


  1. An update has been made to allow a user to select the student's assessment subject area prior to the generation of a PoP. For example, this workflow is now allowed:

  • A student has assessments in multiple sub-tests. By default, the lowest EFL on the earliest date will populate the subject area.

  • The user wishes to select the subject on a different sub-test prior to the student earning 12 hours to generate a PoP.

  • The user may click the move forward/select subject button on the assessment row they wish to set as the subject area and select "Use as subject area for PoP 1."


  1. "Student ID" has been added to all of the Shared Views at the Student area.

  2. "Class ID" has been added to to all of the Shared Views at the Class area.


  1. The fields "Instr Hrs Between Assess in Subj Area" and "Test Center" have been added to the student "Add Search" at the Assessments category.

Duplicate Class, Group or Workshop at the area grids

  1. The layout of the duplicate page has been updated. This new layout displays when duplicating a class, group, or workshop from the grid. The fields to enter values for the duplicated records now display at the bottom instead of the left side of the page. (The layout when duplicating from the Enrollment tab has not changed.)

Last Update: 4/3/2021