


User News Update

The User News page has been updated and reformatted with links to Common Processes (previously named FAQs). Common Processes are not available for all users or in all agencies, and some are only available to state users at the SEA. Users can ignore information that does not pertain to their agency.


  1. Last names in person records (Student, Staff, Tutor, Contact, Donor, and Volunteer) that include an apostrophe, for example, O'Malley, were not being returned in a grid search. This has been corrected.

  2. The "Employment Barriers and Participant Characteristics" search located in the Student area > Searches > State and Local Performance and State and Local Performance Deduplicated initially had the Denominator on the left of the Numerator for each of the outcomes. This has been changed to reflect the OCTAE site, so now the Denominator is located on the right of the Numerator.

  3. The "Measurable Skill Gains" search located in the Student area > Searches > State and Local Performance was not including all diploma/credential types in the "Attainment of a secondary school diploma or its equivalent" row. This has been corrected.

New Functionality

This release includes multiple new LACES features. Cross Agency Tracking and Private Employment Data are designed for ABE clients, and Messaging is available to both ABE and independent literacy clients.

Cross Agency Tracking

Cross Agency Tracking (CAT) allows limited data from an existing student record in one agency to be matched and copied/linked to another agency in the same LACES client. CAT is only configured in ABE clients who requested to opt in to this functionality in advance of the release.

CAT information: Cross Agency Tracking

Private Employment Data

Private Employment Data (PED) is functionality that keeps employment information private in clients who participate in the State Wage Interchange System (SWIS) or who receive and import private employment data from their state Department of Labor. Employment imports were also affected by this change and have been updated to display and import data based on user role. and PED is only configured in ABE clients who requested to opt in to this functionality in advance of the release. All employment related fields and records, searches, reports, and NRS tables are affected so it is important for users in clients who have opted in to be familiar with the changes.

Private employment data information: Private Employment Data


The ability for users to send emails and text messages to all persons entered in their LACES database is now available. This allows agencies to communicate important information to persons entered in their LACES database, for example, attendance reminders, testing schedules, or class cancellations.

Messaging information: Email and Text Messaging

Last update: 9/2/2022