







View Manager

New Features/Functionality

The ability to copy IDs from at the grid in a comma-separated format and then use those IDs for searching "in the list" at another area has been added. This eliminates the need for users to export a view containing IDs, such as Student ID, Staff, ID, Class ID, etc. and then using a separate tool or app to format the IDs in a comma-separated list. IDs are copied from the selection of records at the grid, with a limit of 10000 comma separated values applied to the search

While searching for IDs in a list may be done at the All Areas, the All Areas themselves - such as All Assessments and All Hours - do not include the copy IDs functionality.  This is because the use case for IDs copied from a person grid is typically to search at an All Area, not the other way around.  For example, you may search student IDs in a list search at the All Assessments area, but it is unlikely that you would search for assessment IDs in a list search at the student area. 

To copy IDs:

Last update: 2/9/2024