

This release was to fix known bugs.

  1. The Measurable Skill Gain row on Table 8 was incorrectly counting only students who left in the reporting year. This row has been corrected to count reportable Family Literacy students who were left or active in the reporting year. The number on this row on Table 8 will match the number on the 'In Family Literacy' row on Table 6.
  2. The Measurable Skill Gain row on Table 10 was incorrectly counting only students who left in the reporting year. This row has been corrected to count reportable Correctional students who were left or active in the reporting year. The number on this row on Table 10 will match the number on the 'In Correctional Facility' on Table 6.
  3. The number of students returned were not matching the number of students on Table 5, row 'Median Earnings Second Quarter after exit,' column B after drilling down on the number. This has been corrected.

Last update 9/19/2018