

 NRS Table Updates

Table 4 

Table 4 has been updated to allow the user to display ABE subtotal rows for ABE Levels 1 - 4 and ABE Levels 5 - 6.  Note that this change only affects Table 4. 

Table 5 

Table 5 has been updated per guidance from OCTAE.  Note that this change also affects Tables 5, 5A, 8, 9, 10, 11.

OCTAE Guidance 

For the two attain SSD outcomes included on Table 5 and several other NRS Tables, if a student did not attain the SSD, they should only be included in either the row for “Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Recognized Equivalent and Enrolled in Postsecondary Education or Training within one year of exit” or “Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Recognized Equivalent and Employed within one year of exit,” not both rows. 

LACES solution:

For example:

Subtract the 7 students who attained the SSD from the 22 students in the denominator. 

22 - 7 = 15

Now divide 15 by 2.  

15 / 2 = 7.5

Since the split is not even, the "odd" number student is included on the employed within one year of exit row. 

Add the number of students who attained the SSD to the divided number (the "odd" student will be added to the employed within one  year of exit row)

7 + 7 = 14 (displays on the enroll in postsecondary row)

7 + 8 (7.5 rounded to 8 so the "odd" student is included) = 15 (displays on the employed within one year of exit row)

Note that the percentage of participants achieving the outcome is calculated by 1 / 14 = 7.14%

Merged Students

An update was made so that merged students records will only have a single current FY summary record. 

Last update: 6/30/2023