


  1. The student Demographics tab/Corrections panel has been updated to display only the following fields: Booking/Inmate Number, Start Date, and Release Date.
  2. A new, non-required field, 'Enrollment Reason Left' has been added to the student class enrollment record. This allows you to indicate the reason a student did not complete a class enrollment. The choice list for this field is found at Agency Settings->Choice Lists->ClassReasonLeft, and may be edited for your agency. The field can also be added to the view at the All Students Enrollments area.
  3. Additional columns have been added to the student record Assessment grid, and are included in the 'All' assessment view. The columns are: PoP 1 Select Subject, PoP 2 Select Subject, PoP 3 Select Subject, and PoP 4 Select Subject. These columns allow you to see assessments that were manually selected to populate the PoP subject area.
  4. The student Entry and Current Level fields that display on the student header now reflect the level info for the student's current PoP.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Entry and Current Level fields were updated so they reflect the level info for a student's current PoP (see #4 above). This means you may have students appear on the diagnostic search even when there is not an issue with their level info. The Student Diagnostic Search has not yet been updated to reflect PoP data but we are working to update all searches. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Student Searches

  1. The Student Diagnostic search has been updated to include the search: Students with 12+ instruction hours but not in a PoP. This will find students who have 12 instruct hours in the FY but not enough, based on the hours dates, to have a PoP.
  2. The NRS Fundable search has been updated in all ABE clients to include only students who have at least one PoP. Please note that this was not updated in independent literacy agencies, but can be 'turned' on if requested through tech support.
  3. A new search, Secondary School Diploma Earned, has been added at the student searches under the Adult Education Follow-Up category. This search allows you to search for students who have a record in the Education tab Diploma Credential panel with a Date Earned entered AND students who earned a GED, HiSET or TASC (based on a passing total score) in one search.
  4. The filters on the student enrollment searches have been updated so they are all now text based instead of based on drop down menus. (Student enrollment searches are located at the search Enrollments category.)


  1. The dashboard has been updated to include Staff Alerts.

All PoPs Summary

  1. All PoPs Summary has been added under the 'More' area.


  1. The fields 'Location' and 'Location Detail' have been added to the Class and Group intake pages.
  2. The Person Type filter has been updated to a text search at the Workshop enroll and Material Checkout data choosers.

Changes Related to WIOA

IMPORTANT NOTE: At the end of June, 2017, OCTAE and the NRS made additional changes and clarifications that affect 17/18 data. This information was not published in time for LiteracyPro to incorporate the changes into the 2017.6.0 release. We are planning to add these changes in the next release, which is tentatively scheduled for the first week of August. These represent a significant change in how student assessments are tracked, and how PoPs are managed for those students who continue into the next FY. The WIOA: LACES UPDATES documentation will be updated once these changes have been implemented in LACES. We encourage you to become familiar with the most recent OCTAE/NRS changes and clarifications.

Updated in this release:

  1. Table 3 has been updated. Only ESL students with the secondary program IELCE can populate Table 3 on row: Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (Sec. 243)*****. ESL is determined by the student assessments - NOT by having ESL student indicated at the student education panel.
  2. Per the NRS, post tests taken after a student has been gone for 90+ days may count as the post test in the previous PoP and as the pre test in the next PoP.
  3. The employment columns in the PoP summary have been updated. These columns will be blank unless a work history record has been entered in the correct employment follow up quarters.
  4. PoP processing has been updated to include Carnegie Unit processing. Carnegie Units process is only available in those state clients that include Carnegie Units in their assessment policy.

For more information, go to: WIOA: LACES Updates