

This release affected both legacy LACES and LACES NexGen.

1. Student

Assessment field

The 'Instr Hrs Since Last Assess in Subj Area' field, located in the student record at the assessment tab header was not recalculating when hours records were edited. This has been corrected.

Residence Area

In preparation for the upcoming WIOA changes, the requirement on the student Residence Area field has been removed in all ABE client databases. This field is no longer reportable on NRS Table 6 beginning in the 16/17 fiscal year.

Start date

The start date in the enrollment record was allowed to be changed to a date prior to the enroll date. This has been corrected. Start date cannot be before the enroll date, and the start date must be between the class, group, or workshop start and end date.

2. Pair

When the student or tutor name was edited in the individual records, the new name did not display in the pair record at the attendance tab. This has been corrected.

3. Tutor

The following fields have been updated to correctly calculate tutor hours when added to a view:

4. Duplicate Persons

The 'duplicate persons' process has been updated, which affects both legacy LACES and LACES NexGen. A duplicate person is one who is being added with a new role, for example, adding an existing volunteer as a tutor, adding an existing staff as a donor, or adding an existing student as a volunteer. The All Person area grid displays a list of all person entered in your database, with each role indicated.

  • Persons may have different roles, but certain fields will be the same regardless of role. For example, the person's birth date and address will be the same regardless of role. When you add a record at any of the person areas, then add the same person at a different person area, the 'common fields' will populate automatically on the intake page if data was entered in the field.
  • Editing the common fields in one person record will update in all the other person records.
  • Entering the common fields at the intake page for one area will automatically add those fields in the other person records. For example, mobile phone was not entered in a volunteer record. If the volunteer is added as a tutor, you can enter the mobile phone number on the tutor intake page. After saving the tutor record, the mobile phone field in the volunteer record will display the number.
  • When enrolling a person with duplicate roles into a workshop at the workshop record, only one person role will display on the data chooser grid.
  • Workshop enrollments for persons with multiple roles will display in each person record. For example, a person was added as a staff, tutor, and volunteer. Enroll the person in a workshop. The workshop enrollment record will display in each person record.

Ethnicity in duplicate roles

In most cases, ethnicity will transfer from one role to the other, however, if the ethnicity choice list has been changed by the user, it may not match the ethnicity in the student record. The ethnicity choice list in staff, tutor, contact, donor, and volunteer is modifiable; student race and ethnicity is not. When adding another person as a student, be sure to check the ethnicity field in each record to make sure it is the correct ethnicity.

Common Fields