


  1. A Diploma/Credential record is now automatically created when all GED subtests with passing scores are manually added at the assessment tab or imported. The Date Earned on the Diploma/Credential record is the date of the GED Total Score assessment record.

    • The Diploma/Credential record is not removed if the GED assessments records are deleted. The Diploma/Credential record must be manually deleted.

    • The Diploma/Credential record Earned Date is not updated if the date is edited on any of the GED assessment subtest records, or if a retake assessment record is entered that results in a new date on the Total Score record.

    • Automatic Diploma/Credential records do not currently populate for HiSET or TASC assessments. This functionality will be added in a future release.

    • As part of this update, a Diploma/Credential record was added for all existing GED assessments with a passing Total Score. The Date Earned on the Diploma/Credential record corresponds to the date of the passing Total Score in the Assessment record.

2. The following fields have been added to the student record:

  • "Preferred Name" has been added to the student intake page and Student Data tab/Key Info panel.

  • "Has Met COVID Requirements for Attendance" and "Met COVID Requirements Date" have been added to the student Demographics tab/Health Data panel.

  • "Refugee" and "Refugee From" has been added to the student Demographics tab/Demographics panel. The drop down list for "Refugee From" may be updated at the BirthCountry choice list.


  1. The Dashboard "Students Enrolled - Actual vs. Target have been updated.

    • "NRS Fundable Enrolled to Date" has been updated to match the NRS Fundables search (Student searches->NRS->NRS Fundables).

    • "Non-NRS Fundable Enrolled to Date" has been updated to include students who have >0 instructional hours in the current FY but are not returned in the student NRS Fundables search.

2. Students with only a TABE locator, non-level defining assessment were incorrectly excluded from the Dashboard student alerts "Students not assessed within [X] instructional hours of intake" and "Students not assessed within [X] days of intake." This has been corrected.


  1. Hours grouping has been corrected to display the record count and total. Hours may be grouped at the following hours grids:

  • Student->Hours

  • Class->Instructor Hours

  • Staff->Hours

  • Tutor->Hours

  • Group->Instructor Hours

  • Workshop->Instructor Hours

  1. The "All Waitlist Contact" area records incorrectly allowed the record to be edited. This has been corrected so the records are read only.

Last update: 2/18/2022