



  1. The Student Alerts dashboard would intermittently display rows out of order after drilling down on a cell, returning to the dashboard, and then repeating this process multiple times. This has been corrected.

  2. The Student Alerts dashboard row "Students eligible for post testing" was not including students with enough hours to be posttested based on the Agency Settings KPI TABE1 and TABE 2 configurations. This has been corrected.


  1. The Import TOPS Pro Assessments import was displaying an invalid error and was not adding assessment records. This has been corrected.

NRS Searches

  1. An update has been made to include students on the Table 5 row "Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Recognized Equivalent and Employed within one year of exit" outcome if the student's 4th quarter employment start date is over a year after the exit date but within the quarter of follow up. (Remember that students must also attain an SSD in addition to being employed in the correct quarter to count on this row.)

  • For example, a student's exit date is 2/1/2021 and the 4th quarter follow-up date range is 1/1/2022 to 3/31/2022. Previously, the student would be omitted from the outcome if the employment follow-up start date was over a year after the exit date but within the follow-up quarter. With the new change, this student will count in the outcome with an employment start date of 2/2/2022 through 3/31/2022 if all SSD requirements have been met.

  1. The All PoP Summary Follow-Up Employment Survey has also been updated to include the date range of the entire follow-up quarter on the employment questions.

  • For example, a student with the exit date 7/15/2021 is eligible for 4th quarter employment follow up between 7/1/2022 and 9/30/2022. The employment follow up survey questions have been updated to include the dates of the entire follow-up quarter.

Did the student have any paying job during the 4th quarter after exit from 7/1/2022 to 9/30/2022?

Did the student have any paying job at any time from 7/15/2021 to 9/30/2022?


  1. The "Hours Absent" search was only returning students who had the number of searched absent hours in one enrollment setting. This has been corrected to return students with at least X number of absent hours within the date range. Unless specified on the search, all hours types in all enrollments are included. The search is located at the Student area at > Searches > Hours. NOTE: Hours Absent may be entered on the hours grid for all enrollment settings.


  1. Tutor "Instruction Hours" for groups added through the Tutor record were not included in the Current FY Instr Hrs. This has been corrected.

Workshop Enrollment

  1. Tutors, and persons with the Tutor role who: a) had a Tutor overall status indicating not active, and b) were enrolled in a workshop that was not "New Tutor Training," were displaying on the workshop enrollment grid multiple times. This has been corrected.

New Functionality

Batch Edit

  1. The Student Batch Edit is now available to all clients. The following fields may be batch updated for a selection of students. (You may still edit these fields manually by opening the individual records, but batch editing allows you to update multiple fields in multiple student records with one process.)

  • Program

  • Secondary Program

  • Scheduled Service Start Date

  • Reason Left

  • Correctional

  • Institutional

  • Report Exclusion Reason

You may batch edit these fields at any time, but you should not update students who are included on the current FY NRS reports based on these fields until after the rollover to the next FY. This is because the fields are non-historical, meaning that start and end dates are NOT associated with the fields. The field values are captured in the FY summary at the time the summary is created or updated, regardless of FY.


  1. The class imports Import Class Hours Attended and Import Class Hours Attended Row per Day have been made available to Agency Full Access users in all clients. Permission to use these imports has also been given to the following roles:

  • Data Entry Clerk I

  • Data Entry Clerk II

  • Teacher III

  • Teacher IV

More information about roles and their permissions can be found here: Account Management.

Phone Numbers

  1. Phone number fields can now accept international phone numbers. At each phone number field in LACES, there is an icon of a country flag to the left of the field. When selected, this shows a dropdown of countries' flags, names, and their country code (as indicated with a "+" in front of the number). Once a country is selected, the field will show an example of the correct number format for that country in grey.

    • If the user enters too many digits for that country, an error message will display in red below the field stating, "Too long for [country name]". The same happens if the user enters too few digits for that country, stating "Too short for [country name]".

    • If the user enters a phone number with an area code that does not exist in that country, an error message will display stating, "Invalid number for [country name]".

Once a valid number for the selected country has been entered, the user can save without any errors displaying.

Currently, messaging does not allow for international numbers.


  1. A new field "Total People in Household" has been added to the student record under "Demographics". This field is also available in the view manager and searches.

Last update: 10/31/2022