


Auto-Complete Classes and Groups

Classes and groups with the Cancelled status were being updated to Auto-Completed in agencies who opted in to the auto-complete feature.  Based on client feedback, this has been changed so only classes and groups with the statuses Active, Prospective, or Scheduled will be auto-completed on the configured number of days past the end date. 

Reminder: This only affects agencies that are configured for auto-complete. 



The following Student Alert rows have been updated to omit students whose only assessment is at ABE L6 or Completed ESL L6, or ESL L6 with a BEST Literacy assessment.  Students cannot test any higher than those levels and are no longer returned on the Student Alerts.


Search Updates

All Search Criteria fields

A change has been made to allow drop-down fields to be searched by text or by the drop-down items. For example, at the student area, click Add Search and select Student Keyword. You'll see "Enter text or select a value" in the search field indicating that you may begin entering text to search, or click the down arrow to select a value from the Student Keyword drop-down choice list. 

Assessment Diagnostic Search

Two new rows have been added to the Assessment Diagnostic Search.

Note:  The field "Select Reporting System" will display selections based on the agency FY setting.   For example, agencies still set for 2023-2024 will not have the NRS FY 24-25 selection in the list.  Students with 2023-2024 assessments moved forward to 2024-2025 will not be returned on the search until the agency rolls over to the 2024-2025 FY.  At that time, a selection for NRS FY 24-25 will be available for searching. 

Employment Outcomes for Followup 

Corrections students with a Release Date after the PoP End Date were being incorrectly returned on the search.  This has been corrected so that corrections students are only returned for the follow up quarter when the Release Date is on or before the PoP End Date.

NRS Table Searches

State and Local Performance (SPR)

The following row on the Measurable Skill Gains search was incorrectly reporting current FY students who attained an SSD in the previous fiscal year.  This has been corrected.

Report Updates

Student Reports

Class Reports

New Functionality

Staff Batch Edit

The field "Years Teaching Exp in Adult Ed" is required at staff intake but does not automatically increase each year for staff who continue to provide teaching services in your program.  New functionality has been added to batch edit this field for a selection of staff.  You may still manually update the field in the individual staff records, but this new functionality allows you to update multiple records with one process.  

At staff area:

Move Assessments Forward 

Users may now batch move assessments forward for a selection of students.  You may still manually move assessments forward in the individual student records, but the new "Move Assessments Forward" functionality allows you to move forward multiple assessment records with one process.  A search has also been added at the Student Searches Assessments category called "Eligible to Move Forward."  This search returns a selection of students who have assessments that are eligible to be moved forward.  While you may also perform your own searches to display a selection of students, the search will return students with assessments that are eligible to be moved forward. 

Eligible assessments are:

Select Agency Settings from the person profile menu and then click to open the Detail panel.  The Data Value for the row MaxDaysToMoveAssessmentsForward shows the max number of days for moving assessments forward in your agency.  For example, if the data value is 90, then assessment records with the assessed date 4/1 to 6/30 of the previous FY may be moved forward, depending on the CurrentFY setting in your agency.  For example, if the MaxDaystoMoveAssessmentsForward data value is 180, and your agency is set for the 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 FY, the assessment records with the assessed date 1/1/2023 to 6/30/2023 may be moved forward to the 2023-2024 FY. 

While you may manually move forward any assessment in the subject area, only the assessment with highest EFL in the subject area should be moved forward, with the exception of Completed ESL L6.  The Move Forward Assessments process will only move forward the assessment in the subject area with the highest EFL. 

Assessments NOT eligible to be moved forward:

Run the search before batch moving assessments forward. 

Before proceeding:

Remember that every student in the selection will be affected by the Move Assessments Forward process. Students who do not return in the next FY will still count on Table 2a because they have an assessment moved forward from the previous FY, so make sure you are updating the correct selection of students. 

Assessments are typically moved forward during specific times of the year, such as right before or right after the rollover to the next FY when you are enrolling continuing students in upcoming classes.  The agency FY settings and the date on which you run the Move Assessments Forward process - today's date - will determine which FY the assessments are moved to.

Agency current FY is 2022-2023 or 2023-2024 and today's date is 7/1/2023 to 12/31/2023

Agency current FY is 2023-2024 and today's date is 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

Once you have the correct selection of students:

Note that the number of assessments may be larger than the number of students, since students may have eligible assessments in multiple subject areas.  

Last update: 11/1/2023