/2024