
The following issues were fixed as part of Release 2022.2.1 on 3/4/2022.

  1. The student enrollment date was not updating when the class start and end dates were updated. This has been corrected.

  2. Instructor Hours added at the class attendance tab were not displaying at the Instructor Hours tab without refreshing the page. This has been corrected.

  3. The Dashboard "Students Enrolled - Actual vs. Target" Enrolled to Date column was incorrectly including including all students instead of students with >0 hours in the FY. This has been corrected.

  4. The Dashboard "Students Enrolled - Actual vs. Target" Non-NRS Fundable Enrolled to Date column was incorrectly including including all students - except those in the NRS Fundable category - instead of students with >0 hours in the FY. This has been corrected.

Last update: 3/4/2022